第一部分 – April, 2017 –
Rob Potter: And here we are, folks, beginning the Cobra interview. I’m happy to have you back on the Victory of Light Radio Show, Cobra, so welcome back.
Rob Potter: 我們現在開始Cobra釆訪。很高興你回到Victory of Light節目,歡迎回來。
Cobra: Thank you, very much.
Cobra: 非常感謝。
Rob: And as I told you, I do have a brief monologue prequel to this interview voicing my support of your character and intent as a light worker, and your Intel. This interview is timely as we have many developments on the on-going process of the planetary liberation for planet Earth.
I did have some questions prepared that we may get to later, but in the light of your two latest posts, I have prepared some more relevant questions. So let’s get right to it.
In regards to the March 28 update, you confirmed that Rockefeller is indeed dead and is hiding on the plasma plane. Can you tell us is he captured yet?
Rob: 正如我告訴過你,我給這個訪問做了一個簡短的預先獨白以表達我對你作為一個光之工作者的角色和你的信息的支持。這個採訪是及時的,因為我們有很多關於行星地球解放進程的發展。我準備了一些問題可能稍後再推出,但關於你最近的兩次更新我有更多相關的問題。所以讓我們馬上來問一下。有關3月28日的更新,你確認洛克菲勒已經去並藏在等離子層。能否告訴我們他被逮捕沒有?
Cobra: Yes, actually, he is no longer in this planetary system. He will very soon be on his way to the Central Sun.
Cobra: 是的,實際上他已經不在這個行星系統。他很快會踏上通往中央太陽的道路。
Rob: Okay. Is the plasma plane that you’re speaking about tied into the Earth or with the entire Solar System?
Rob: 好的。你所說的等離子層與地球還是與整個太陽系聯系在一起?
Cobra: Basically, the whole universe has a plasma layer, but what I’m speaking about mostly is the plasma layer close to the planetary surface, because this is where most of the plasma anomaly is and this is where the problem lies.
Cobra: 基本上整個宇宙有一個等離子層,但我說的主要是靠近行星地表的等離子層,因為那里是大多數等離子異常的地方,也是問題的所在。