【讓它廣為周知! 柯博拉巴黎門戶會議和蘇黎世的女神螺旋工作坊】
MAKE THIS VIRAL! Portal Conference in Paris and Goddess Spiral Workshop in Zurich
讓它廣為周知! 柯博拉巴黎門戶會議和蘇黎世的女神螺旋工作坊
After the successful activation of the ALMA portal on May 25th, we are beginning with a new cycle of conferences. You can help making them viral by posting this information on your websites, blogs and facebook.
First, there will be Cobra's Portal conference in Paris from September 13th to 15th. Paris vortex is one of the main anchor points for Saint Germain, whose main purpose is the final liberation of humanity.

On the conference, people will receive more in-depth intel and will be able to ask questions. One of the main focuses of this conference will be an energetic transformation of the financial system with the assistance of Saint Germain. The purpose of the conference is manifold: to strengthen the planetary Light body with vortex activations and to bring some Light and clarity in the minds of dedicated lightworkers. This conference will be a unique energetic event. We will be also anchoring the Goddess presence in the Paris vortex.
大家在門戶會議期間可以聽到更加深入的資料,而且可以提出問題。巴黎門戶會議其中一項宗旨是:我們要在聖哲曼大師的協助下,轉變金融系統的能量。門戶會議還有另外兩個目的: 藉由開啟能量漩渦點來加強地球的光體,並且淨化和啟發勇於奉獻的光工。這場會議將是獨一無二的能量事件。我們還可以將女神臨在錨定到巴黎的能量漩渦。
You can get more information about the Paris conference and you can also register here:
Then we will have a Goddess Spiral workshop in Zurich from September 21st to 22nd, led by Isis and Cobra. This will be a very special event, taking place exactly on the autumn equinox, assisting us to achieve balance between female and male polarity. This workship will give us practical tools how to integrate Goddess energy for our own transformation and also for us to become pure transmitters of the Goddess energy for planetary liberation process.

You can get more info about the Goddess Spiral workshop in Zurich and you can register here:
Depending on the planetary situation, there will most likely be further conferences taking place and they will be announced when the time is right.
Join us and together we can create Victory of the Light!
翻譯:Patrick Shih