【地球盟友】【柯博拉Cobra】2020年7月1日 自由能源特殊利益團體主持的柯博拉以及喬瑟夫·麥克馬拉博士聯合訪談

On July 1st,2020,FESIG(Free Energy Special Interest Group)held their 78th meeting.In the first part of the meeting session,their 1st session speaker,Dr.Joseph McNamara presented the Tachyon Chamber,followed by a long Q&A with Cobra on the behind the scenes where the puppet masters are orchestrating the current dire-straights'War of Consciousness'situation globally and galactically from the Federation level.
Here is the video of the 1st session of the 75th FESIG meeting.
And below is the transcript of the interview of Cobra and Dr.Joseph McNamara.
Special thanks to FESIG for holding this excellent meeting and for allowing the full transcript to be posted here.
特別感謝 FESIG 舉辦這次出色的會議,並允許在這裡張貼完整的會議記錄。
----Beginning of transcript----
Crystal Goh,the Chair and Founder of FESIG,the Free Energy Special Interest Group:
自由能源特殊利益集團 FESIG 的創始人和主席 Crystal Goh 說:
Hi,everyone.Welcome to FESIG 78th meeting.Today is 1st July.Welcome to FESIG-the free energy special interest group,where science meets spirituality in the context of truth and knowledge,to free humanity,and transform this planet into a paradise. Thank you.Okay,so now we are here 55 of us attending our 78th FESIG meeting and we got a lot of people attending and it's so wonderful to have all of you here.We have four great speakers today.Two will be speaking the first session and two will be speaking at the second session and we have a short little break,like a few minutes in between before we start the second session.
大家好。歡迎參加第78次會議。今天是7月1日。歡迎來到自由能源特殊利益集團,在真理和知識的背景下,科學與精神相遇,解放人類,把這個星球變成一個天堂。謝謝你。好的,現在我們有55個人參加了第78屆 FESIG 會議,有很多人參加,很高興你們都來了。今天我們有四位偉大的演講者。兩個人將在第一部份會議上發言,兩個人將在第二部份會議上發言,在第二部份會議開始之前,我們有短暫的休息時間,比如幾分鐘。
I will show you our agenda for today's session.FESIG is the free energy special interest group where science meets spirituality,go to our website and read about our mission and why we do this work and bringing together scientists,researchers,developers,and inventors of free energy,as well as healing technologies together to share ideas,to develop the technology and to forge through the furthest frontiers to move the technologies for humanity and today's agenda is,we have the first session speakers that is Dr.Joseph McNamara,who will be doing a 15 minute presentation on the tachyon chamber followed by the Q and A session,which is an hour long,with Cobra because Cobra is the tachyon chamber inventor.And he will answer questions about the Pleiadians'tachyon technologies,and also about the disclosure of the puppet masters orchestrating the current dire-straights'war of consciousness'situation globally now,and galactically from the Federation level as well.So folks,I'm sure you have prepare d your questions and you can fire away once we can get Cobra to do the Q&A session.So the second session,our speakers are Ralph and Marsha Ring.Ralph worked in the areas of magnetic,levitation and teleportation leading to the realities and participation of teleportation and esoteric consciousness.It is going to be a very exciting meeting today.So many interesting topics to cover.So once we've done the Q and A session for Ralph and Marsha,the meeting will then adjourn to the 79th FESIG meeting on the 5th of August where we have another set of very interesting speakers.So if you want to write to me,you would write to crystal@truevisionofpeace.com and our website is http://truevisionofpeace.com/fesig.html.Right. Thank you for bearing with me here.Now.I think it is time to introduce the speakers and I will do so right away.
開場白: 歡迎來到自由能源特殊利益團體的第78場會議。(會議內容介紹略過) 今天研討會的第一位講者是喬瑟夫·麥克馬拉博士。他會花15分鐘向大家介紹超光速粒子艙然後,然後他會跟 柯博拉進行大約1個小時的問答。柯博拉先生是超光速粒子艙的發明人。如果大家對昴宿星人的超光速粒子科技有任何的問題,他可以為大家解答。他也會向大家揭露是誰在幕後策畫這場企圖要影響全人類意識的戰爭。 他也可以從銀河聯盟的觀點幫大家解答銀河系以及外星種族相關的問題。相信大家已經準備好要發問了。我們會在問答時間邀請柯博拉替大家解答。.(會議內容介紹略過)
So I need to introduce the first speaker Dr.Joseph McNamara,Dr.Joe practiced medicine for over 20 years as a physician,he started in Emergency Care,shifted to Family Medicine,and then his own practice,Cara an Anam,which is Gaelic for"Friend of the Soul".He worked with the Earth-Keeper organization,traveling,giving presentations and talks at new age conferences and beyond.The presentations combined rigorous science with spiritual belief and healing,a winning combination that will take us forward into the golden age.He published a book that explains his innovative theory on Ireland as a colony of Atlantis.He will do a short presentation of the tachyon chamber followed by Cobra's interview.So now over to you,Dr.Joe ,if you will take over the microphone and I will be your presentation assistant,helping you with screenshare of your PowerPoint presentation.
我要跟大家介紹今天的第一位講者-喬瑟夫·麥克馬拉博士。喬博士行醫超過20年。他原本是急診室的住院醫師,後來轉換到家醫科。他自學Cara an Anam。凱爾特語的意思是靈魂的朋友。 他和一個名為地球守護者的薩滿團體合作。他四處旅行,舉辦關於新時代和其他主題的座談會他的座談會結合嚴謹的科學、靈性思想和療癒。這種綜合演講可以帶領聽眾們進入黃金時代?
Dr.Joseph McNamara:Okay.Very good.And my PowerPoint,if I'm not keeping track with it,just keep moving along because obviously I've evolved some of the information as well.Yeah.You can scroll on down from there .That was my presentation last year.Okay.Continue on.Yes,very good.
Okay.Cobra of course is the focus of,of a lot of the interest here.So I'll keep my presentation as brief as possible.
Tachyon Technology is a part of a major wave of advancements that will transform our experience here in the years to come.That is a long prophesied golden Age of Aquarius.Many of these technologies have been gifted to us through Pleiadians contactees.
I will now describe tachyons.They are subatomic particles that travel faster than light that infuse matter with spiritual Light,such as from our galactic center.Tachyonization is a technological process that infuses physical matter with an increased quantity of tachyons and permanently changes the quantum properties of the atomic nuclei,which compose that matter.And tachyonization is a process that's has a patent.It's a patented technology.Now the chemical composition does not change.It decreases the entropy of physical matter.It reverses the aging process and strengthens the immune system.
我現在來介紹一下。超光速粒子。這是一種比光速還快的次原子粒子。 它可以把來自銀心的靈性聖光灌注到物體當中。一旦超光速粒子灌注到物體當中之後,它就會永遠改變物體原子核的量子性質。這個過程叫做超光速粒子化,而且它是一種有申請專利的科技.這個過程不會改變物體的化學性質。它可以減少物體當中的熵值。它可以逆轉老化,增強免疫系統。