【柯博拉Cobra】2012年5月11日訊息 【關於各項事宜的澄清說明】
May 11, 2012 Clarification about the State of Affairs
Mass Arrests
Mass arrests WILL happen, and it is fairly likely that they will happen within the Window of Opportunity:
The fact that some messengers have been involved in conflicts with each other does not mean that the operation has been stopped or cancelled. The operation is still proceeding in the background without disturbances. Be aware that these are monumental changes and they will provoke some reaction. It is true that all messengers and key players will still be tested by the Archons and other non-physical entities. It is true that people might still be confused. But it is also true that operation for liberation of the planet can not be stopped, it can only be delayed to a certain extent. And I will try to bring as much clarity as possible through this website with further intel.
ET First Contact
Physical contact with positive ET races can only happen after the Cabal is removed. When that happens, I will start posting direct intel (not channeled information) from the Pleiadians with instructions for the First Contact.

Ascended Masters
There are no Ascended masters or other completely enlightened beings publicly reachable on the physical plane of the surface of this planet right now. The Ascended masters can contact you through your Soul contact and inspire and guide you directly through your connection with the Source. Your connection with the Source should be your ultimate guidance. All external sources of information are to be used only after you checked them with your Source connection.
You need to distinguish between Law of manifestation and Law of karma. Law of manifestation states that we co-create our reality with our thoughts, emotions and actions and is part of the Light teachings. Law of karma states that we will suffer consequences of our past actions and that our past actions are debt that has to be paid off – this is part of mind programming teachings of the dark.
Implants are crystals that were put into etheric and astral bodies of every human being on planet Earth by the Archons and their minions with the purpose of lowering the consciousness and keeping control. All implanting sessions have stopped in January 2010. After that time, the implants are slowly dissolving but it would be much more efficient and faster to consciously remove them. You can ask the Ascended masters, angels and other non-physical beings of Light to help you remove them.
Special Operations
Operation Pandora that I am speaking of has nothing to do with microwave mind control CIA operation. Operation Phoenix that I am speaking of has nothing to do with CIA operation in Vietnam.
World Liberation Day and Japan Nuclear Plant
Closing of Tomari nuclear plant in Japan was not a consequence of World Liberation Day, as some people misunderstood me. Rather both events (World Liberation Day and closing of the nuclear plant) were part of the same consciousness stream that leads to our liberation. Both events were in preparation days before May 5th and then manifested at the same time as a synchronicity.
Cameron Day made such a brilliant comment about Archons and their minions as a response to my article that I will repost it here for all to see:
翻譯:Patrick Shih