
【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】 2018年3月22日訊息【昴宿星人】


【柯博拉Cobra】 2018年3月22日訊息昴宿星人

Pleiadians are beings of Love and Light. Most of the surface population is so enmeshed in the dysfunctional state of affairs on this planet that it is difficult for them to believe that beings that are full of Love and Light without an agenda really exist.

But they do. In fact, beings like that are the majority in this Galaxy. And Pleiadians are among them.

Pleiadians originate from angelic evolution that entered this dimensional universe by entering through the Galactic Central Sun portal.

They have then explored the Galaxy in their angelic Light bodies until they settled in the Pleiades star cluster which emerged from plasma into the physical plane about 18 million years ago.

They were consciously trying to densify one of their plasma home planets into the physical dense matter and the planet exploded.

Fragments of their exploded home world scattered throughout the Galaxy and some of them hit the Earth as Moldavites:



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2018年3月18日訊息 【星際交流計劃】


【柯博拉Cobra】2018年3月18日訊息 【星際交流計劃】

Galactic Confederation forces of Light have decreed the surface of this planet to be turned into Confederation domain according to the Galactic Codex, section IV/2.

譯註:第四章第二節: 銀河聯盟具有不可剝奪且無條件的權利落實銀河法典並且在必要的時間點動用武裝力量征服違反銀河法典的區域


Not much intel about surface operations can be given to surface population for obvious reasons. The only thing I can say is that there is quite a high number of Chimera-controlled Draco and Reptilian hybrids that were incarnated into human clone bodies inside underground bases during the last Archon invasion between 1996 and 1999. After 9-11 false flag event in 2001, they started coming to the surface and infiltrating higher echelons of power inside human society. This situation is being addressed right now by the Light Forces as part of Operation Mjolnir.


Let me just say that the hostage situation on the surface of the planet is very difficult and liberation might take a little bit longer than expected.


This is the reason the Light forces advise against any speculation about the timing of the Event to avoid disappointment and suggest you rather start focusing on your mission and living your life to its fullest in the Now:




【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2018年3月6日訊息 【性能量的奧秘】


【柯博拉Cobra】2018年3月6日訊息 【性能量的奧秘】
Sexual Energy

Sexual energy is connected to one of the deepest Goddess mysteries, the mystery of reintegration of female and male polarities into Ascension. This is the true meaning of the alchemical formula of “solve et coagula”.

譯註:solve在煉金術代表融解 coagula是煉化 solve et coagula是將普通金屬煉化成黃金或賢者之石的過程。下圖是印度克久拉霍的性廟。

The Archons were manipulating human sexual energy since the late Atlantean period, trying to create as much separation as possible. They did this by implanting women and men in a different way, creating a psychological division and split between female and male personalities. This primary split from the time of Atlantis is the main reason for misunderstandings in male-female relationships.

【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2018年3月4日訊息【地表近況更新】


Surface Situation Update




Short Situation Update

Clearing of underground Illuminati Breakaway Complex is proceeding with full speed.

The Light forces can not release much intel about surface operations to anybody without compromising the operations themselves. The Light forces have warned that in the absence of substantial intel, there will be a lot of banana intel circulating on internet. Thus much discernment is advised. Also, the Light forces are discouraging speculation about when the Event will happen.

The only thing they have requested me to share is the following: “Mjolnir technology is a fifth-dimensional Clifford torus, projected into fourth and third dimensions. Liberation of the surface of the planet will follow the Goldilocks principle.”

譯註:金髮姑娘原則源自一個兒童故事”三隻熊”,在故事中有一個金髮姑娘找到一個屬於三隻熊的房子。 每個熊都有自己的偏好的床、食物和椅子。在嘗過三碗粥,坐過三把椅子,躺過三張床後,金髮姑娘覺得不太冷或太熱的粥最好,不太大或太小的床和椅子最舒適。地球解放任務會用最適合地表世界的方式進行。