


The Shift

Interstellar sources are communicating that cosmic shift is accelerating, and the whole universe is going through a phase transition into the new cosmic cycle. So what we are about to experience is not only the Galactic superwave, but a cosmic shift on the scale never experienced since the creation of the universe.



The Galactic Central sun is becoming more active even at subluminal speeds, as the signal of the previous galactic superwave traveling with the speed of Light is perfectly entrained with the new one that is coming extremely soon:




This is already creating big changes in our Solar system. The Cosmic Central race has created a multidimensional flower of life grid throughout the Solar system that extends from lunar orbit outwards to the heliopause. This grid will serve as transmission buffer for the coming superwave.


In their last ditch effort to prevent the shift, the Chimera group have filled the Solar system with as much anomaly and darkness as possible from early 2017 to January 21st, 2019.


Since 2012, the Chimera was leading a strong war against the Resistance and actually managed to fool the Resistance a few times by arranging leaks of incorrect intel to them. For example, the Resistance was scanning the Solar system for any remaining Chimera ships and found none, when in fact those ships were hiding in hyperdimensional wormholes and later staged massive surprise attacks.



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2019年9月5日訊息【展望2020】



On the cosmic scale, the shift into the next cosmic cycle continues. Areas completely free of quantum fluctuations primary anomaly that exist mostly in intergalactic space (called Islands of Paradise) are still not stabilized, but interstellar intel sources report vast positive changes happening throughout the universe that are indicators of the cosmic phase transition.


Surface population of this planet is finally beginning to taste true Galactic consciousness, as it is becoming aware that there are far better places than planet Earth:



譯註:芝加哥大學教授Stephanie Olson利用美國太空總署的特殊軟體構建分析地外行星的模型。她的團隊發現有些地外行星的海洋循環模式可以支撐比地球更豐饒、更具生機的生態系。

As we are getting closer to the transition, the Light Forces are still asking everybody to meditate as often as they can and as often as they feel guided, until the moment of the Compression Breakthrough, to assist in stabilizing the energy grid around the planet utilizing Flower of Life meditation:



At this moment, the surface of the planet is still 85% under the control of the dark forces, and the Jesuit plan to infiltrate the Eastern Alliance was quite successful. All BRICS countries (except Russia to a degree) have been infiltrated by Jesuit agents in the last 5 years, and the BRICS today is not the same BRICS as when Lula was the president of Brazil:


