
【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2014年11月5日Untwine 採訪


【柯博拉Cobra】2014年11月5日Untwine 採訪


Untwine : You've explained that Ashtar is the twin flame of Ishtar

Cobra : Of Astara, Ashtar and Astara.

Untwine: 你有解釋過,阿斯塔(Ashtar)就是伊西塔(Ishtar)  的雙生火焰

Cobra: 是阿斯塔娜(Astara), 阿斯塔與阿斯塔娜是一對雙生火焰

U : Is Ishtar a different one ?

C : It's the same name but there are different variations of the same name in various cultures.

U: 那麼伊西塔是另外一個人嗎?

C: 其實是同一個名字,但只是在不同的文化裏,同一個名字有不同的稱呼。

U : So Ishtar, Aphrodite, Venus, Isis, this is all the same being ?

C : Basically it's the same being that had lived in late Atlantean times, and various cultures had different approach to that being and different ways of connecting.

U: 那麼,伊西塔(Ishtar), 阿芙羅狄忒(Aphrodite), 維納斯(Venus), 伊西斯(Isis),都是同一位存有嗎?

C: 基本上,她們都是同一位存有,生活在後亞特蘭蒂斯時期, 只是不同的文化用不同的名字以及不同的方式來記錄同一位元存有.

U : Ok. So is Ashtar also Osiris and Appolo ?

C : Ashtar is Osiris yes.

U: 明白,那麼阿斯塔也是歐西裏斯(Osiris)以及阿波羅(Appolo)嗎?

C: 是的,阿斯塔就是歐西裏斯。

U : And Appolo is a different one ?

C : There were also other beings of light that were living on the planet in late Atlantean period, and many of the ancient gods and goddesses are actually distant memories of those beings.

U: 那麼阿波羅是另外一個人嗎?


U : Ok. Can you comment about the story of Osiris being killed and cut into pieces, did that really happen ?

C : Actually it's a symbolic reflection of the wars which were taking place in the late Atlantean period, especially the time when planet Earth became a quarantine, under the control of the archons, so it's actually a memory of that timeframe.

U: 好的。那麼你能否評論一下歐西裏斯被殺掉的故事嗎?他被切成了碎片,這真的有發生過嗎?

C: 實際上,這是象徵性地反映當時發生在後亞特蘭蒂斯時期的戰爭,特別是當時地球已成為一個隔離區,處於執政官的控制之下。因此,那實際上是那個時期的一段記憶.

U : Ok so it's like a metaphor ?

C : Yes it's not how the exact story happened but it's actually a reflection, a memory, a symbolic representation of the conflict that was happening in that timeframe.

U: 好的,因此那個神話就像一個比喻?

C: 是的,實際情況並不像故事裏所描述的那樣,神話故事實際上只是象徵性地反映一段記憶,一種對那段時期所發生戰爭的象徵性表達。

U : Ok. And so now are Isis and Osiris located in many places at the same time or is there a place where their central consciousness is ?

C : Their main focus is in the Sirius star system but of course they have projected their consciousness also in the motherships around the Earth, and they are also sending a lot of energy towards the surface of the planet, to assist in the process of liberation.

U: 好的,那麼現在伊西斯和歐西裏斯同時存在於很多地方,還是說他們的主要意識集中在某一個地方?

C: 他們的意識主要存在於天狼星系上,但當然,他們已經將他們的意識都投射到圍繞於地球的母船上,她們也會發送很多能量到地球地面上,去幫助地球的解放.

U : Ok. In astrology there's always planets that have the same name as a God or a Goddess, is it really linked to the planet itself and its higher self, or are they different beings ?

C : Actually the planets are much more evolved beings than Gods and Goddesses which were heroes of the past, but in many cases the energy ray, the energy signature is very similar. 

U: 明白,在占星術裏,總有一些行星使用與神和女神相同的名字, 這些神是真地與星球本身及高我有連接嗎,還是說這些行星是不同的存有呢?

C: 實際上,這些星球的是比那些神或女神還要進化得多的存有,而這些神或女神過去都曾經是英雄, 但在很多時候,他們之間的能量射線,或者說是能量特徵都很相似.

U : Ok, so they're not the same but they have the same kind of frequency ?

C : They have a similar quality of frequency yes.

U: 瞭解,因此他們並不相同,但有著相同的頻率?

C: 是的,他們擁有很相似的頻率特徵。

U : So, many of the ancient stories like in Greece are not exactly true yes ?

C : It's a memory, which has been passed down from generation to generation, and it has of course been distorted to a certain degree because each generation has changed the story a little bit.

U: 那麼,許多遠古的神話故事,像古希臘神話,都不一定完全是真實的了?

C: 那是一種記憶,一代又一代地被傳承下去,當然在某種程度上,這些故事都已經被扭曲,因為每一代都會把故事改變一點。
U : So are beings like Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune around the planet right now playing a role in the liberation ?

C : Some of them yes, some of them no, most of them yes.

U: 那麼,好像在地球附近的星球,像水星,木星,海王星這樣的存有,都在地球解放運動之中扮演著相應的角色嗎?

C: 他們中有一些參與了,有一些則沒有,但大部分都有參加。

U : In the Paris conference you said the Louvre pyramid was built by the Light templars yes ?

C : Actually there was a Japanese architect, that had a certain contact with the Light forces I would say.

U: 在巴黎會議上,你有說過,盧浮宮金字塔是由光之聖殿騎士者建造的,對嗎?

C: 實際上,參與者有日本設計師,我會說他與光明勢力的一方有接觸。

U : Ok. Because the official story says it came from the french president but he was more in the cabal yes ?

C : Yes he had connections with the cabal, but the basic impulse for that pyramid actually came from the light forces.

U: 明白,官方的說法是,盧浮宮金字塔是來自法國總統的創意,但法國總統不更多的是陰謀集團的人嗎?

C: 是的,他和陰謀集團有聯繫,但盧浮宮金字塔的創意理念,基本上來自于光明勢力。

U : Even through the president ?

C : I would say he was open to certain suggestions and the cabal wanted to misuse that portal as an entry point for their rituals, but actually the light forces were more successful in this.

U: 即使這個思想是經由法國總統?

C: 我會說,法國總統對一定的建議是持開放的態度,而陰謀集團想濫用那個門戶,並當作他們黑暗儀式的進入點。但實際在這一點上,光明勢力比他們更成功地使用到了。

U : So once it's built, can it be used by both sides ?

C : It could be used by both sides but fortunately the light forces took the upper hand, so that situation is ok.

U: 因此,一旦金字塔建好之後,它可以被光明與黑暗的兩方使用嗎?

C: 它可以被兩方所使用,但幸運的是,光明勢力佔據了優勢,所以現在情況不錯.

U : Have the tantra teachings been manipulated and distorted ?

C : I would say all teachings on the surface of this planet have been manipulated and distorted. You can find truth in most teachings but there is also a lot of disinformation so you need to use your inner guidance to find what is true and what is not.

U: 關於坦陀羅(Tantra)的教導,是否已經被修改和扭曲了呢?

C: 我會說,在地球上,所有的教導都已經被修改和扭曲過。你們能夠在大多數教導中找到一些真理,但也參雜著許多虛假資訊,因此你們需要使用你們的內在指引,去判定什麼是真的,什麼是假的。

U : Ok. For example they say sometimes that men shouldn't ejaculate, where is that coming from, is it a distortion ?

C : Yes it is a distortion and I would say that you need to use your own inner guidance about that, about your body and your sexuality.

U: 明白,例如,他們有時會說,男人不應該射精,這資訊是從何而來的,是被扭曲的資訊嗎?

C: 是的,這是一個被扭曲的資訊。我會說,你需要用你的內在指引去判別它,去對待你自己的身體及對性的認識.

U : Yes. Is there sexuality after the ascension ?

C : Not in the way that people understand it but there is a state of consciousness which could be described as the cosmic orgasm, which is one aspect of divine consciousness, and after ascension you're always connected with that vibration of the cosmic orgasm, which is one aspect of bliss actually.

U: 沒錯,那揚升之後還會有性行為嗎?

C: 有的,但不是人們現在所理解的那樣,有一種意識狀態,被稱為宇宙高潮的狀態,它是神聖意識的一個面向,在揚升之後,你們總可以與那種宇宙高潮的震動頻率進行連接,那實際上是極樂幸福的一個面向。

U : Ok. And is there still exchanges of this energy between different beings ?

C : Yes but not in a physical way, it's actually more of an energy exchange.

U: 瞭解,那麼在不同的個體之間,還會有這樣的能量交換(性能量)?
C: 是的,但並以物理的方式進行,實際上更多的是一種能量交換。

U : Ok. So can you explain basically the original purpose of sexuality ?

C : The original purpose of sexuality is to merge polarities into Oneness.

U: 明白,那麼你可以基本上解釋一下,性行為的原本意義嗎?

C: 性行為的最初意義是將兩極融合為合一

U : You said that only 6 people escaped the quarantine since 1996, how did they do it ?

C : Actually there was a group of people that belonged to the Brotherhood of the Star, that group was located in California very close to the Edwards airport base. They were using a certain protocol to transform their physical bodies and to transform their consciousness, and they have managed to ascend in the late 90s, and they are not in this solar system anymore, they actually went to the Sirius star system after their ascension.

U: 你有說過,在1996年後只有6個人離開了地球這個隔離區,他們是怎麼做到的?

C: 實際上,他們是一個屬於星際兄弟會的組織,這個組織位於加州,非常靠近愛德華茲空軍基地。他們使用了某種特別的方法,轉變了他們的物理身體及他們的意識,結果他們成功地在90年代末實現了揚升,他們已經不在這個太陽系裏了,在那之後他們已經回到了天狼星系了。

U : Ok. So they escaped after the invasion ?

C : Yes exactly.

U: 好的,所以他們在剛果入侵之後,就已經完全逃脫被隔離的地球了嗎?

C: 是的,沒錯。

U : Was this the only planet to ever be quarantined ?

C : There were other places that were quarantined but this is the most difficult situation regarding quarantine in the whole history of the Universe.

U: 我們這個星球是曾經唯一一個被隔離的星球嗎?

C: 也有其他地方被隔離過,但地球被隔離是整個宇宙有史以來最為嚴重的,最為困難的。

U : Are there both positive and negative cities on the etheric and astral planes ? 

C : Yes around planet Earth yes.

U: 在乙太層和星光層裏,都有正面和負面的城市嗎?
C 是的,圍繞地球的周圍都有。

U : Ok. Can you talk about the positive ones ?

C : Actually on the higher astral planes there are areas of Light where people can go after they die if they have high enough vibrational frequency. They have beautiful landscapes, beautiful buildings, beautiful surroundings. But they are still tied to the quarantine Earth, sooner or later they have to come back and reincarnate, because the archons still have control over them.

U: 好的,那麼你能否談一下那些正面的城市嗎?

C: 實際上,在比較高的星光層,有著屬於光明的地方,如果人們有著足夠高的振動頻率,那麼在他們死之後可以去到那裏,那裏有美麗的風景,漂亮的建築,美好的環境。但那裏仍然屬於地球的隔離區,在那裏的人,遲早都需要返回到地球上再次輪回,因為執政官仍然能夠控制那些地方。

U : So they're inside the veil, they can't escape ?

C : Yes they are inside of the veil.

U: 因此,他們仍然處於帷幕之內,而不能逃脫出去?
C: 是的,他們仍困於帷幕之內。

U : So is it like a technology that they can't go through ?

C : Exactly.

U: 那麼, 這就像一種技術,他們是沒辦法穿越的,是嗎?
C: 確實。

U : How are the archons able to force them to reincarnate ?

C : With technology, with magnetic fields. They prey upon them and whenever they detect certain emotions that are not exactly of the Light, they enlarge it with an energy field and sooner or later, people get trapped again, usually because they have attachments to people who are already incarnated.

U: 執政官採取什麼辦法迫使他們進行輪回呢?

C: 用他們的科技,用磁力場。執政官監視著他們,只要偵測到他們帶有一些情緒,這些情緒並非屬於光的時候,他們遲早都會使用一種能量場去擴大這些情緒,人們就又會陷入其中,通常是因為他們對地球上已轉世的人有著某種牽掛.

U : Ok. So it's only through their own emotions that they can force them ?

C : Through their own emotions and attachments.

U: 明白,所以僅僅通過他們自身的情緒,執政官就能迫使他們輪回嗎?

C: 通過人們自身的情緒及牽掛。

U : So it's possible that if somebody would clear all attachments and negative emotions they could escape also ?

C : Theoretically yes. But this will change soon because the quarantine begins to dissolve, and it will become much easier to escape in the future. Actually the quarantine will open and the Light forces will come in and they will liberate the whole etheric and astral planes.

U: 那麼是不是說有可能,如果人們能夠清理掉所有的牽掛和負面情緒,他們是可以逃出去的?

C: 理論上是可以的,但這種情況會很快改變,因為隔離區將會開始被解除,在未來會容易得多地逃離。實際上,隔離區會被打開,光明勢力將會進來,他們將解放整個乙太層和星光層。

U : Ok. So when you say ascended master, these are beings that were on this planet and that ascended from this planet yes ?

C : Yes.

U: 瞭解,因此當你說升揚大師的時候,他們是生活在這顆星球上的存有,並從這顆星球上揚升的嗎?

C: 是的。

U : And there's about 70 of them ?

C : Around 70 of them yes.

U: 大概有70位?
C: 是的,大概有70位。

U : Do you have an exact number ?

C : 70 is very close to the exact number.

U: 你有比較準確的數字嗎?

C: 70是非常接近實際數字的了。

U : Ok. And is it balanced, half male half female ?

C : Exactly.

U: 明白,兩性上是平衡的,一半男性,一半女性?

C: 是的。

U : Ok. But there's many more beings that have ascended from other planets yes ?

C : Of course there are billions upon billions of ascended beings in this Universe.

U: 明白,但有更多的存有已從其他星球上揚升了,是嘛?

C: 當然,在這個宇宙裏,有著數十億位經歷過揚升的存有

U : Are some of them that are from other planets playing a role in the liberation of this planet ?

C : Yes of course many of them are on the motherships, I would say they are projecting their energy to the motherships around the earth.

U: 他們中的一些是來自其他星球,並在地球的解放運動中扮演著一個角色嗎?

C: 是的,他們中的許多人都在母船上,我會說,他們正投射他們的能量到圍繞地球的母船上.

U : So the Brotherhood of the Star, that's these 70 ascended masters plus the Esoteric Brotherhood who are their disciples yes ?

C : Exactly.

U: 所以,他們是星際兄弟會的(那6位在剛果入侵後逃離的人也屬於),包括70位升揚大師及屬於神秘兄弟會的門徒,是嗎?

C: 是的

U : Ok. Is the Ordo Bucintoro part of the Esoteric Brotherhood ?

C : Part of it yes, not completely but they intersect, they are actually very much connected.

U: 好的,那麼奧多.布奇托羅會社(Ordo Bucintoro)是屬於神秘兄弟會的嗎 ?

C: 有一部分是,但不全部是。但他們之間有交集,實際上他們聯繫非常緊密。

U : Ok. Is the Esoteric Brotherhood on the surface of the planet only or are they beyond also ?

C : Of course they are on the surface of the planet, and also below the surface and above the surface of this planet.

U: 好的,那麼神秘兄弟會只是存在於地球表面,還是說存在於其他地方呢?

C: 當然,他們存在於地球表面上,也存在於地表以下,以及地面以上的地方。

U : Outside the veil also ?

C : Yes

U: 也在帷幕之外嗎?
C: 是的。

U : How was the Ordo Bucintoro able to choose their incarnations ?

C : Actually those people who belong to the order are very conscious and the most conscious of them have planned their incarnations when they were in between incarnations. They have gathered on the higher astral plane and mental plane, and they were trying to avoid as many archon traps as possible and to incarnate in key periods of history.

U: 為什麼奧多.布奇托羅會社能夠自主地選擇他們的輪回?

C: 實際上,屬於奧多.布奇托羅會社組織的這些人,都是非常有覺知意識的,他們中最有覺知意識的人已經在轉世的間隙就開始計畫一下次的輪回。他們已在較高星光層及心智層上聚會,他們會設法盡可能地避開執政官所設下的圈套,在歷史的重要時期轉世投生。

U : Ok. And then the Order of the Star are 144000 beings who are here on the surface ? [C : Yes]  And they're the disciples of the brotherhood of the star [C : yes]. Are some of them part of the general population ?

C : Actually most of the Order of the Star are part of the general population, they don't even know that they belong to the Order of the Star. They're actually those of the lightworkers that do a lot of energy work of transforming darkness with light.

U: 明白,那麼星光秩序組織(Order of the Star)是144000名現在就位於地球表面的存有嗎?(C:是的。)他們也都是星光秩序組織的門徒嗎?(C:是的。)那麼他們中的一部分人就是生活在地表上的普通人嗎?

C: 實際上大部分星光秩序組織的人,都是普通的地球人.他們甚至都不知道他們是屬於星光秩序組織的。他們實際上都是那些光之工作者,會做很多能量方面工作,用光轉換黑暗。

U : Ok. Are they all awakened at this point ?

C : No.

U: 明白,那麼在這個時刻,他們都已覺醒了嗎?
C: 還沒有

U : Can there be contact between them and the esoteric brotherhood ?

C : Sometimes it happens but they don't know about it, it's actually more that the Esoteric Brotherhood contact those people and assist their awakening without revealing themselves.

U: 他們與神秘兄弟會有聯繫嗎?

C: 有時候會有,但他們自己也並不知道,實際上更多的情況是,神秘兄弟會聯繫那些人,並在不揭露身份的情況下幫助他們覺醒。
U : So telepathically, stuff like that ?

C : Telepathically and sometimes also physically.

U: 因此,用心電感應或類似的方式嗎?

C: 用心電感應的方式,有時候也會採用物理的方式。

U : Ok. So sometimes you can meet somebody who is part of the Esoteric Brotherhood but who is not gonna say that he or she is ?

C : Exactly.

U: 明白,因此有時候你們可能會遇到某個人,是屬於神秘兄弟會的,他不會說其身份?

C: 是的。
U : Ok. So you said the purpose of the Order of the Star is occult triangulation of light and darkness, can you explain this process ?

C : I have just described it already, it is actually that the light forces shine their light to transform darkness.

U: 明白,你說過星光秩序組織得目的是光明和黑暗之間的神秘三角處理過程,你能解釋一些這個過程嗎?

C: 我已經解釋過了,實際上是光明勢力放出他們的光,然後去轉化黑暗。

U : Ok. So in your Brotherhood of the Star post in 2012 you also talked about how they are from the first, second and third initiation, can you talk about this ?

C : Yes, they are spiritual initiations, the first means a certain level of mastery over the physical plane, the second means a certain level of mastery over the emotions, and the third a certain level of mastery over the mind. So these are actually spiritual initiations that are universal, throughout the Universe, in the whole Cosmos.

U: 明白,在2012年,你所發佈的關於星際兄弟會的帖子中,你也提到過,他們是如何來源於第一,第二,第三啟蒙階段的,你能解釋一下嗎?

C: 可以,這些是靈性的啟蒙階段,第一階段,意味著在物理層面上有一定程度的掌控,第二階段,意味著在情緒層面上有一定程度的掌控,第三階段,意味著在心智層面上有一定程度的掌控。因此,實際上,這些是貫穿於整個宇宙所通用的靈性發展階段。

U : Ok. So is it like a specific ceremony or just their own personal development ?

C : There is also a specific ceremony performed by the ascended masters but actually initiation means a stabilization of a certain vibrational frequency within a being.

U: 明白,因此其更像是一種特別儀式,還僅僅是他們自身的個人發展呢?
C: 也有由揚升大師專門所舉行的儀式。但實際上,啟蒙階段意味著,是存有內在的某種振動頻率的穩定。
U : Ok. So you talked also about the holy grail stones, the cintamani, the garil, the moldavite chalice. Is the cintamani feminine and the garil masculine ?

C : Both of those stones actually possess both male and female aspects inside.

U: 明白,因此你也提到過聖杯石,摩尼珠石(the cintamani), 聖杯, 綠玻隕石高腳杯。那麼,如意珠石是女性的,聖杯石是男性的?

C: 這兩種石頭的內在,實際上都擁有男性和女性的面向。

U : Ok. Is the lapis ex coelis another stone ?

C : That is actually the cintamani stone.

U: 明白,那麼lapis ex coelis是另外一種石頭嗎?
C: 那實際上是摩尼珠石石的一種。

U : Ok. Is there other stones that are part of the holy grail ?

C : There are actually many different stones which belong to the holy grail family you could say, one of them of course is the moldavite, the second one is the cintamani stone from Sirius, and there are also other stones that I am not to talk about right now but they are very powerful stones which are focal lenses for very powerful energies of the light on the surface of this planet right now.

U: 明白,還有其他的石頭也屬於聖杯的嗎?

C: 實際上,有許多不同種類的石頭,都屬於你所說的聖杯石頭家族的。當然,其中的一種是綠玻隕石,第二種是來自天狼星的摩尼珠石,還有其他種類的石頭我不會現在公佈。但它們都是非常強大的石頭,並且在當下,對照射在地球表面的非常強大的光的能量,其都是聚焦透鏡。

U : Ok. So the moldavite chalice is in a light ship yes ?

C : I would not disclose the location but it is in the hand of the light forces.

U: 瞭解,因此綠玻隕石高腳杯現在在一艘光之飛船上,是嗎?

C: 我不會透露它的具體位置的,但它在光明勢力的手中。

U : Ok. So it's linked with the Order of the Star and when the light of the central sun will touch it, it will trigger the awakening of the Order of the Star, is this correct ?

C : It will be activated at the time of the event, and will serve as a lens, the energy of the central sun will go through it and activate people on their positions for the event.

U: 明白。所以綠玻隕石高腳杯是和星光秩序組織相連接的,當銀河中央太陽的光接觸到高腳杯的時候,它就會觸發星光秩序組織的覺醒, 對嗎?

C: 它會在“事件”發生的時候被啟動,會像一個聚光鏡一樣,銀河中央太陽的能量會通過它,並啟動位於各個位置上的為事件準備的人們。
U : Ok. So all these holy grail stones, it feels like they are here to counter the black stone, correct ?

C : Yes but not only the black stone they are here to do many things energetically, to assist the liberation and prepare for the event, one way or the other.

U: 瞭解,那麼對於所有這些聖杯石頭,感覺上它們像是在地球上對抗那個黑色之石,對嗎?

C: 是的,但不僅僅只是抗衡那個黑色之石,它們在這裏會在能量層面上做很多事情,去幫助地球解放,為事件做好準備,存在各個方面。

U : So the zodiac constellation system, is there the same system on every planet in the universe ?

C : Actually, usually there are 12 zodiac signs, that connect with the 12 rays emanating from the Source, but the actual exact meaning of those signs vary from planet to planet and from star system to star system.

U: 因此,對於黃道十二宮的星座體系,在這個宇宙的各個星球上,會有同樣一套這樣的體系嗎?

C: 實際上,通常來說,有十二個黃道標誌,它是與來自源頭的所發出的十二種射線相連接的,但那些標誌的實際確切的意思,會依據不同的星球而有所不同,依據不同的星系而有所不同。

U : Ok. How about the 13th sign and 14th signs that alternate every 13000 years, is that true ?

C : This is just a symbolic representation, because there's actually the 13th ray which is the mystery of the free will, and it has been integrated in the zodiac as a 13th sign. And yes you also have various interpretations of 14 signs, which actually describe more the stargate between the galactic central sun and the edge of the galaxy.

U: 明白,那麼關於第13及第14標誌是什麼,是會每13000年交替一次嗎?

C: 這僅僅只是一種象徵性的表達,因為實際上有第13種射線,是代表著自由意志的神秘性,並且它是作為第十三個標誌被集成進黃道十二宮。確實,你對這14種標誌會有各種不同的解釋,這實際上更多地是描繪了銀河系邊緣與銀河系中央太陽之間的星門。

U : So the silver and golden gate ?

C : Exactly.

U: 那麼就是銀色和金色的星門?
C: 是的

U : Ok. Because these two constellations, the 13th and the 14th, they kind of touch the ecliptic, so do you think it's only an interpretation, or is there an actual zodiac sign ?

C : Yes they touch the ecliptic because basically the solar system that we are now in, is entrained to the cycles of the galactic central sun, and the tilt of the ecliptic is not a coincidence.

U: 明白,因為這兩個星座,第13星座與第14星座,他們貌似接觸到黃道面了,所以,你覺得那僅僅只是一種解釋,還是說有一個實際的黃道標誌呢?

C: 是的,他們接觸到了黃道面,因為基本上我們現在所處於的太陽系,是被帶入到銀河中央太陽的迴圈之中,黃道面的傾斜不是一種巧合。
U : Ok. Yes it's synchronized with the beating of the central sun.

C : Exactly.

U: 瞭解,是的,他們是與銀河中央太陽的節奏同步的。
C: 是的

U : Can plasma matter be found in nature or is it just a membrane of anomaly ?

C : It can be found in nature, but when there is too much stress on the plasma, it mutates and this is exactly what happens on this planet and around this planet.

U: 等離子物質會在自然界裏找到嗎?或者僅僅只是一層異常的薄膜?
C: 它可以在自然界裏被找到,但當等離子物質受到太大壓力的時候,它會發生變異,這就是在地球上及地球周圍所發生的情況。

U : Ok. Can you give an example of where you can find plasma matter in nature ?

C : Actually every star is a ball of plasma. You have plasma discharges in every thunderstorm. You have plasma discharge around every comet. It's quite a natural phenomenon in the Universe.

U: 明白,你能舉一個例子,在自然界哪里可以找到等離子物質?

C: 實際上,每顆恒星都是一個等離子球體,在雷暴的時候,都會有等離子放出,在每個彗星的周圍,也會有等離子的釋放,這在宇宙裏是非常自然的現象。

U : Ok. You said also that very few people have managed to enter the quarantine since it started, can you say how many of them ?

C : I would not give the number but it's not very high. And once they entered most of them were not able to leave anymore.

U: 好吧,你也說過,自等離子體出現後,只有極為少數的人已設法進入地球禁區,你能說說到底有多少嗎?

C: 我不會給出數位,但並不是很多。一旦他們進來,那麼他們中的大多數人就不可能再離開了。

U : Ok. Did they enter with their own free will ?

C : Yes. They took risks, they understood the risks. There is an exception of course of the extraterrestrial light forces that entered the quarantine for a very short time on rescue missions. For example pleiadian light ships. They were sometimes interfering in world events to prevent certain dark things from happening, and the light ships were present inside of the quarantine for maybe a few minutes, but then it was gone back out again.

U: 瞭解,他們是帶著自由意志而進來的嗎?

C: 是的,他們是冒險進來的,也願意承擔這個風險。當然,也有一個例外,就是外星光明勢力會進入隔離區,並呆上一段非常短的時間,參與解救任務,例如,昴宿星人的光之飛船。有時候,他們會干預這個世界上的事件,去阻止一些黑暗事情的發生,光之飛船可能只在隔離區呆上數分鐘,然後又馬上出去。

U : Ok. And there was also some pleiadians that were captured in 1996 also ?

C : Unfortunately yes.

U: 明白,是否也有昴宿星人在1996年被抓住過?
C: 是的,很不幸。

U : Ok. And they've been rescued already yes ?

C : Yes of course.

U: 明白,他們已經被解救出來了,是嗎?
C: 是的,當然。

U : Ok. So the people who entered the quarantine after it started, are they part of the general population or in specific groups ?

C : They are part of the general population but they are much more awake I would say.

U: 瞭解,那麼在帷幕啟動之後,那些進入隔離區的人們,是不是普通人群中的一部分呢?還是在一個特別的組織裏?

C: 他們就是一般的普通人,但我會說,他們會更容易的多地覺醒。

U : Is it true that the banking system was started on Earth by the templars ?

C : The banking system was actually imported from Orion thousands of years ago. It was just changing and adapting to the political and economicalsituation on the planet. And it was always under the control of the dark forces.

U: 銀行系統會由聖殿騎士者們在地球上創立的嗎?

C: 實際上,銀行系統是數千年前從獵戶座那裏引入進來的,它只是根據地球上的政治和經濟狀況做出了一些改變和調整。它始終都是處於黑暗勢力的控制之下。

U : Yes. So we can see some templars were active in that but that was after they were infiltrated yes ?

C : The templars are active but they didn't control the financial system.

U: 是的,那麼我們可以見到一些聖殿騎士者過去活躍於金融界裏,但是是在他們被滲透之後才活躍,是這樣嗎?

C: 聖殿騎士者們現在一直活躍於金融界,但他們並沒控制金融系統。

U : Ok. Light templars you mean ?

C : Actually there was positive and negative templar groups. And it was quite a mixed situation.

U: 明白,你指的是光之聖殿騎士者們嗎?

C: 實際上,有正面和負面的聖殿騎士者,是非常混亂的情況。

U : What did the priest Saunière find in Rennes-le-Chateau ?

C : Actually close to Rennes-le-Chateau there was a certain cave where the treasure of Solomon was hidden. It was about a thousand tones of gold, different objects, and part of this was found by the nazis during world war two and a small faction of this was found by Saunière.

U: 牧師Saunière在雷恩城堡找到了什麼?

C: 實際上靠近雷恩城堡,有一個特定的洞穴,其藏著索羅門的寶藏。那裏存放著數千噸黃金,以及其他不同的東西,這個寶藏的一部分在第二次世界大戰的時候被納粹找到了,而一小部分則被Saunière牧師找到了。

U : Ok. How did it get there ?

C : Actually it was transferred there by the cathars and the templars in the 14th century.

U: 好吧,寶藏怎麼會藏在那裏的呢?

C: 實際上,那些寶藏是在14世紀,由卡特裏派教徒(cathars)及聖殿騎士者轉移到那裏的。

U : Ok. So they got information from Magdalene ?

C : It was actually a legend that those families have and there was some information, some documents in the possession of those families, and they knew where to go and how to search for it.

U: 瞭解,因此他們是從Magdalene那裏打聽到資訊的嗎?

C: 這其實是那些家族所流傳的一個傳說,他們有一些資訊,收藏著一些文檔,他們知道去哪里,知道如何找那些寶藏。

U : Ok. Because Magdalene landed there also yes ?

C : Yes, yes she landed in France.

U:明白, 因為Magdalene也有在那裏登陸過?


U : And so she's connected to those families, it's that bloodline yes ?

C : Yes exactly she is part of the bloodline. I would say you could call it the 13th positive blood line.

U: 因此,她與那些家族有聯繫,是有血緣關係嗎?
C: 是的確實,她是與那些家族有一定的血緣關係,我會說你可稱之為第十三個正面血系。.

U : Ok. You said that Ireland was part of Atlantis before ? [C : Yes]. Were there other parts of Europe that were also ?

C : Actually the western coast of France was part of Atlantis, the Adriatic sea also. Actually most of the coast in the mediterranean belonged to Atlantis, and Egypt was an Atlantean colony.

U:好的,你之前有說到,愛爾蘭過去是亞特蘭蒂斯文明的一部分??(C: 是的。]還有沒有其他歐洲地方也是這樣的呢?

C: 實際上,法國的西海岸也曾經是亞特蘭蒂斯文明的一部分, 亞得里亞海也是。實際上,在地中海的大多數海岸地區,都屬於亞特蘭蒂斯文明,埃及也是亞特蘭蒂斯文明的殖民地。

U : So that doesn't mean the continent of Atlantis was touching Europe yes ?

C : No the continent of Atlantis was in the Atlantic ocean, but there were Atlantean colonies in the whole mediterranean area.

U: 因此,那並意味著亞特蘭蒂斯大陸正與歐洲相接,對嗎?

C: 不相接,亞特蘭蒂斯大陸過去是位於現在的大西洋中,但在整個地中海地區,有著亞特蘭蒂斯的殖民地。

U : Ok. And was Hawaii part of Lemuria ?

C : Yes.

U: 明白,那麼夏威夷過去也是列穆裏亞大陸的一部分?

C: 是的。

U : And also the west coast of USA and Canada ?

C : Yes.

U: 美國和加拿大的西海岸也都是?

C: 是的。

U : Is it true that the hair on the head is like an extension of the nervous system, that helps to feel the environment, and have psychic abilities ?

C : Exactly the hair is like an antenna which assists us in connecting with higher spiritual dimensions.

U: 人類的頭髮就好像神經系統的一種延伸,可以幫助去感受環境,擁有一些靈性能力?

C: 確實,頭髮就像是一根天線,幫助我們連接更高的靈性維度。

U : Ok. This is why the cabal encourages people to cut them especially the men.

C : Yes that is why there is a trend to cut the hair as much as possible because the cabal wants to suppress humans spiritually.

U: 明白,這也是為什麼陰謀集團鼓勵人們,特別是男人去剪掉頭發的原因嗎?

C: 是的,這也是為什麼有一個趨勢,就是將頭髮剪掉得盡可能地多,因為陰謀集團想壓抑人類的靈性發展。

U : Have the animals been distorted by the dark forces as well, for example all the violence in the food chain, the animals that bite, things like that ?

C : Yes they have been influenced by the archons with negative etheric energy. The treatment of the animals on this planet is unspeakable, it should not be tolerated.

U: 那麼動物是否也受到黑暗勢力的影響和扭曲嗎?例如:在食物鏈裏的所有暴力情況,動物相互撕咬攻擊,以及這類的情況?

C: 是的,動物也會受到來自執政官的負面乙太能量的影響,在這顆星球上,動物所遭受到的虐待是無法說出來的,也不應該是去容忍的。

U : Yes. So you said that the astral plane was almost clear of darkness yes ?

C : Yes, the situation on the astral plane is much better than it was even 5 years ago.

U: 明白,你也說過,星光層的黑暗幾乎已經清理完畢了,是嗎?

C: 是的,星光層的情況已經比5年前要更加好得多了。

U : Ok. And it's the emotional plane yes ? [C : Yes]. Ok, so why do humans keep having so much emotional issues if the plane is clearer ?

C : It's not clear yet but it's much better. But most of the emotions get triggered from the archon and the chimera technology on the etheric plane. It is also possible to trigger emotions with a physical trigger, and an etheric trigger, and this is exactly what's happening.

U: 瞭解,指的是情緒層,對嗎?(C: 是的。)。明白,那為什麼,當情緒層清理乾淨後,人類始終還有如此多的情緒問題呢?

C: 還沒有完全清理乾淨,但已經好得多了。這些情緒中大部分問題都由位於乙太層的執政官及奇美拉技術引發的。這也可能是通過物理方式及乙太方式來觸發情緒問題,這就是現在正在發生的情況。

U : Is there really an evolution path from the mineral to the plant to the animal to the human, etc ?

C : It is the case for one part of humanity but not for people who came from other star systems.

U: 真的是有一條演化路徑,從礦物質到植物,再到動物,最後到人類,是嗎?

C: 這是地球上一部分人類所進化的方式,但不是來自其他星系而轉世成人類所進化的方式。

U : Ok. Because it seems that the plants and trees are very evolved.

C : Yes they are. They have their own consciousness which is much connected with the light.

U: 明白,因為看起來植物和樹木都已經非常進化了。

C: 是的,他們是。他們已經有了自己的意識,與光有著很多的連接。

U : And so people evolve from a tree then to a human, or can you be human and then tree again ?

C : No, evolution never goes back it only goes forward.

U: 因此,人類是從樹木進化而來,或者還是說,你可以成為人類,然後又可能再回去成為樹木呢?


U : Ok. But some beings came from higher planes and then went back to the physical no ?

C : Yes but this will never happen again.

U: 明白,但一些來自更高層面的存有來到,並返回到了物理層面,不是嗎?

C: 是的,但這將永遠不會再發生。

U : It was just to liberate the planet yes ?

C : It was to transform the darkness on this planet yes.

U: 他們到來僅僅是要解放這個星球嗎?

C: 是的,他們要轉化這個星球的黑暗。

U : Ok. People on other planets, do they wear clothes and shoes like we do, do they feel like they have to hide their bodies also ?

C : They can use clothes to warm them up but they don't hide their bodies they have no inferiority complex or any kind of suppression, this does not exist.

U: 明白,那麼在其他星球上的人們,他們都會像我們一樣穿衣服和鞋子嗎?他們也會感覺需要穿衣服去遮住自己的身體嗎?

C: 他們可以穿衣服保暖,但他們不需要遮蓋自己的身體他,們沒有自卑情結或各種壓制,這些都不存在的。

U : Ok. Can you give examples of contingency in a harmless form ?

C : Well, the weather patterns on a normal day. They are very chaotic. You can't predict them.

U: 明白,你能否舉些無害形式的偶發性例子嗎?

C: 恩,在一個平常的一天的天氣模式,天氣變化可以說毫無秩序,你沒辦法預測它們。

U : Ok. Any other in the cosmos ?

C : How the stars in the galaxy revolve around the galactic center.

U: 明白,有在宇宙中的例子嗎?


U : That's linked to contingency ?

C : Also yes, the oscillation of the star patterns, they are very random it's impossible to predict them.

U: 那也會聯繫到偶然性嗎?

C: 是的,也是。恒星模式的震動(運動)是很隨機,是沒辦法預測的。

U : Ok. Was there harmful parts of contingency before darkness was created ?

C : Before darkness it was not harmful but it could be unpleasant.

U: 明白,在黑暗被創造之前,存在這種有害的偶然性部分嗎?

C: 在黑暗出現之前,偶然性沒有什麼害處,不過它會造成一些不適。

U : Ok. So when darkness was created, did the harmful parts of contingency disappear from the rest of the universe and were concentrated in these beings ?

C : It was concentrated in a few galaxies, in this local group of galaxies, and then it was slowly being transformed.

U: 明白,那麼當黑暗被創造之後,這種偶發性中有害的部分就從宇宙的剩餘部分消失了,然後全部集中到這些黑暗存有身上,是嗎?

C: 這些傷害都集中在幾個銀河星系裏,就在當地這一簇的銀河星系裏,然後它一直慢慢地被轉化。

U : Ok. So the situation became better for the rest of the universe no ?

C : Yes.

U : 瞭解,因此宇宙其他地方的情況已經變得更好了嗎?

C : 是的。

U : Ok. Is it true that some beings in the liberated universe have technology to create their own bodies ? [C : Yes]. Can you explain how it works ?

C : They have very advanced cloning facilities, and even more advanced beings have materialization chambers that can actually create bodies out of etheric substances, shape them into the physical plane.

U : 明白,在已經解放的宇宙中,有一些存有是真的擁有技術來創造他們自己的身體嗎?(C: 是的。)你能否解釋一下,這是如何做到的?

C : 他們擁有非常先進的克隆設備,甚至更為先進的存有擁有物質顯化倉,這些顯化倉實際上可以通過乙太物質來創造身體,在物質層面形成它們。

U : Me and other people have seen that often the stars that are very low on the horizon, you can see them blinking with colors, can you explain this ?

U : 我和其他人都已經經常看到,星星都很低,貼近了地平線,你們可以看見它們閃著各種色彩,能否解釋一下呢?

C : It is a certain phenomenon happening because the atmosphere is not completely pure, there are currents in the atmosphere, and when a star is crossing through a very large portion of the atmosphere, different parts of the ray become reflected. So for example when the sun is setting, when it's high on the horizon it is almost yellowish white, when it comes closer to the horizon, it gets redder and redder, and when it comes extremely close to the horizon you have this so called green flash. It is because certain wavelengths are absorbed more than others when it's very close to the horizon. And also when a star comes close to the horizon, the refraction in the atmosphere absorbs certain wavelengths more than others, so you have this appearance of stars blinking and changing colors.

C : 這是一種現象在發生,是由於大氣不完全純淨,在大氣中有湧流,當一顆星正穿過大氣層的一個非常大的部分區域,光線的不同部分反射出來。因此,比如太陽下山的時候,當它離地平線很高的時候,它幾乎是黃白色,當它降下來越靠近地平線的時候,它就會變得越來越紅,當它極為貼近地平線的時候,你們就會看到所說的綠色閃光。這是因為,當它接近地平線的時候,某些波長的光會比其他波長的光更多地被吸收。同樣,當一顆星星接近地平線的時候,在大氣中的折射會吸收某些特定波長的光,因此你就會看到星星眨眼睛的現象出現,並一直變換著顏色。

U : Ok. You said when the sun is setting there is this green flash, what is it ?

C : Usually when the conditions are very good, when the last part of the sun goes below the horizon there is a beautiful green flash of light that can happen.

U : 明白,你是說當太陽下山的時候,會有綠色的閃光,那會是什麼?

C : 通常在條件非常好的時候,當太陽的最後的一部分下降到地平線以下的時候,會有美麗的綠色閃光出現。

U : Ok. Is there still some greys on this planet ?

C : There are some people who are greys incarnated in human bodies but not in grey bodies.

U : 瞭解,在這顆星球上,仍然還有灰人嗎?

C : 有一些曾經是灰人,但已經轉世到人類身體中,而不是灰人的身體了。

U : Ok. So on the non physical planes is there some also ?

C : On the non-physical planes yes.

U : 因此,在非物質層面上仍然還有一些灰人?

C : 是的,在非物質層面上有。

U : And are they all negative ?

C : Some of them yes, some of them are crossing into the light as we speak.

U : 那他們都是負面的嗎?

C : 有一些是負面的,但正如我們所討論過的,其中的一些正轉向光明。

U : Ok. And then they are leaving the planet ?

C : Yes they are being escorted away from the planet.

U : 明白,那麼他們然後就會離開這個星球?

C : 是的,他們將會被護送著離開這個星球。

U : What's their origin ?

C : Many of them come from star systems which are part of the draco alliance in this local sector of the galaxy.

U : 他們的起源是如何的呢?

C : 他們中很多人來一些恒星系,這些恒星系是位於銀河本地磁區的天龍聯盟的一部分.

U : Ok so it's a natural race not a manipulation.

C : Of course they were manipulated by the archons but now they are evolving beyond that.

U : 瞭解,因此灰人是一個天然種族,不是人為操縱過的?

C : 當然,他們過去也受到執政官的操縱,但現在他們正超越此並在進化之中。

U : Ok. And they were not created by the archons ?

C : No.

U : 明白,那他們不是被執政官所創造的?

C : 不是。

U : Ok. So in the graphic in the plasma post you show the 7 planes of existence, does every being in the universe always exist on all 7 planes at the same time ?

C : Actually we have our divine spark which exist in the higher of those planes and of course when we incarnate on the physical plane we also have the physical body, and all the higher bodies in all 7 dimensions.

U : 瞭解,在等離子那篇帖子中,有展示一張圖表,其中顯示為存在的七個層面,在這個宇宙中的一切存有都會在同一時刻存在於所有七個層面上嗎?

C : 實際上,我們的神性火花存在於那些層面的更高部分,於是當我們轉世投生到物質層面上的時候,我們就有了物質身體,以及在所有七個次元的更高身體。

U : Ok. But some beings are only on the higher ones ?

C : Yes.

U : 明白,但一些存有只存在於更高層面上嗎?

C : 是的。

U : Ok. So when somebody is incarnated on the physical plane, do the astral body act independently of the physical body or are they merged together ?

C : Actually all bodies are connected in consciousness so they are interdependent and there is a feedback loop between all the bodies to a certain degree.

U : 明白,因此當某個人轉世到物質層面上的時候,他的星光體是獨立於物理身體的,還是合在一起的呢?

C : 實際上,所有的身體在意識中都是連接著的,因此它們是相互依賴的,並且在一定程度上,所有身體之間都有一種反饋回路。

U : Ok. But can the astral body do something else than the physical is doing ?

C : Part of the astral body is always connected with the physical body but part of the astral body has independent life yes.

U : 明白,但星光體能不能做一些物理身體所做不了的其他事呢?

C : 星光體的一部分總是與物理身體相連的,但一部分星光體有其獨立的生命。

U : Ok. And same with etheric ?

C : Yes.

U : 明白,乙太體也是同樣的情況嗎?

C : 是的。

U : And do the bodies have roughly the same shape, like for example if you're in a humanoid body in the physical plane it's the same shape in the astral plane ?

C : Not always.

U : 那麼所有身體都會有一個大致的相同外形嗎?比如,如果你在物質層面是處於人形狀態,那麼在星光層面也會是嗎?

C : 不總是那樣的。

U : Ok. And same with the higher planes ?

C : Yes.

U : 明白,更高層面也是的嗎?

C : 是的。

U : Are the 7 chakras connected to those planes ?

C : Yes those 7 chakras are actually connected with the 7 planes of creation. 

U : 人體的七個脈輪也是與那些層面相連嗎?

C : 是的,七個脈輪實際上是與創造的七個層面相連的。

U : Ok. So each chakra correspond to each plane ?

C : Yes also. There are other correspondences so this is quite complicated but yes this is also part of the situation.

U : 明白,因此每一個脈輪都是對應著一個層面嗎?

C : 是的,但也有其他的對應關係,所以這是非常複雜的,但這也是當前情況的一部分。

U : Ok. Is there more than 7 chakras ?

C : There are many chakras in a human body.

U : 明白,有不止七個脈輪嗎?

C : 在人體,有很多個脈輪。

U : More than 7 ?

C : Yes much much more.

U : 比七個還要多嗎?
C : 是的,多得多。

U : Oh ok. So how many roughly ?

C : Tens of thousands of chakras, actually whenever there is an intersection between two nadis energy channels, there's also a chakra.

U : 好的,大約會有多少呢?

C : 成千上萬個脈輪,實際上,任何時候當兩個脈絡能量通道有一個交叉的時候,就會有一個脈輪。

U : Ok. For everybody ?

C : Yes.

U : 瞭解,每個人都是這樣的嗎?

C : 是的。

U : Ok. So when the universe contracts again the lower planes will merge back with the others and disappear ?

C : They will actually ascend back into the Source.

U : 好的,因此當宇宙再次收縮的時候,較低層面將會和其他層面融合,然後消失?

C : 實際上,他們會揚升,並回到源頭。

U : So they will be gone ?

C : Yeah they will be ascended, absorbed into the Source.

U : 因此它們會消失掉?

C : 是的,他們會被提升,會被吸收到源頭。

U : So the manasic plane and the ones above it they are clear now yes ?

C : They are clear of darkness but there is still some anomaly there, so they are not perfect, but there is no darkness there.

U : 因此心智層及其之上的層面,他們現在已經清理完了嗎?

C : 它們已清除了黑暗,但仍然有一些異常在那裏,所以還不是很完美,但已經沒有黑暗了。

U : Ok. And there is no darkness beyond the buddhi-manas ?

C : There is no darkness beyond the higher mental plane everywhere, anywhere, ever. It's not possible.

U : 好的,在心智層面之上已沒有黑暗了吧?

C : 在超越心智層面以上的任何地方,都已經沒有黑暗了。已經不再可能有黑暗了。

U : So where is the veil that blocks the tachyons on those planes ?

C : It's on the physical and etheric, and to a certain degree on astral and lower mental plane.

U : 因此,在那些層面上,阻礙超光速粒子的帷幕在哪里呢?

C : 它們在物質層面和乙太層層面,在某程度上,也在星光層面和較低的心智層面。

U : Ok it's on all of them. [C : Yes]. So is there plasma planes on every planet ?

C : Yes but it's almost unnoticeable on other planets.

U : 明白,帷幕是在所有這些層面上。(C:是的。)因此,在每個行星上,都會有等離子層嗎?

C : 是的,但在其他星球上幾乎都不會很明顯。

U : Has Iceland really gotten rid of the cabal to a certain degree ?

C : To a certain degree but not completely.

U : 愛爾蘭在一定程度上真的是擺脫掉了陰謀集團?

C : 在一定程度上,但並不是完全擺脫。

U : Ok. So you've agreed before that the masculine is action and individuality and feminine is reception and unity yes ?

C : Yes

U : 明白,因此你之前贊同過男性是代表行動和個性,而女性則是代表接納和團結,是嗎?

C : 是的。

U : It seems to me that they are both suppressed, there's sometimes distorted unity and everybody has to be the same, it's conformity.

C : That's not exactly unity, it's control.

U : 對我來說,似乎這兩者都在受到壓制,有時團結被扭曲了,每個人都必須一樣,都是一致的。

C : 準確地說,那並不是團結,而是控制。

U : Ok. But is it not done through a form of distorted feminine ?

C : Yes it can. Actually both aspects are distorted on this planet.

U : 好的,但這並不是通過一種扭曲的女性形式而表現出來的嗎?

C : 是的。實際上,在這個行星上,這兩個方面都被扭曲了。

U : Ok. Because it seems that the masculine is also suppressed, people have a hard time to take initiative and action.

C : Yes it is suppressed. Healthy masculine initiative is greatly suppressed on this planet.

U : 明白,因為似乎男性也被壓制了,有一個艱難的時期,人們很難去採取主動性,去採取行動。

C : 是的,男性受到了壓制。在這個行星上,健康的男性主動性受到了極大的壓制。

U : Ok. So why are we more talking about the feminine and not of them together ?

C : It's just because there was such a big imbalance in the past because the feminine was suppressed even more. And of course you and anybody else are much more than welcome to talk about healthy masculine it is also very important. Taking and inspiring action is one of the keys to planetary liberation.

U : 瞭解,那麼為什麼我們更多地談論女性,而不是兩者一起談論呢?

C : 這是因為在過去有著一個巨大的不平衡,女性甚至受到更多的壓制。當然,很歡迎你和其他人能多談論些健康的男性,男性也是很重要的。採取並激發行動,是行星解放運動的重要關鍵之一。

U : Ok. So what we aim really is balance yes ?

C : Yes.

U : 明白,我們真正的目標是獲得平衡,對嗎。

C : 是的。

U : You said before that when there is balance darkness can not exist, can you comment more on this ?

C : Yes it's very simple, because when there is balance there is harmony and darkness can only exist when there is a distortion and imbalance between various elements of creation.

U : 你之前有說過,當有了平衡的時候,黑暗就不可能再存在,你能否對此再多給一些評論?

C : 是得,這很簡單。因為當有了平衡,就有了和諧,只有在創造的各個元素之間存在著扭曲和不平衡,黑暗才可能存在。

U : Ok. Can you talk about the energy around the switzerland region, it seems special, the political situation is always different, there's the cern, sacred sites in France near it, and Untersberg and Venice are not far, it seems that there's a strong vortex in this region.

U : 明白,你能不能說一些圍繞瑞士地區的能量,它似乎很特別,政治狀況也總是與眾不同,那裏有歐洲核子研究委員會,靠近它有位於法國的神聖地方,不遠處還有恩特斯堡和威尼斯,在這個地區似乎有著一個強大的能量漩渦。

C : Actually switzerland was chosen by the cabal to be isolated from the rest of the world, so it wouldn't be invaded and there would be no wars, because it was chosen as a financial center for the cabal. And of course the chimera group has chosen this country to be the site of the cern, to continue with their experiments and develop their exotic weapons there.

C : 實際上,瑞士是被陰謀集團選定為一個隔離於世的地方。因此,它不會被入侵,那裏不會有戰爭,因為它被選為陰謀集團的金融中心。當然,奇美拉組織已經選擇這個國家作為歐洲核子研究委員會的所在地,並持續他們的實驗,以及在那裏開發外星武器。

U : Ok. So the rhic in Long Island, and the cern, is that where they make strangelet bombs ?

C : No.

U : 明白,因此在長島的重子對撞機RHIC以及歐洲核子研究委員會,都是他們製造奇異誇克炸彈的地方嗎?

C : 不是。

U : Ok. But is it connected to it ?

C : The Long Island location is still connected to it and the cern is not anymore. There has been a lot of changes happening in the cern in the last few months I would say. The situation has changed.

U : 瞭解,但那會跟這些武器有關嗎?

C : 長島仍然與之有關,但歐洲核子研究委員會已經沒有了。在過去的幾個月裏,歐洲核子研究委員會發生了很多變化,我會說,情況已經發生了變化。

U : Ok. So it's not active anymore on that aspect ?

C : Yes it is not active directly with the chimera group, there is of course still projects  that are scheduled to be reopened next year but the chimera group is not directly involved with cern anymore, not in the way it was before.

U : 明白,因此在那個武器研發方面,歐洲核子研究委員會已經不再參與任何活動了嗎?

C : 是的,它不再直接與奇美拉組織產生任何活動關聯,當然,明年仍然會有一些項目被提上日程,準備再重新開放。但奇美拉組織將不再直接參與到歐洲核子研究委員會,不會再像以前那樣了。

U : I heard that St Germaine was active a lot with the kings and queens of France before the revolution, is it true ?

C : Yes it's true.

U : 我聽說聖哲曼大師在法國大革命之前,與法國的國王和皇后有過很多的互動,是嗎?

C : 是的。

U : What was he doing with them, they were archon puppets no ?

C :  Not all of them, he was trying to influence them in a positive way, and he knew exactly what would happen with the french revolution, although the french revolution had a good start, it got distorted by the archons and changed into a reign of terror. So he was warning certain individuals against this, and was trying to lead this change in a more balanced way, of course he was not successful because people weren't listening to him. 

U : 他對國王和皇后做了什麼什麼,國王和皇后是不是執政官的傀儡呢?

C : 並非全部都是傀儡。他曾經嘗試以一個正面的方式來影響他們,他準確地知道法國大革命將會發生什麼,雖然法國大革命有一個好的開端,但是被執政官所扭曲,並轉變為一次恐怖統治。因此,他是在警告一些個人要警惕這些情況,並試圖以一種更平衡的方式來引導這個轉變,當然他並沒有成功,因為人們並不聽他的。

U : Ok. Is there still many reptilians around the planet ?

C : There are still some especially on the lower etheric plane, but much much less than even one year ago. The number is much much lower.

U : 明白,在這個行星上,仍然有很多蜥蜴人嗎?

C : 仍然有一些,尤其是在較低的乙太層面,但甚至比一年前要少得多。他們的數目已經很小很小了。

U : Can you give the numbers roughly ?

C : No.

U : 你能不能給出一個大概的數字呢?

C : 不能。

U : Ok. So there's a physical way that you use to contact the pleiadians and the resistance, how often can you use it ?

C : Basically quite often. Often enough that i have a constant update on the situation and reliable intel about it, continuously.

U : 明白,那麼你有一種物理的方式來與昴宿星人及抵抗運動進行聯絡,你多久會用一次?

C : 基本上經常使用。因為我要經常聯絡,以獲得當前局勢的最新消息,以及可靠情報,所以是持續在使用。

U : Ok. Are you the only one on earth who has this ?

C : I would not answer this question.

U : 明白,你是地球上唯一一位元擁有這種聯絡方式的人嗎?

C : 我不會回答這個問題。

U : Ok. Are you also in contact with some ascended masters in this way ?

C : I would also not answer this question.

U : 瞭解,你也通過這種方式與揚升大師們取得聯繫嗎?

C : 我也不會回答這個問題。

U : Ok. I've often felt that the interference is stronger in the week-ends, i thought maybe it's because there's islam judaism and catholic ceremonies in the week-end,  can you comment on that energy of the week-ends ?

C : What is happening is usually during the week people are very active and they tend to suppress things, and during the week-end they relax a little bit more and all the suppressed things are coming to the surface, so there is a lot more emotions which are being released. And the archons tend to misuse that with their technologies, and the chimera group also.

U : 瞭解,我經常感覺到在週末的時候,衝突會加劇,我覺得可能這是因為伊斯蘭教,猶太教以及天主教的儀式都在週末,你能否評論一下週末的能量 呢?

C : 正在發生的通常是因為,人們在一周裏非常活躍,而他們傾向於壓抑事情。而在週末,他們獲得了一點放鬆,所有受壓抑的東西都會浮出表面,因此會有更多的正在被釋放出來的情緒。並且,執政官傾向于通過運用他們的技術來濫用這種情緒釋放,奇美拉組織也是這樣。

U : What's behind the ritual with the cube in the mecca ?

C : Actually the black cube is a symbol of the dark forces, and they are using that to consolidate their power on the physical plane.

U : 在麥加那個立方體石殿所進行儀式的背後是什麼?(注:克爾白,麥加城禁寺中央的立方形高大石殿,為世界穆斯林做禮拜時的正向,又稱“天房”。)

C : 實際上,那個黑色立方體石殿是黑暗力量的象徵,他們用它來在物質層面上去團結並鞏固他們的力量。

U : So what's that little black stone that everybody kiss ?

C : The black stone in mecca is not the black stone i am speaking about.

U : 那麼,每個人都要親吻一下的小黑色石頭,那又是什麼呢?

C : 在麥加的黑色石頭並不是我所說的那種黑色石頭。

U : Yes. But what it is, where did it come from, why is it there ?

C : According to some legend there is a small piece of meteorite which has been put into one corner of the kabba in mecca. 

U : 瞭解,但那又是什麼呢,它來自哪里,為什麼會在那裏呢?

C : 根據一些傳說,有一小塊隕石碎片,已被放進到位於麥加的立方體石殿的一個角落。

U : Ok. So does it have a certain power or is it just to make a story for people ?

C : The object has a certain power because it was used in many occult rituals by the dark forces.

U : 明白,因此它確實有某種力量,或者說,只是為信徒而編造一個故事罷了?

C : 那個東西有一定的力量,因為它被黑暗勢力用在很多秘密的宗教儀式上。

U : Ok. Why is there so many esoteric symbols in hollywood films ?

C : Actually there are two factions in hollywood, the negative faction that tries to control people through the symbols, and the positive faction tries to awaken people through the symbols.

U : 明白。在好萊塢的電影中,為什麼會有這麼多神秘符號?

C : 實際上,在好萊塢有兩個派系,負面派系試圖通過那些符號來控制人們,而正面派系嘗試通過符號來讓人們覺醒。

U : Is there physical life on the surface of other planets in this solar system ?

C : Yes there are underground bases on some of the planets and some of the moons in this solar system.

U : 在這個太陽系裏,其他行星表面上會有物質生命嗎?

C : 是的,在一些行星上有地下基地,並且一些環繞行星的衛星上也有。

U : Physically ? [C : Yes]. But not out in the open ?

C : No. The conditions are not right. You might only find some bacterias on the surface of Mars but that's about it.

U : 是物理的嗎?(C:是的。]而不是在敞開的行星外表面?

C : 不是。行星外表面的條件並不適合。你在火星地表上可能只會找到一些細菌,那就是這個原因。

U : Ok. Can you talk about how eventually after the event we will make sure that darkness never happens again ?

C : Simply because there will be enough awareness in this Universe, and the light forces will have technology strong enough to prevent anything like that from happening ever again.

U : 明白,你能不能談論一下,最終在"事件"之後,我們怎樣才能確信黑暗再也不會出現呢?

C : 簡單地說,這是因為在這個宇宙擁有足夠的覺知意識,光明勢力將擁有足夠強大的技術,來避免任何此類事情再次發生。

U : Ok. So when the Universe contracts again, and then expands again eventually, will this memory be kept ?

C : All the awareness will be kept but in an elevated way, in a more refined way.

U : 明白,那麼當宇宙再次收縮的時候,然後再次擴張的時候,這個記憶將會被保存嗎?

C : 所有這些覺知意識將會以一種更高層的,更加精煉的方式來保存。


