If anybody is still asking why the Event hasn't happened yet, here is the answer again: 如果還有人問為甚麽事件還沒發生,這篇溫習文章能回答他們的疑惑:
Earth primary anomaly quantum fluctuations well, or in other words Earth primary anomaly accretion vortex, maintained by the plasma implant grid and supported by plasma strangelet and toplet bomb retaliation mechanisms is the background meta-strategy of the Chimera which maintains quarantine Earth status and still prevents the Event, Disclosure and First Contact. 現在地球的量子原生異常波動井由電漿植入物網路維持運作,外加利用電漿型態的奇異子炸彈和頂誇克炸彈做為報復機制。這座負面能量井是奇美拉維持地球隔離狀態,同時阻擾大揭露和第一次接觸的根本抵制策略。
Parts of the plasma accretion vortex structure were recently detected by the mainstream science: 最近主流科學家發現到一部份的電漿吸積漩渦結構:
The activity of this plasma accretion vortex gets magnified every month around the time of the full moon, when Earth-Moon plasma doorway opens: 地球-月球的電漿通道會在每個月的滿月期間開啟,電漿吸積漩渦的活動也會變得比較活躍:
Cintamani is a sacred stone which came from Sirius star system. Millions of years ago, during a Galactic superwave, a planet orbiting Sirius A exploded. Its fragments traveled in all directions, some of them reaching Earth after long journey through interstellar space. 如意寶珠是來自天狼星系的神聖寶石。數百萬年前,一顆繞行天狼星A的行星因為銀河超級波的衝擊而爆炸。行星的碎片往四面八方飛散。有些碎片在星際空間長途跋涉之後來到了地球。
In the last 26,000 years, the positive Agarthans were guardians of Cintamani stones. Throughout the history, they have given pieces of Cintamani to some of those individuals who had the maximum potential positive influence on the human history. King Solomon, Alexander the Great and Akbar were in possession of a piece of Cintamani stone. 26,000年以來,正面的阿加森網路一直負責看管如意寶珠。綜觀人類歷史,他們好幾次將一部分的寶珠託付給某些最有可能對人類歷史產生的最大正面影響力的人類。所羅門王丶亞歷山大大帝丶阿克巴大帝都曾經持有如意寶珠。
One piece of Cintamani, previously in Templar possession, was given to Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who revealed the existence of Agartha to humanity in his famous novel The Coming Race: 愛德華•李頓有一顆原先由法國聖殿騎士團保管的如意寶珠。這位英國小說家透過他的知名小說『未來種族』向人類訴說阿加森世界的存在:
Later this same piece was given to a certain Templar group near Untersberg and then to the Vril girls (die Vrilerinnen) who channeled the technological know-how for first working space program on the surface of the planet since the fall of Atlantis. 李頓的如意寶珠後來轉交給溫特山附近的聖殿騎士團,然後又易主到維利女士(瑪麗亞•歐錫克)。維利女士利用心電感應得到的技術檔,開創了亞特蘭提斯殞落之後第一個成功的太空計畫。
Untwine : 能不能解釋一下香巴拉(shamballah)具體是什麼? Cobra : 香巴拉是光之地下王國的一個名字,25000年來光明勢力一直把光錨定在那裏。地球在25000年前被隔離的時候他們就從地表上離開了。 U : 它是不是也指代地表上面以太層和星光層的城市? C : 所有光之地下城有它們的以太和星光層的相對部分,一些城市也會在地表以上,在大氣平流層的高空。 U : 能否說一下世界之王(king of the world)的故事,這些故事是關於什麼的? C : 世界之王是一個古代的有智慧的光之存有,千百萬年來他一直在指導這個行星的演化。他實際上是一個揚升存有,脫離了時空幻象。他是一個開悟的存有,已經離開了這個時空維度。 U : 他現在仍然在這個行星上嗎? C : 他現在不在這裏,但他的意識正聚焦在這個行星。 U : 能不能談談下背部(lower back)的能量中心,就是製造幹細胞的地方,那裏相當於什麼? C : 這個能量中心是解開DNA秘密的其中一個關鍵。我想說人們太過關注DNA本身,但更重要的其實是更高維度的藍圖,尤其在以太體中它會作為物質DNA顯化,這個能量中心調節與此有關的能量流動。
Free the Colonies! Report and Short Planetary Situation Update
Free the Colonies activation was a big success. The critical mass of the surface population required for this activation was lower because we were dealing with an off-planet situation and it was reached easily. The most critical part of the Breakthrough operations for our Solar System was taking place between May 28th and June 2nd and is now complete. 這次的太陽系殖民地解放冥想大獲成功。由於這次冥想是針對地球之外的狀況,所需的人數臨界品質比往常還低,所以我們這一次輕輕鬆松地達成了臨界品質。光明勢力在5月28日-6月2日期間進行了太陽系勝利突破任務中最為關鍵的行動,而現在這項行動已經順利完成。
The vast majority of Chimera bases and implant stations, including implant stations on Iapetus, Enceladus and Mimas, have now been removed. All hostages from those colonies have been set free. The only Chimera bases and implant stations in our Solar System now remaining are mostly located on selected asteroids (many of them Near Earth Objects - NEOs), and they are those directly controlling planet Earth and its population. They will be dealt with at a later stage of MOSS. 絕大多數的奇美拉基地和植入物監哨站,包括土衛八丶土衛二丶土衛一的植入物監哨站都已經被肅清。所有被挾持到這些殖民地的人質們也已經重獲自由。現在太陽系中殘存的奇美拉基地和植入物監哨站大多數都位於特定的小行星。(這些小行星有許多是近地天體)。地球和地球的眾生們正是受到這些殘存的奇美拉基地和植入物監哨站的直接控制。光明勢力會在跨維度太陽系行動的最後階段肅清這些殘存的基地和植入物監哨站。