
【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年1月31日訊息【帷幕外的彩虹世界】



Rainbow Worlds Beyond the Veil



翻譯: Patrick Shih



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年1月26日滿月亞力珊卓拉訪談



Cobra Full Moon Update with Alexandra Meadors for January 26, 2013

If you feel that these interviews are providing you with an expanded perspective, more encouragement, and additional insights into our daily planetary and galactic walk, please consider donating to my website GalacticConnection.com. I am fully dedicated to serve you and The Light by providing important information to enlighten and inform. Thank you for supporting me! And thank you for coming by GalacticConnection.com to peruse our online library of galactically oriented information and education. -AM


【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年1月26日訊息【柯博拉倫敦門戶會議】



Cobra Portal Conference in London

After the successful activation of the 12-21-2012 portal in Egypt, we are beginning with a new cycle of Cobra conferences.


There people will receive more in-depth intel and will be able to ask questions. The locations of those conferences are strategically positioned on planetary vortex points to enhance the planetary Light body grid. The purpose of the conferences is twofold: to strengthen the planetary Light body with vortex activations and to bring some Light and clarity in the minds of dedicated lightworkers. Each of the conferences will be a unique energetic event. You can help making this viral by posting this information on your websites, blogs and facebook.


The first of those conferences will be taking place in London from February 15th to February 17th this year.



This conference will be located very close to the famous 》City《, which is the major center of financial control for the planet and we will be activating the London vortex so that it will become one of the main Light vortexes in the planetary grid. Some new intel will be released at this conference and will later be released on the blog also.


You can get more information about the London conference and you can also register here:


There will be more conferences coming after London and they will be announced on my blog when all details are finalized.


See you there!


翻譯: Patrick Shih



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年1月22日訊息【地球局勢的簡短更新】



Short Situation Update

Yesterday, the basic Matrix structure of the etheric Archon grid in all layers between 110 feet and 8.6 miles above and below the surface profile of the planet has collapsed, much Light has arrived in those layers and negative etheric entities are either in hiding inside the remaining black holes in those layers or escaping from the incoming Light towards the innermost layer which is situated between zero and 110 feet above and below the surface profile. Layers between 110 feet and 8.6 miles are not yet clear but are in much better condition than anytime since the last Archon invasion in 1996.

就在昨天,地表上下方110英尺到8.6英里(33.5公尺~13.8公里)範圍之間所有的乙太執政官網格的基礎矩陣結構都已崩潰瓦解。大量的光進駐到地球。負面的乙太實體則躲到矩陣內的殘留的黑洞,或是為了逃避聖光而撤退到地表上下方0到110英尺(0~33.5公尺)的最內層面。 110英尺到8.6英里(33.5公尺~13.8公里)範圍內的區域尚未清理乾淨,不過現在狀況比1996年執政官入侵之後都要好很多。



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年1月13日訊息【乙太層解放進度更新】



Etheric Liberation Update

There is even more progress being made. The etheric Archon grid in layers between 110 feet and 8.6 miles above and below the surface of the planet is slowly (and in some cases not so slowly) disintegrating due to actions of the Light forces and there are more and more Light beings present in those etheric layers.


In the meantime, the innermost surface etheric layer (up to 110 feet above and below the surface profile) is still pretty dense with few occasional cracks in the Matrix. The main problem remaining is the etheric ELF HAARP technology which keeps the Matrix in this layer in place. You can experience this technology as a low frequency hum or vibration, which you can feel both in your physical and your etheric energy body, as etheric sound tends to propagate through the physical plane as well.

另一方面,地表乙太層的最中心部位(地表輪廓上下110英尺以內)仍舊相當地沉重稠密。矩陣中只有出現少數偶發性的破裂。當前的主要難題是乙太的超低頻HAARP技術(ELF HAARP technology)。它負責維持矩陣在這個層面的運轉。這種技術就像一種低頻的嗡嗡聲或震動感,一般人的肉體和乙太身體都能感覺到。因為乙太層的聲音也會同時傳播到現實世界。


【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年1月8日訊息【乙太層解放運動】



Etheric Liberation

Significant progress has been made in the last few days. The Light forces were finally able to put a virus into the etheric mainframe computer of the etheric Archon grid. This will have important long term consequences. There will be constant and expanding cracks in the etheric matrix and more and more Light and Love from the Galactic central sun will shine through. The long awaited Golden Age will finally slowly begin to manifest for humanity.



(照片內文:駭入矩陣吧!散發和平、愛、喜悅、自由、豐盛和健康吧! 真理及光就是你的工具!)

【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年1月8日訊息【柯博拉C To C訪談】


【柯博拉Cobra】2013年1月8日訊息【柯博拉C To C訪談】

Cobra Coast to Coast Interview

You might want to listen to Cobra's first Coast to Coast interview which will be aired in less than 12 hours:

你可到以下連結收聽最新的柯博拉Coast To Coast 訪談




【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年1月3日訊息【乙太執政官網格】



Etheric Archon Grid

After the successful opening of the Portal on December 21st, the etheric Archon grid is the main factor delaying the Event. If the Event was triggered, the etheric Archons would influence everyone involved: the surface Light forces carrying out the Event, the general population as well as the Cabal and all this would turn the Event into a disaster.


Etheric Archon grid must be removed to a great extent for the Event to happen. For the Light forces to be more successful in removing the etheric Archon grid, more awareness of its existence is needed among the general population.


Etheric Archon grid is present in a thin layer that extends 8.6 miles upwards into the sky from the surface profile of our planet and also 8.6 miles downwards from the surface profile into the Earth's crust.
