Flower of Life
In the last few months since mid-April, planet Earth was fluctuating between the gamma timeline (Light Intervention) and delta timeline (Planetary Annihilation).
All intel about this was strictly classified as too much focus on negative timeline would increase the probability of its manifestation.
During this time, the Light Forces were clearing one very dangerous layer of plasma anomaly with toplet bombs.
This layer has been successfully removed on June 21st around noon GMT and the danger has been greatly reduced. Although some toplet bombs still exist, and some plasma / quantum fluctuation primary anomaly still needs to be cleared, the positive gamma timeline is now much more secure.
The June 21st success of the Light Forces has brought much fresh positive luminous plasma into our Solar System and this positive plasma has excited the mesosphere around planet Earth later that day to produce some awesome noctilucent clouds:
The Light Forces have communicated that for the first time since 1996 Archon invasion, Ascension archangels are again present in our Solar System.
A few days later, rainbow cloudships began to appear in China.
In Xiamen on June 24th:
And in Guangzhou and Nanning on June 28th.
The Light Forces have communicated that the process towards the Event is now accelerated and there is no time to build physical Islands of Light before the Compression Breakthrough. If you feel guided to continue with Island of Light projects feel free to do so, but main focus now is to anchor as much Light as possible in the situation as it is now, to stabilize the transition.
The Light Forces are now starting to clear the main anomaly which has engulfed planet Earth in 1996.