Window of Opportunity 2
Second Window of Opportunity for divine intervention is about to open on planet Earth. The entry point of that window is Day of Decision on October 21st. The turning point for that window is the Eleventh Gate of 11:11 on November 22nd. The exit point of that window is Day of the Contact on December 21st. While this window is open, the Source will be sending constant flashes of Light directly to Earth through linear phasar flow direct dimensional translation system of AN conversion. On December 21st, AN conversion dimensional translation system will be fully functional on this planet.
地球上即將開啟第二扇神聖介入的機會之窗。機會之窗的入口是10月21日抉擇之日。轉捩點是11月22日11:11第十一道星門。終點則是12月21日的接觸之日。當機會之窗打開的時候,神聖本源將透過安塔里昂轉換的線型移相直流維度轉化系統,直接對地球傳送源源不絕的聖光閃焰。 12月21日,安塔里昂轉換維度轉化系統將會以完善的功能在地球上運轉。

This time window is a very probable time frame for the Event. I can give you no guarantees that the Event will happen within this time frame, as we live in free will universe and the war between Light and Dark on this planet is not over yet . However, this Window of Opportunity is exatly that - a great opportunity that we as a collective make this breakthrough.
It is not the time yet to speak about the Day of Decision and Day of the Contact. They may or may not be related to the First Contact.
Eleventh Gate of 11:11 is the final dimensional gate within the doorway of the 11:11. It is a dimensional gateway that accelerates the final completion of duality for this dimensional universe, including planet Earth. You can read more about 11:11 here :
Complexity wave analysis shows that this time frame is one of the most complex periods in the known history. Also, Sheliak timewave goes to zero at the end of this window and a major Mayan calendar cycle is reset back to zero as well. This means that it will be the most volatile, inpredictable time with greatest potential ever. All the major players are involved and stakes are high.
對複雜波的分析顯示這段時間是已知歷史上最複雜的時期之一。 Sheliak時間波在機會之窗的終點變為零,而且主要的瑪雅曆法週期也重置歸零。這代表機會之窗期間是最不穩定、最無法預料的時期,也蘊含著前所未有巨大契機。各方人馬都參與期中,風險將會很高。
This is one possible model how things could develop:

翻譯: Patrick Shih
原文: http://2012portal.blogspot.hk/search?updated-max=2012-10-21T12:14:00-07:00&max-results=50&reverse-paginate=true