
【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2015年4月16日Rob Potter訪談


【柯博拉Cobra】2015年4月16日Rob Potter訪談


Rob – Here we are ladies and gentlemen. In earth time, it is April 16, 2015, and this will get to you sometime, hopefully by the end of the weekend we’ll get at least the audio up. Welcome, again to another special edition of the Victory of Light Radio Show. Thank you so much for coming on Cobra.

Rob:大家好。今天是2015年4月16日。這個節目的音頻可能改天給大家,希望這個週末我們能上傳好。歡迎再次來到Victory of Light電臺節目的特別版,非常謝謝柯博拉的到來.

COBRA – Thank you everybody for listening.


Rob – We have so many questions, there’s no way we’re going to get through them all this month. I apologize to you people again who won’t get their questions asked. Cobra, I’d like to start off and I always do this when I get a lot of repeat questions from people.We spoke about this privately the other day, but my take is kind of like yours. Of course, no one knows the future exactly, but we’ve been hearing about chemtrails have been on the scene now for at least 17 years going over the planet. We’ve had endless horror, destruction through the secret governments and their depopulation programs and all these things going on as well as, you know, fomenting of wars and all these things are horrible things.
For some reason now, there’s an internet push, another fear-based element . . . we’ve had FEMA camps for a long time. A lot of people, some close friends of mine, are extremely depressed and paranoid. They seem to become reactive to certain things, so we’ll talk about what they can do to shield themselves from that. But the primary question is Jade Helm. There seems to be evidence for some people indicating that there are masses of foreign troops living normal lives and will be activated as sleeper cells to join NATO operations in some sort of joint operation called Jade Helm.Could you please give a little background to this type of stuff to allay the incessant fears? And I know that they may get away with something. Certain elements may take place, but can you speak about the fail-safe for the resistance and what is going on with this operation? It’s very important to a lot of people right now.

Rob:我們收到了非常多的問題。這個月沒有辦法將所有問題進行回答。對那些沒有獲得回答的問題,我要說一聲抱歉。柯博拉,我想最好可以開始了,當我收到來自人們的很多重複問題的時候,我總要回顧一下。前幾天我們私底下談到過這些,但我的看法基本上和你一樣。當然,沒有人能準確知道未來會怎樣,但我們一直聽說, 到現在為止至少17年,在這顆行星上一直都在噴灑著化學凝結尾。通過秘密政府及其實施的人口滅絕計畫,我們遭受著無止境的恐懼與破壞,還包括煽動戰爭,所有這些都是恐怖的事情。現在由於某種原因,網上又有人在宣揚,散佈令人恐懼的資訊...我們知道聯邦應急管理局的集中營建立了有很長時間了。有許多人,包括我的一些親密朋友都極度沮喪和偏執。他們似乎對某些事物總是作出反應,因此我們想談談,他們能做點什麼可以保護自己。但主要問題是關於Jade Helm。對某些人來說,似乎有證據暗示,有許多外國軍隊在美國過著普通的生活,將會作為一名沉睡者而被啟動,然後加入到一個北約代號為“Jade Helm”的聯合行動。你能否針對這些說法給予我們一些背景資訊,以減輕不斷產生的恐懼呢?我知道,他們僥倖逃脫了某些事情,某些事物可能發生了,但你可以談論一下關於抵抗運動的自動防禦機制嗎?關於此行動到底是怎樣的呢?現在對很多人來說,知道它很重要。

COBRA — OK. The first thing I would like to mention here is that this is a double-edge sword. On the surface, it might appear like a big operation for the Cabal. On the other hand, I can say that the same troops, the same movement, can be interpreted as movements of the positive military. I would not get too reactive. I would not get too afraid over this situation, and also, if there would be even a remote chance that something like this could get out of control, the RM could trigger the Event if necessary.


Rob – OK. The question I’m going to ask is, if the RM could stop this, for instance, why wouldn’t they stop some of these other things going on in Ukraine? That’s another horrible tragedy that’s going on over there. A lot of people have mentioned, why aren’t they intervening in these things? Why are they letting these skirmishes take place? Why would this type of thing in America . . . would it trigger more heavy intervention?


COBRA – OK. It is a risk assessment evaluation. So we have the Chimera group with their strangelet bombs on one side and the atrocities that those people are doing on the other side. The RM will intervene when the risk will be worth it. For example, if we were to have a massive, like martial law scenario in the US, that would affect 250M people, that might be a worthwhile risk to risk some strangelet bomb explosions and then the RM will intervene. I will not give any exact strategic details of how those risks are evaluated. I would just say the RM and the light forces know exactly how to act to minimize the suffering on this planet. They never allow unnecessary suffering to continue. If they can prevent it, they are preventing it. They will not be taking risks to reduce a certain amount of suffering to risk a much larger amount of suffering that could potentially take place.


Rob – OK. Thank you. You mentioned that these troops could be interpreted as being used by the light forces. Obviously these on the ground troops are just taking orders and following them. Ben Fulford seemed to have mentioned that. Now, I personally . . . no disrespect to Ben . . . I consider some of his intel really, you know, not necessarily very good. He does have good intel and he has a very good intent, but I’m not sure he would know that this is definitely being planned by the good guys, or is it being planned by the bad guys and the good guys are letting it go and then will take over at the last minute. What do you think is the situation there in regards to the, “who is in control” of these troops? Can you tell us what is the primary intention? Is this Cabal orchestrated movements or are these good guy orchestrated movements?


COBRA – OK. First, about Ben Fulford’s intel. You need to use his reports to pick the gems of intel and leave the rest, because there are some encoded real gems inside there and do not worry about the rest. Regarding about the Jade Helm situation, I will not comment on the deeper background of this, but I will give you an analogy. This famous financial restructuring by the Eastern and BRICS alliance, those new Infrastructure Banks. They can be interpreted as a new globalized centralized, new order system or it can be interpreted as advance of the light forces.

COBRA:好的,首先,關於本傑明的情報資訊。你在讀他的報告的時候,要取其精華並舍掉其他,因為在報告裏有一些加了密的真實部分,其餘部分不需要擔心。關於Jade Helm的情況,我不會對其更深的背景給出評論,但我會給你一個類比。由東盟和金磚國家所發起的這場著名的金融重構,那些新的基礎設施銀行,它可以被解讀為一種全新的全球化集權,新秩序體系,或者可以解讀為光明勢力的推進。

Rob – Very good. And obviously, why would the bad guys switch a system? It’s the good guys that are trying to initiate the system. The bad guys are trying to infiltrate as much as they can. The next big thing that I’d like to talk about that has broken on the scene since we talked about last time was a gentlemen whose real name is Corey. He got outed, which he wasn’t originally happy for, and he goes by an Avatar name, GoodETxSG, I think it is, or ESG, or something like that.He was the source for David Wilcox revelation at the LA Conscious Life Expo where he revealed a lot of information. And you address this in your blog in regard to what he called the Blue Avians or the civilization from the center of the galactic sun with the huge motherships staying in the Oort cloud because they would influence our solar system’s magnetics.Now, I have been told by Michael Salla that David Wilcox has flown him to LA for an exclusive. It seems GoodET and David did a series of recordings on the TV, on his TV show, and David will be releasing that intel. He has a kind of a special exclusive with this Corey character is not talking on radio until this Wilcock interview is released.He seems to be not directly involved so much in the super soldier program, but he’s obviously has been under mind control in the past but he seems to be breaking his programs and he acts as a kind of an empath. For those who are listening, I’m giving background. Cobra knows all this. He acts as an empath for interactions and councils and for the information that he’s been giving is really shocking to many people that there are 10 separate secret space programs run by various factions on the earth and that folks, there have been interactions and full blown council meetings with multiple ET races and multiple representatives of the world’s governments going on for many years. I predicted this, the super soldiers and the space guys coming out. Here he is Cobra. Can you share a little? I’d like to just give an overview and your view and comment of his information. I heard . . . is it true you posted on his blog?

Rob:非常好。很明顯,為什麼壞蛋們想要換一個體系?這應該是好人們在嘗試啟動新的體系。壞人們正盡可能地滲透進去。下一個我想談論的一個比較大的問題是,是那個真名叫Corey的先生,上一次現場談到他的時候中斷了。他被洩露了,這是他最初所不高興看到的,他採用的是一個別名,名叫GoodETxSG。我想是那個名字,或是ESG,或是類似那樣的名字。他是David Wilcock在洛杉磯“意識生命展覽會”上所揭露資訊的來源,他揭露了很多資訊。對於他所稱之的藍鳥族,或是來自銀河中央太陽的文明,你都有在博客上提到過,他們巨大母艦停靠在奧爾特雲裏,能影響到我們太陽系的磁場。現在,Michael Salla有告訴我說,David和他飛到洛杉磯做了一個獨家專訪。似乎GoodETxSG和David做了一系列的電視訪談節目,在節目中,David將釋放那些情報資訊。他似乎沒有直接地,過多地牽涉進那個超級戰士計畫裏,但過去他顯然受到了腦控,然後他打破了控制,現在扮演著神使而角色。對於聽眾們來說,我是在介紹背景資訊。柯博拉知道所有這些,他現在是作為委員會的神使而參與了互動,他公開的資訊真的是震驚了很多人,他說到有10個獨立的秘密太空計畫,並被地球上各種不同的派系所運作。也說到,多年以來,有多個外星種族與多個世界政府的代表一直都存在著互動以及成熟的委員會會議。我預計到,他接下來要公開關於超級戰士以及那些太空人的有關資訊。就是這樣的情況,柯博拉,你能否給我們分享一些資訊嗎?我希望能給出一個概述,關於他的資訊你的評論和看法是如何的?我聽說,是真的你有在他的博客上發帖子嗎?

COBRA – Yes, I made two short posts on, not actually his blog, but on a certain forum where he posts quite often. I have just expressed support because he has a lot of genuine intel that is critically needed at this time for people to become generally aware of the secret space programs. This intel assists a lot with people becoming aware of various secret space programs. I do not agree completely with all his intel. I have a different perspective on certain things based on my sources and my experiences. But generally, what he’s doing is a good thing. I have just posted a few comments there.


Rob – OK, Thank you. Can you elaborate on the differences that you feel . . . my personal feelings was that some of his extrapolations from his experiences and his opinion of what is going . . . I also have some slight variances in the way he made it sound that these ET races said that we have some interest here because we have genetic contributions to your people. And this seemed to upset a lot of earth people as though they owned us or had a right. Can you talk a little bit about that? All of these different groups and what their . . . are they kind of at odds with each other? Who’s controlling what’s going on here? Sounds more like a control matrix from his viewpoint.


COBRA – OK. This is one of the things I don’t quite agree with him. He presents the whole situation as very fragmented and very compartmentalized. It is exactly as it was 10 or 20 years ago. According to my sources, he was involved in the secret space program. This I can confirm. What I cannot confirm is his updates of the current situation in the solar system. According to my sources the current situation in the solar system is a little bit different than it was 10 or 20 years ago.
Yes, he describes quite correctly all those different space programs that were present in the solar system 10 or 20 years ago. You can view those different space programs as different facets of one greater interconnected network.For example, you could relate the corporate secret space with mega-corporations on this planet. You could relate the solar warden program with some aspects of the military, financial, military industrial complex and you could relate, I would say, what he calls the dark fleet with the Chimera group. There are certain correlations here and all of this was an interconnected network, which was morphing with shifting alliances.In one way not so fragmented as he presents it to be. The current situation actually reflects the positive actions of the light forces and the vast majority of this has been cleared from the solar system according to my sources. What is remaining is the Chimera group, which does not have large numbers, but which does have some hostages. The main stronghold. . . The most powerful point . . . the most powerful aspect they have are the strangelet bombs. They are exotic weapons. This is how they hold their positions inside the solar system.I can confirm the existence of the motherships. They can be called motherships. They can be called many other names. They can be called inter-dimensional portals. It is important to understand that human beings use words to describe phenomena. From the perspective of those beings who are in operation – those Etheric platforms – they are beyond linear space and time. Their understanding is much closer to what you would describe as ascended masters.After the ascension, after you reach a higher state of consciousness . . . after the ascension, the rules are changed. Perspectives are changed. I will not go into this much deeper because it’s too early, but I will say their perspective of reality is more a perspective of oneness that manifests in different fragmentations through lower dimension. It is not a pragmatic perspective itself.

COBRA:好的。這也是其中一個我非常不同意他的地方。他將整個形勢呈現地非常零散,被分割開來。這恰恰是 10年或20年前的情況。根據我的資訊來源,他參與過秘密太空計畫。這是我能確認的。我不能確認的是,他關於太陽系當前形勢的更新。根據我的資訊,太陽系當前的形勢比10年或者20年前都有所不同了。是的,他對10到20年前太陽系的秘密太空計畫描述地非常正確。你可以視那些不同的太空計畫為一個巨大互聯網路的不同方面。比如,你可以將合作的秘密太空計畫與這顆行星上的特大企業聯繫起來,你可以將太陽看守長計畫與軍事、金融、軍工複合體的一些方面聯繫在一起。我會說,你可以把他所說的黑色艦隊與奇美拉組織聯繫在一起。這裏面都有一定的關係,所有這些是一個相互連接的網路,它在隨著聯盟形式的變化而改變著。在某種意義上來說,情況不是他所描述的那麼零散。當前形勢實際上反應出光明勢力的正面行動,根據我的資訊來源,這些秘密太空計畫中的絕大多數都已經被清理出太陽系。目前剩下的是奇美拉組織,他們並沒有很多成員,但劫持了一些人質。目前最主要的堡壘,他們最強有力的方面就是,他們擁有奇異子炸彈,是外星武器。這就是他們為何能在太陽系裏繼續把持著他們的位置。我可以確認那些母艦的存在,它們被稱之為母艦,也可以有其他名字,可以被稱為跨維度門戶。最重要的是要明白,人類會使用詞語來描述現象。從那些操作“乙太平臺”存有的視角來看,他們處於線性時空之外,他們的理解與你們所描述的揚升大師要更接近地多。在揚升之後,當你達到一定高度的意識狀態,法則就會改變,視角也會改變。我不會說得太過深入,因為現在為時太早了。但我會說,他們對於現實的視角更多是一種合一視角,並通過低維度來顯化為不同的碎片。其本身不是以一種務實的視角來描述的(不能夠用語言說清楚的)。

Rob – Right, so it’s basically they’re coming from a soul level. I understand that. So they’re basically dealing with interactions of multi-dimensional levels kind of in the all time where our linear reality doesn’t affect things. The way I look at it is, Cobra, these superluminal light beings from the pure positive planes and the higher dimensions are coming here and we don’t understand but every now and then from a holographic perspective, they are blocking certain things. Certain things are allowed to go. We don’t understand it. To us it seems illogical. Why did you stop that but allow this? It seems to me that they have a higher perspective on a holographic level to assure victory at a certain point and certain things are allowed to continue, but when it comes to a critical nexus juncture in the time space parallel reality continuum, they see to it that certain actions are taking place and compressing the situation, is that correct?


COBRA – I would not completely agree with that. I would say that if they are able to block something negative, they will. I also do not agree with what Corey was saying that the sphere beings would like to present lessons to humanity because this is the only way to learn some hard lessons. The light forces are never introducing so called hard lessons to various cosmic species to increase understanding, because understanding and awareness does not evolve in that way. This is one of the old programs of the Archons, so I cannot agree with that as well.


Rob – OK. Well, from my understanding is that a lot of operations they certainly could. For instance, they could intervene and take out Boko Haram. The resistance movement could arrange for something to happen, yet it’s not taking place.


COBRA – OK. I will explain. If the RM does any open operations on the surface of the planet, the strangelet bombs would immediately be detonated and this could erase life from the surface of the planet. This is why they are not doing it. This is why the RM does not interfere directly with the surface of the planet.


Rob – OK. For me and my viewpoint, and there’s a lot of people who disagree with your view that this is the last place earth to be (liberated) . . . Alex Collier is still . . . he’s in a world of hurt right now, and he told me he hasn’t had contact in over 9 months. He still feels strongly that there are lots of negative elements out there that are still functioning.In Corey’s . . . in the GoodET gentleman . . . he mentioned that there were various groups of the negative groups here that were involved in going on with things. It’s a little premature . . . I’ve talked about some of these things occasionally with people, but I didn’t really feel like I have the exact understanding of this, but to go into a little bit of the galactic landscape of the various groups, from what I understand, this is a question I have for you in regards to the light forces, the Chimera, the Reptilians, the tall greys, the Dows, the reptilian types, the tall whites and other hostile forces, the Omegas and Kalrans — whatever people want to call them.During this situation here, obviously it seems apparent there were good guy bases and bad guy bases on the moon at the same time. What was the situation with these different groups? Do they contact each other and then have these skirmishes in space and then have meetings where there’s a truce like a white flag, and they communicate and the good guys are talking to them? Who’s in charge of that? Is this the Jupiter command? What’s going on there?

Rob:好的。在我看來,有很多人不同意你所說的,地球是最後一個(需要解放)的星球...現在Alex Collier仍然處於受傷的狀態,他告訴我他有9個多月沒有(外星)接觸了。他仍然強烈地覺得,宇宙其他地方仍然有很多負面勢力運作著。用Corey的話來說,他提到曾經有很多負面團體從事過很多事情。可能有點不成熟,我偶爾會和人們說起這些,但我不是真正地感覺到自己對此有準確的理解,但說到宇宙裏的各個團體組織,從我的理解來看,這裏有我想問你的一個問題,關於光明勢力,奇美拉組織,蜥蜴人,高大灰人,盜斯人(來自澤塔網罟星座),高大白人和其他敵對勢力,還有Omegas和Kalrans,不管人們怎麼稱呼他們。在這個時期,在月球上似乎曾經同時存在著好人的基地,也存在著壞人的基地。對於這些不同團體的情況以前會是怎樣的呢?他們有沒有互相聯絡,有沒有在太空中出現小規模的衝突,然後進行休戰商議,他們有交流,好人正和他們進行交談嗎?誰在負責這些,是土星指揮部嗎?在那裏發生了什麼?

COBRA – OK. If I go a little bit back in history, the moon was quite a prize piece of real estate because it was so close to the earth and many operations from the moon could influence the earth surface quite easily. Yes, many different races had bases on the moon. Some of them were of a positive nature and some of them were of the negative nature.
As the situation progressed, many, many thousand years ago, there were drastic battles taking place on the moon. Over time there were certain agreements which were evolved and they were more and more respected. Different races found out that it was easier for everybody not to fight all the time but to respect certain agreements. Yes, there were tension and, yes, there were disputes, but most of them were resolved through diplomatic means.Each of the races and each of the factions had a very strict territory which was designated to that particular interest group. Most of the time those agreements were respected. All this changed in 1996 with the Archon invasion when there was a huge vast Draconian fleet entering the solar system and they took over the moon completely in 96. Then the liberation forces came, basically between 2001-2004. There was a very strong operation of the light forces to liberate the solar system.
In that time frame . . . most of the locations they were clearing those negative races and there were quite many battles on the moon and most of those negative bases of those races have been removed from the moon. Very few of them were remaining. Most of those remaining were the Chimera group strongholds. Out of those most of them have been removed already. Whatever is remaining on the moon is still classified at this moment.


Rob – OK. So my question is . . . and I’m going to go onto my own little history, you can correct me if I’m wrong. Of course, the Lyran system – some people say the Pleiades came from Lyra – there’s a great influx information that a lot of spiritual life kind of originated, human life may have originated from the Lyran system or whatever and it spread out. We go back in history to the Pleiades and I understand there’s a couple different civilizations there. There’s one around the star Merope, which seemed to have some negative beings involved there and from what I understand is that there is a positive group, of course, as well. Semjase from Erra near Taygeta is in the Pleiades cluster also.In our ancient earth history, some of the Pleiadians, according to Omnec Onec, had battles on the earth in regards to how much technology and what was going on down here. So groups within the Pleiades had different views of the earth in ancient history and they’re coming back here to kind of correct that wrong originally. Would you agree with that?Could you explain a little bit about the previous Pleiadian interaction here? Folks, the Pleiades is a very large system with several suns in that cluster there. So you know, we can’t say that like everyone is from one planet. There are people that have different views than your neighbor, so we can imagine differing views from different suns. So we can’t lump all Pleiadians or all ET’s with grey skin into one thing. But can you talk a little bit about that?

Rob:好的,那麼我的問題是...我想先說說我所知道的歷史,如果錯了你可以更正我。當然,關於天琴星系,一些人會說昴宿星人是來自於天琴座,有很多流傳的資訊說到了,有很多最初的靈性生命,像人類這樣的生命,可能起源於天琴星系或是什麼的,然後再傳播開來。我們回顧一下昴宿星的歷史,能理解那裏有一些不同的文明。有一支文明在昴宿五附近,在那裏似乎有一些負面存有,以我所知道的是,在那裏也有一個正面團體。Semjase(一位昴宿星女性存有,和瑞士的比利.邁爾有很多接觸) 是來自於靠近Taygeta星的Erra星球,也是在昴宿星團裏。根據Omnec Onec所說,在我們古老地球歷史上,有一些昴宿星人在地球上發生過衝突,是關於技術以及發生的事情。因此,在昴宿星團中有不同的團體,對於古老的地球歷史持有不同的意見,他們正回到這裏並糾正最初的錯誤。你同不同意?你能否解釋一下,先前昴宿星人在地球上的活動呢?各位要明白,昴宿星團是一個非常大的星系,有好幾個恒星。因此,你要明白,我們不能說每一位昴宿星人都來自於同一個星球。所以,即使是鄰居,人們也會有不同的看法,因此我們可以想像來自不同恒星系的不同看法。由此,我們不能把所有昴宿星人或者說是所有外星人,與灰人混為一談。你能否談談這方面的呢?

COBRA – OK. First, I would like to mention that this information that first humans were coming from Lyra is not correct. This information is coming from a book called The Prism of Lyra and everybody is just repeating quotes from that book without checking the facts. The second part of our question, the Pleiadians. Yes, there were rogue elements of the Pleiadian race. They were quite visible in the Pleiadian race until up to about 200K years ago. Yes, they were involved in some battles on this planet throughout the early Atlantian history.I would say this faction was getting less and less involved as they were progressing spiritually. The last fragment of that faction learned their lessons of WWII when they were involved in certain operations on the planet and learned their lesson. I would say the Pleiadian cluster has been completely integrated in the network of light very shortly after the end of WWII. Since then The Pleiadian cluster has been completely accepted into the network of light.


Rob – OK. According to Alex Collier, he got quite involved in the various different races, the oxygen based races vs the hydrogen-based races, and that, of course, the reptilians are a hydrogen-based race. He said they couldn’t travel beyond the speed of light. He had some other things he talked about.One of the things I found interesting – you have Sirius A and Sirius B. He said that there are some beings in the Sirius B system that were quite negative. They had some conflicts with some – this is ancient history – they had some conflicts with some people in the Orion system. According to Alex, some beings . . . and to solve some of their political situations, the humans in Sirius B had some sort of marriage between the beings in the Orion system creating what we would call the Tall Greys.And so the reptilians control the Tall Greys, who control what are called the Dow Greys or the Zeta Reptilians and the Mantoid races, and, of course, there’s this whole kind of scenario where there’s a hierarchical structure of these negative beings. Were these beings in Sirius B, as Alex Collier said, from your information correct? The Tall Greys are an offspring of a hybrid in order to kind of stop a war between the Orion’s and the Sirius B so that they could have peace amongst themselves while they kind of were both on a semi-hostile agenda?

Rob:好的,根據Alex Collier的說法,他非常深入地接觸到了不同的種族,比如氧基種族,氫基種族。當然蜥蜴人是氫基種族。他說他們不可能超光速旅行。他也談到了其他一些事。其中我發現一件很有趣的事是,你有提到過天狼星A與天狼星B。他說在天狼星B上有一些非常負面的存有。他們曾與獵戶座的一些存有過衝突,這是古老的歷史。根據Alex的說法,一些存有演化了他們的政治形勢,在天狼星B的存有與獵戶座的存有進行了通婚,製造出了我們稱之為高大灰人的種族。於是蜥蜴人控制了高大灰人,而高大灰人又控制了被稱為盜斯的灰人,或是齊塔蜥蜴人和Mantoid種族,這是一個整體劇本,有一個關於負面存有的層級結構。Alex Collier說這些存有是在天狼星B上,從你的資訊來看這是真的嗎?高大灰人是一種混血產物的後代,是為了阻止獵戶座與天狼星B之間的戰爭,以便雙方都在半敵對的狀況下達成和平?

COBRA – OK. The Sirius B race was having a war with the Orion Draco complex. Many of the representatives of the Sirius B race have been interacting with the surface population of this planet throughout human history. Their agenda was not completely positive but not completely negative.
They were the ones who were perceiving themselves as an advanced race and sometimes they were using human slaves for their work. They were seeing themselves as the masters. This is something I don’t completely agree with. They were not treating humans as their equals. This is what I would say about that particular race.They were sometimes using technology for their advantage unethically. This is what I would say. I can also say that recently that faction has been integrated in the Sirian Alliance and is now working together with the Galactic Confederation as well. Yes, there were some genetic civilization programs because Sirius B people wanted to infiltrate the Orion complex and they have created some hybrid races which are not having any effect whatsoever on the cosmic situation.

COBRA:好的,天狼星B種族有過與獵戶座天龍星複合體的一場戰爭。很多天狼星B種族的代表,在整個人類歷史進程中一直與地表人類進行著互動。他們的議程並不完全是正面的,也不完全是負面的。他們會把自己看成是一個更高級的種族,有時候他們會使用人類奴隸來為他們工作。他們把自己看成為主人。這是我並不完全同意的。他們並沒有平等地對待人類。我要說的是一些特殊種族。在過去,他們有時採用不道德的方式使用技術,並獲取優勢。這就是我要說的。我也可以說,在最近那個派系已經被整合到天狼星聯盟之中,現在也正與銀河聯邦進行合作。是的,曾出現過一些基因文明項目(通過基因來創造文明),因為天狼星 B的存有想滲透進獵戶座複合體,他們已製造出一些混血種族,但無論如何,對宇宙局面不會造成任何影響。

Rob – Right, I often don’t go into outer space politics like that because a lot of that stuff doesn’t matter, but with GoodET coming out with his information I kind of wanted to address some of that stuff.


COBRA – OK. I would say that this information does matter for various reasons. The first one is that the exopolitical situation greatly influences the geopolitical situation much more than people imagine. For example, I will give you one example. The Bush’s and the Kissinger’s and all those people still have their power only because there are elements beyond the scope of this planet that are supporting them.If you understand what is going on in the solar system, you will understand who is behind the wars, what is happening, what is taking place with the Eastern Alliance, because there are forces beyond this planet that are supporting Putin. There are forces beyond this planet that are supporting the Eastern Alliance. There are other forces that originate from beyond this planet that are supporting the Cabal. If we understand those underground mechanics, we will have much clearer picture of what is going on the surface.


Rob – Yes, I agree with that. I generally . . . these mechanics and exactly what they are for . . . the average person . . . it’s hearsay coming from you or Collier or someone else. It’s good to know that this is influencing, but I meant for the average person in their day to day life, the average lightworker down here, a lot of people become ungrounded and worry so much about what is going on in outer space and speculate and their mind runs rampant as opposed to purifying their self and raising their vibration, I meant it kind of in that way. I agree with you. It is important now that people come to understand there are different groups. Could you talk a little bit about Sirius A, since we talked about Sirius B? Sirius A, I understand, is the home of the blue lodge and the mission of the 144.000 ascended masters to earth, is that correct?


COBRA – That is absolutely correct. Sirius A is the Beacon of Light for this local cluster of stars in this local sector of the galaxy. Sirius A was holding the light when the Archon invasion happened and filled this quadrant of this galaxy with trillions upon trillions of dark entities. Because of Sirius A we are still alive and here. Because of Sirius A and their light, I am talking to you right now.


Rob – Yea, that’s what Fred Bell was a very strong proponent of – the Blue Lodge and the Sirius A groups there as well. So it resonates with me there. Another question I have is in regards to these giant sphere ships, just to be clear. These are not mistaken by people with this constant talk of Nibiru and this hidden planet or star within our solar system, correct?

Rob:是的,是這樣,Fred Bell也是藍色會團以及天狼星A團體

COBRA – OK. Those sphere ships or sphere star gates or portals whatever you want to name them have absolutely no connection with so called Nibiru or any other entity or planet or object people are referring to. Nibiru is completely and absolutely misinformation.


Rob – Very good. I’m really glad to hear that. From what I understand, the Nibiruans as they are depicted in the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, were actually beings with kind of wings, which may have been a hybrid type of Orion type being, and these Nibirians were just basically one group that were kind of using earth people as slaves and allowing themselves to be considered as masters, kind of like Sirius B.Can you talk about that? Is Nibiru a planet, a mothership? From the history of Zecharia Sitchin, it is supposedly planet X. Dr. Frank Stranges has indicated that is NOT correct. You say that is incorrect. What is the story of the ancient history of Nibiru? Was this a giant mothership that was mining here along with other groups? Was this one group of beings, the Annunaki, but there were many other groups out here? What is the story – if you can get us, kind of correct the story of Zecharia Sitchin and put it in perspective?
I know we’ve talked about it before, and you’ve said it’s not that important. But again, it’s just endless with people. I’d really like to put this to bed. For those of you who want to ask question after this about Nibiru, we will not address them. Cobra, can you go into this a little bit? When was the Nibiru interaction and is that the name for a group of people or a mothership? Where do they come from and what was that history?

Rob:很好。我很高興能聽到這個。從我的理解來看,從古埃及象形文字中所描述的尼比魯人實際上是有翅膀的存有,可能是一種來自獵戶座的混血種族。基本上,這些尼比魯人僅僅只是一個團體組織,並將地球人看作為其奴隸,讓自己被看成為主人,就好像天狼星B那樣。你能否談談,尼比魯是一顆星球,還是一艘母艦呢?從撒迦利亞.西琴的歷史來看,它似乎應該是X行星。但Frank Stranges博士指出這是不正確的。你也說這是不正確的,那麼關於尼比魯的古代歷史故事到底是怎樣的呢?它是不是一艘大型的母艦,和其他團體一道在地球上曾經挖過礦呢?這些團體中有一個團體存有是不是阿努那奇人呢?是否有其他團體也在呢?故事到底是怎樣的呢?是否你可以為我們更正一下撒迦利亞.西琴的故事,將其以某種觀點來闡述一下呢?我知道我們以前談過這個,你也說過這些並不重要。但再次要提一下,僅僅是人們不斷地問到這個問題,我真地很想把這類問題放到床底下,不想再提及它們。柯博拉,你是否可以再談論一下呢?與尼比魯的交流是什麼時候開始的,那個名字是針對一個團體組織還是一艘母艦呢?它們從哪里來的呢?它們的歷史是怎樣的呢?

COBRA – OK. Sitchen was referring to Sumerian tablets. He was attempting to translate those tablets. He, in that position, was not scientifically correct.. But yes, the Sumerian text was talking about certain beings. You can describe them as winged beings.They came from a certain star system beyond our solar system. And yes, some of them came from Sirius B. I have described before the traits of Sirius B people. They were not the only ones. There was a group of many different races that were actually mixed among the ruling race in all of Sumeria. They were actually the ones that were forming the Sumerian city-states. Many of them were tied to the Archons, and their agenda was, first, to do some genetic experimentation and, second, to suppress the goddess energy. This is the short story of Nibiru. It has nothing to do with a certain object that some people named Nibiru that is supposed to enter our solar system and create cataclysm. This is absolutely not correct.


Rob – OK. Thank you. I’ve said that many times. People like to hear it from you. So I appreciate that. The other thing I’d like to know and a lot of people have asked this and there is an average person. You and I have an absolute feeling of divine connection. In terms of eternity and the ET situation, we’re talking about hundreds of thousands of years.
What’s changed so much in the last 30K years, or whenever the Niburians, or the people from Sirius B, or the groups that were here . . . All these groups are down here interacting and it seems like they all have agendas in doing things – kind of using the earth as their own for whatever reason they want. What is changed now? Has humanity reached a level of sovereignty that we’re to be respected now and what is really going to change?
How do we know that these ET’s aren’t just fighting over our earth and peoples? I mean, you and I know. What can you give other people here in terms of confidence that these different groups that are vying for what’s going on here that it’s not going to be just another group with a slightly different viewpoint that we still may get exploited that even though they are a positive group they are not that hostile but that they might not manipulate us into treaties or agreements with them that might benefit them more than us? I mean, what’s really changed? How do we know that these benevolent groups . . . are they all going to leave us alone, or are they all going to be vying for influence here? And what’s changed so much that we can trust all of this new interaction that we are hopefully going to be seeing for the average person?


COBRA – OK. First, you need to understand that history does not repeat in cycles. It repeats in spirals. That means that evolution accelerates and each cycle is faster than the previous one. Those cycles converge. The convergence point of those cycles is the compression breakthrough. It simply means that there is a certain purification process taking place throughout the galaxy that converges on this planet. Because this planet is, number one, the prime real estate for the galaxy. This is why so many different races were claiming it for themselves. Second, it is the convergence point for the transformation of galactic darkness. As we are coming closer to the convergence point, things accelerate and escalate. This is exactly what is happening now. At the moment of the compression breakthrough, the light penetrates through and is victorious. This is the moment when the darkness and all those different races with those different agendas can not play their tricks any more because they will be cleared out. This is one aspect of the story. The other aspect is people many times tend to perceive the situation from a victim perspective. Oh, I’m a pure human and there are other races manipulating over my destiny, when in fact each person, each of us, is a sovereign being with full intention of the I Am Presence, and if you connect with that potential and practice it, you will not be able to be manipulated by any body with no Draconian overloads or any other being. All those fears are based on, I would say, not putting enough attention on your own connection with your own higher self and your own power of manifestation.


Rob – That’s very good. Now you’re talking my language and this is something I’ve really been wanting people to get and for those people who are following Cobra’s information at PFC again, Cobra and I always emphasize, don’t sit back and just watch the news reports that are going on. Please step up and make changes in your life and in your spiritual connections. We’ll be training and going over a lot of that in my conference in Bolivia and Mt. Shasta. We’ll be going over various connection exercises with meditation. Folks, we’re going to get to your questions now.


Rob – So we’re going to go right forward here with a bunch of questions. We’ll see how many we can get through here. Let’s start off with this. A young girl who follows us – she’s 14 years old – she wants to ask her question. Shout out for the youngsters. Who are the first sentient beings on earth?


COBRA – There were always sentient beings on earth because they were so called guardian beings that were responsible for creating life on this planet that were starting to evolve biological life from viruses, microbes and on and on and on. They were here billions of years ago.


Rob – OK. There’s your answer. Billions of years (beings) and multi-dimensional. As far as physical beings, that’s probably so far in antiquity that no one can know exactly. The guy Gregg Braden in Awakening to Zero point. He says when the earth’s reaches A RESONANCE frequency of 36 cycles per second, that’s when we reach zero point – the collapse of the space time continuum and the knoll zone which also collapses. Some reports say that the earth’s resonance frequency is 16. If that’s true, we may be having . . . if he’s correct then . . . that would be that the ET’s are holding off. Can you talk about . . What is the correct resonance frequency right now?

Rob:好的,那是你的回答,有幾十億年,並且是多維度的。至於物理上的(有覺知)存有,迄今為止可能太古老而沒有人準確地知道。Gregg Braden在“覺醒到零點”這本書裏有說到,當地球達到每秒36週期的共振頻率的時候,就是我們所要達到的零點,時空連續體會塌陷,諾爾區也會塌陷。一些報告說,地球的共振頻率是16。如果是那樣的話,那會是外星人在拖延。你能否談談現在正確的振動頻率是多少呢?

COBRA – OK. There is a lot of misinformation among new age circles about the Schumann resonance frequency. Actually, there are multiple Schumann resonance frequencies. The main one is about 8 Hz. That has remained the same. That has not changed.


Rob – OK. Thank you. Is there any way we can see tachyon particles with our eyes?

COBRA – Some very gifted, spiritually gifted individuals can see them with their inner eye. To see them physically, it’s almost impossible.



Rob – Is there any particular way we can feel it?

COBRA – Of course, those that are sensitive can feel them. Many people can experience their very strong healing effects.



Rob – OK. Those giant sink holes that have been appearing. Can you talk . . . Were they created by someone, and if so how and what is their purpose – the giant holes that go way down and endless all over?

COBRA – Yes, yes. They were created by the RM for the same purpose the Pleiadians were creating the crop circles for human beings to start to ask questions. To break this monotonous matrix which was created by the Archons.



Rob – OK. Another question. Would it be possible for Chimera members to surrender if they realize the game is over for them? Is surrender an option or would they be killed by their own kind? Or would they never be able to consider that?

COBRA – Surrender is always an option. The ones who surrender will have an easier way out. But most of those types usually never consider surrender as an option. But surrender did happen in the past, is happening now and will continue to happen in the future.



Rob – Are there female members among the Chimera?

COBRA – This is classified information.



Rob – OK. Can you talk about any progress with the Chimera group at this point in time?

COBRA – When I will be able to release more, I will release it properly through the blog.



Rob – OK. When we have the tachyon healing chambers coming out, will these be able to immediately reverse cancer, Alzheimer’s and other life threatening diseases?

COBRA – OK. We have the basic version of the tachyon healing chambers already on the surface. They are built. They are not able to heal the diseases directly, but they heal the inner source of the disease and the person then goes through an inner transformation and that can help healing the disease. The real strong chambers will be available only after the event.



Rob – OK. For the average human in regards to this scalar plasma field mind control implant network, does the frequency that the human is at have anything to do whether the weapon will work, in other words, if someone is extremely connected to their I Am presence, will the plasma scalar field network be less effective or can it be stopped completely?

COBRA – It will be less effective.

Rob:好的。 關於等離子標量場的腦控植入物網路,對於普通人而言,人們所在的頻率是否會影響到那個武器的運作呢?換句話說,如果有人與“我是”臨在進行了極其緊密的連接,那麼等離子標量網路對他的效果會更少一些嗎?或者是說,對他完全無效?


Rob – OK. Can you talk about star-seeds? Will their personal role and mission be revealed to them before the event?

COBRA – OK. For the vast majority, no. There are certain individuals who have been working on themselves quite much and following their missions. For those, their missions are going to be revealed more and more every day. For the rest of them, they will most likely wait for the event.



Rob – Can you talk about the sub lunar operations that follow the MOSS operation that you mentioned in one of your last posts?

COBRA – This is, unfortunately, still classified information, and when I am able to talk about it, I will through my blog.



Rob – (laugh). Here’s another question; Is there anything that will be yet another obstacle to get passed in order to start the event?

COBRA – OK. When we clear those strangelet and toplet bombs, the plasmatic ones, it will be a huge breakthrough and it will be felt. When we do that, it will be very close.



Rob – Obviously, there still may be other obstacles that were not known about that are in process, but that’s the final one, that’s the ultimate one. Nothing more beyond. . .

COBRA – There might be or there might not be. I would not say one way or the other. We are dealing with the Chimera group for the last year or so and there is a lot of progress.



Rob – OK. Are there reptilians in a few of them in physical form at all here? A few maybe?

COBRA – Not in reptilian bodies. Incarnated in human bodies, yes.



Rob – OK. A lot of people are asking about Brazil. Brazil is part of the BRICS. A lot of people are upset they have a female president now. Is there infiltration in Brazil? The Cabal is still in control down there?


COBRA – OK. People need to understand that the progress of light forces with the Eastern Alliance does not mean that all those countries are simply turning into paradise. There is still a lot of Cabal influence in China, in Brazil, in India, in all of those countries, in Russia. But there is a strong light presence infiltrated in the government structures of those countries. They have a priority of tasks. Number one priority is the creation of the alternative financial system.Many of the other aspects of the government structures of those countries simply have to wait because they are not strong enough yet to deal with everything at once. There is still a lot of corruption in Brazil – a lot of Cabal influence. But you can observe certain positive trends. The lessening of the influence of international corporations, the lessening of the influence of US military and the lessening of the influence of the petrodollar. You can easily check those trends in Brazil, in China, in Russia and other BRICS countries.


Rob – OK. Thank you. Is the operation a plan after the event – Operation Dreamland?

COBRA – Operation Dreamland will explode with bursts of creativity after the event. It will be the new renaissance.



Rob – Can you give people a little more information about Dreamland. A lot of us know but a lot of us don’t. What is Operation Dreamland, real quick?

COBRA – OK. I would just tell you to go to my blog, search for Operation Dreamland and read that post.



Rob – Very good. Can you talk about the question here: Was the famine in Ireland engineered because of the Irish people’s awakening – The Irish Famine – or was that a natural phenomena?


COBRA – It was, of course. It was engineered for many objectives. The first one was to create a lot of cheap slave labor. Many of the Irish then went to US and worked in horrible conditions in US because of that famine. The other reason was to suppress the Goddess energy which was quite strong in Ireland. This was the plan of the Archons – and also to suppress the awakening of the Irish as a nation and because the point of the 
Cabal was to unify them with the United Kingdom.


Rob – OK. Here’s another question I got a lot of. I don’t know the Commander Valiant Thor and his people mentioned that Dr. Frank [Stranges] said that there were going to be a lot more plane crashes in the future. It seems like there’s one every couple months now. Of course everyone wants to know – was the Cabal involved in that crash into that mountain recently? Can you give us the reason?

COBRA – Yes, of course. There are many reasons. The first one is there were certain people on board that they wanted to have them silenced. The second reason they want to maintain fear among the surface population to maintain control.

Rob:明白,這裏有另外一個很多人所提及的問題。我並不知道指揮官Valiant Thor, 他的人有提及到Dr.Frank曾經說到過,在未來會有很多飛機會墜毀。似乎每隔幾個月就要掉下一架飛機。當然,人們想要知道陰謀集團是否有牽涉到最近的那次(德國)飛機撞山事件嗎?你能不能告訴我們原因呢?


Rob – OK. It is the goal of the Cabal to reduce the human population, and since they have control over the non-physical plane, isn’t it more effective if they let souls incarnate here?

COBRA – OK. It is just the goal of one faction of the Cabal to reduce the population. That is the Rockefeller, Kissinger, Bush, Illuminati faction. The other factions do not agree with that plan. This is one of the reasons why that plan is not successful. It will not be successful. The vast majority of the Cabal want to keep the human population and not for it to be reduced, because they actually like to have a lot of slaves around.



Rob – OK. Someone’s asked a question about the Ain Sophia is associated with the Nag Hammadi material. Does that come from a different star system? What is the source of the Sophia, the Pistis Sophia?

COBRA – OK. Sophia is the ancient archetype of wisdom incarnated as Goddess Earth. Goddess earth is a living entity. It’s not the physical planet itself, but the consciousness of the planet that came from the galactic central sun 4.6 billions years ago, and incarnated, anchored that wisdom presence into this physical planet.

Rob:明白,有人有問到一個問題,是關於Ain Sophia與拿戈瑪第文稿之間的聯繫。那是否來自於一個不同的星系呢?Pistis Sophia的起源是什麼呢?

COBRA: 好的,Sophia是化身為地球女神的古老智慧原型。地球女神是一個活生生的存在體,它並不是物質地球本身,而是行星意識,是於46億年前來自于銀河中央太陽,並顯化錨定這種智慧臨在到這個物理行星之上。

Rob – OK. Alfred Lambremont Webber said that that there was a discussion. Some people say that the earth is actually being moved by benevolent ET’s out of the solar system. Is the solar system being cleared and reconstructed? Alex Collier does talk about planets being engineered by very powerful forces changing their orbits.Omnec Onec also talked about the earth having two moons and that one of them was exploded and one of the reasons that we are a little more susceptible to imbalances because we only have one moon. What is going on? Will there be any, I guess I won’t say, terraforming, but solar forming of changing the orbits? Is that correct that it’s possible to actually move planets within different orbits by super galactic forces?

Rob:明白,Alfred Lambremont Webber曾說過,有過一次討論。有一些人說,地球正被善良的外星人給移動著,會被移出太陽系。太陽系是不是正在清理並重構呢?Alex Collier談到行星能被強大的力量而改變軌道。Omnec Onec也說到地球曾經有兩個月亮,其中一個爆炸了,所以我們更容易受到不平衡影響的一個原因,就是我們只有一個月亮。正發生了什麼呢?會不會有,當然我不會說是地球化,而會說是改變軌道的太陽系化的改變呢?實際上是有可能,通過銀河超級力量將行星在不同軌道上進行移動,這樣說對嗎? 

COBRA – OK. Yes it is possible to change orbits of planets and it did happen in galactic history. But this is not planned for this planet or for any larger object in the solar system in the near future. What is being planned is the vibrational change of the solar system and this is happening already. And smaller changes on the surface of planets in the solar system are happening as well. This is confirmed the last few decades there are changes in weather the patterns, intensity of magnetic fields and other parables on the surface of many planets inside the solar system. I will not comment about the polar shift. It might or might not happen.


Rob – OK. There’s a lot of people talking about the future time-lines and some of the ways, you’re saying breakthrough is near, and of course that gets a lot of people on the edge of their seats who follow you. Is this. . . they’re wondering about a time line, if possible. The breakthrough could possibly happen in late May. You talk about a target date in January for financial re-set. A lot of people are kind of . . . I guess it’s keeping people on their toes, and we don’t want the Cabal to know when things are happening anyway. What is the situation with these potential time lines, can you tell us? Is there a particular time in this next coming window when things may be looking good?


COBRA – OK. I will explain my perspective. I have been directly involved in operations for the liberation of the planet for about 20 years quite actively. And for me near does not mean tomorrow or next week. So this is relative what somebody perceives as near. I would say from my own perspectives.We are near to the breakthrough, because most of the operations I have been involved with for many years have been completed and successfully completed. I would say the majority of the project has been brought to completion. The majority of the things that needed to take place behind the scenes have taken place. This is why I am saying that the breakthrough is near. I’m not saying it’s happening today, or I’m not saying it’s happening tomorrow. I am not saying it’s going to happen on January 1, 2016. That is the target date for the Eastern Alliance and their plans. It might or not be the target date for the Event.

COBRA:我會以我的視角來解釋一下。我一直相當積極地直接參與這個行星解放運動大概有20年的時間。對我來說,“很近”不是明天或者下個星期。對於人們所感覺到的很近是相對的。我只是從我的角度這麼說。我們很接近突破,因為這麼多年來我所參與的大部分行動都已經完成了,並且是成功地完成了。我會說絕大多數的計畫都已經完成。大多數需要在幕後發生的事情都已經發生了。這就是為何我一直在說突破很近了。我不是說它會在今天發生,或者明天就發生。我也不會說它會在 2016年1月1日發生。這是東盟的目標日期和他們的計畫。這可能是,也可能不是“事件”的目標日期。

Rob – OK, let’s see. Another question we have here is in regards to the clones. We talked a little bit about that before the interview. I found that quite interesting. I thought people would be interested in that. Can you talk about the cloning process? We have a soul entity that inhabits a body. What happens . . . say they go in and make 3 different clones. Are those clones put on ice and just waiting for a possibility when George Bush is killed, and then that soul is pushed into another clone body, or are there multiple bodies actually functioning, and if so, is it the same soul functioning those bodies?


COBRA – Actually one soul, in the vast majority of cases. There are some exceptions, but extremely rare. In the vast majority of cases, inhabits one body. If we have this George Bush for example, if he gets killed, he will be captured by the Archons on the etheric plane. He will be transported to the Long Island facility on the etheric plane and then he will be put with strong magnetic fields and into the clone body that will be chosen for him. He would wake up in that place and then he will be transported back to his original location.


Rob – So at this time, when you see a being that’s George Bush, is it possible for a clone to be functioning and not have the soul of George Bush in it? If so, how is that being functioning, that clone?


COBRA – OK. There were some, what people call clone-bots, which are cloned robots which are not ensouled. Those entities have been cleared from the surface of the planet a long time ago. What we have besides the clones are lookalikes. They are beings that look similar to George Bush, for example, and they tend to appear in certain locations which are, from a security standpoint a risk for George Bush.


Rob – OK. An interesting thing I’d like you . . . I found it very fascinating. I talked to Fred and then, of course, I was reading Billy Meyers’ contact notes when I was 17, before anyone knew about him. I was very fascinated with the fact that the Pleiadians took Billy into one area, and if you could talk about this, and the ethic of some people have mentioned it?I guess benevolent races have a way of creating a type of being that is kind of a humanoid and yet has kind of a, I don’t know what we would call, a vegetable or animal type consciousness. They have some of their machinery in bases that function on things, and they, from an outside earth person, it would look like a slave, but, according to Billy Meyer, he went in and saw these beings and they kind of looked like zombies. They weren’t really sentient, but they actually were human bodies. They were able to perform certain functions. Can you talk a little bit about that technology and how that is deemed ethical by these light forces and what’s the situation with these these beings that are kind of clone like, I guess is it?


COBRA – OK. This is a sad part of the genetic experimentation that was taking place in underground bases. The light forces did not do this. This was done more by the Cabal and this was mostly happening in military underground bases that were joined with Draco Reptilian space programs.


Rob – OK. I’m talking about when Billy Meyer was on one of the ships. The Pleiadians have a type of being, according to him, that they said they actually kind of create a being, but it’s not really human. Is that, I think he said, kind of a vegetable consciousness? They can be programmed.

COBRA – I cannot confirm that.



Rob – You can’t confirm that. I’ll try and get you the Billy Meir actual contact notes. I guess some things are going on there. I guess there’s a different thing. Could you talk about . . . a lot of people are having problem in they have questions about . . . Could you talk about mercy and compassion towards the Cabal and the people involved in this? I think the Chimera breakaway and Archons are slightly different levels of that. Can you talk about compassion and mercy towards this type of situation? You know there’s so much suffering and so many people that just . . . It seems at this point in time, you know, a strong feeling to lash out.


COBRA – OK. The compassion towards the Cabal has it’s place only after the Cabal is stopped. People are angry and they are angry for good reasons, and their anger needs to be channeled into stopping the Cabal. When the Cabal is stopped after they are arrested, I would not suggest to vent people’s frustration on the Cabal, because that will not solve anything. After they are arrested, they have a right for a fair trial. When their crimes are exposed based on their decisions, their future will be decided. If they would like to amend their past actions, they will be given an opportunity. If they are not willing to do that, they will go to the galactic central sun and their individual soul presences will be erased from this dimensional universe. They will cease to exist.


Rob – OK, here’s a question someone had. A lot of people kind of go into this fear. Someone’s mentioning that Poland’s been in the middle of a lot of stress because it borders east and west. Someone is wondering if there’s any tension going on between, I guess European NATO forces and Russia. They feel like Poland . . . people are wondering if they should emigrate from Poland. Is there any potential for anything popping off there?

COBRA – Again this is fear mongering. The escalation between, the large scale escalation between NATO forces and Russia is extremely unlikely.



Rob – OK. Here’s an interesting one. What is transsexualism? How will it look like possibilities of body corrections after the event? What’s going to happen with some people who have done sex changes?

COBRA – OK. At a certain phase after the event, and closer to the first contact, people will be able to experience transmigration from their current body into a body of the opposite polarity. So if somebody is a man and would like to experience life from the perspective as a woman, he will be able to be teleported into a female body at that time. Through some of those experiences, some people will be clear their sexual identities and heal some of their traumas from the past.



Rob – Wow. Very interesting. So there is going to be the possibility for people to change bodies. Will this be possible for people with extreme illnesses, or is this a certain? I mean, I don’t know . . . it kind of seems like we have to take responsibility for the body we’re in and even though we’ve been attacked we can get a new body. What’s the story? Is there a karma where you can’t just destroy a body through bad actions and get a new one?

COBRA – OK. There is no karma as is described in the Archon paradigm. If somebody will need a new body that will be provided based on priority. People with terminal illnesses, with chronic pain, will be healed. If the body can not be healed, they will be able to shift into a different body as we go toward the first contact and after the first contact. Like most advance races, they can choose and change their bodies according to their own inner guidance.



Rob – Wow, that’s very interesting. The man named Bob Reynaude – a famous contactee of Gabriel Green who works with the people of the Korrendor and has actually fallen in love with a woman from there and actually goes there and inhabits a Korrendorian body where he will go after his passing here. He will live his life out on Korrendor. He’s one of those people you’re talking about. You mentioned a while back that after the Congo invasion of 1996, the Archons spent a period from 1996 – 1999 on a mass implant program. Was that through the Greys? Were they physical implants? Was it the nano implants? Could you talk a little bit about that?

Rob:那非常有趣。這裏有一個人名叫Bob Reynaude,是Gabriel Green的一位著名的接觸者,他與Korrendor人一道工作,並實際上在那裏與一位女性墜入了愛河,並去到那裏,寄居在一個Korrendor人的身體之中,他將尋找他在那裏的過去。他將在Korrendor過完他的一生。他就是其中一位你所談到的人物。你曾經說過,在1996年剛果入侵之後,執政官從1996年到1999年間進行了大規模的植入計畫。這個計畫是通過灰人來執行的嗎?那些是物理性的植入物嗎?還是納米植入物呢?你能否說一下呢?

COBRA – OK. First, there was massive implantation through plasma etheric scalar technology. Second, there was a lot of implants being distributed globally through vaccinations programs with biochips. There was also a certain number of MILAB type of experiences where they were taken to underground bases and implanted physically after trauma based mind programming sessions.


Rob – OK. I’ve got. . We’re getting near the end here. We’ve got a couple more questions we’re going to get through. Can you talk about if there is more than one Cintamanni stone?


COBRA – Actually, Cintamanni stone . . . here are two aspects of the stone. One aspect of the stone is the stone that fell from Sirius. There are many fragments of that stone. For the large part of human history, that stone was in the hands of the Agarthan network. Small fragments were released to humanity or more precisely to certain, most powerful human individuals who were working for the light forces. And very recently the light forces have started to release that stone massively. I will write a blog post about it quite soon.


Rob – Is it possible for the average humanity to get Cintamanni stones?

COBRA – Yes, we will make that happen.

Rob – Thank you. Here’s a question. I guess it has to do . . . this is the one I was interested in. One is how did Jesus bring back Lazarus from the dead? And I have a follow-up question to that.

COBRA – There was technology involved. There was some advanced ET technology involved in his so-called miracles.





Rob – Right, so he had a mission here to perform certain things and they basically said sorry, you know what the Pleiadians call a creator son is here and we’re going to take over the Archon network and they just did it, right?

COBRA – It was more Sirians and not so much the Pleiadians.



Rob – OK. Can you talk a little bit . . . a lot of question . . . we have these past life regressions. People want to know what their past lives are and stuff like that and what their previous incarnations were? It seems as though Delores Cannon . . . she’s passed over, but she seemed to be pretty accurate. It seems that some hypnotism is a way to get ahold of that. Do you know any other way people can contact their past life reincarnations other than the Golden Disc of the Sun down in Peru Temple of The Seven Rays?

COBRA – The most easiest and most sure way to remember past incarnations is to strengthen your connection with your soul, and when the time is right the soul memory will come into your physical brain and you will remember.



Rob – OK. I’m wondering about if you could describe to people . . . a lot of people have been talking about when you talked about the death experience and going over. A lot of people were concerned for their family members and themselves, especially. You mentioned that the etheric plane isn’t the best place to be right now when you pass over.
What should people do if they’re . . . if it’s possible at the time of death . . . what is the situation? Will someone greet them? Is that a false Archon that’s going to manipulate them? A family member’s going to say, ‘Yes, come into the light.” and you go into the Archon reincarnation network.


COBRA – Actually after you go through the tunnel into the light you will meet your loved ones. It is not a trick. It’s a real situation. There is more and a lighter presence on the etheric and the higher planes. You are still inside of the incarnation cycle. You are not able to be fully free to go and exit the solar system and go to Sirius or Pleiades. The situation is not as bad as it was, but if you’re leaving the incarnation in the usual fashion, you are old and dying. You are most likely in a quite balanced state of mind. But if you do commit suicide, you are in an excited state then the transition is not so easy simply because your emotions and your energy field is in an excited state and then the transition is not so easy and then it’s easier for the Archons to press your buttons – guilt, for example, and trap you more.


Rob – OK. Two more questions here. We got quite a few questions on this. I know you talked a little bit about it in your posts. Can you tell us the story behind the AIIB and what is the role of the AIIB in the financial reset at the Event.


COBRA – It is simply a vehicle of the distribution of the funds that will be released after the Event for infrastructure projects. Right now they are just creating, I would call it, a bureaucratic institution that needs to be established for a current level of consciousness. Because when the event happens, those funds need to be channeled through certain infrastructure bureaucratic institutions. And AAIB is the perfect vehicle for that.


Rob – OK, and here’s another question. People want to know what is the black knight satellite? Alex Collier said it’s a giant highway patrol from the Superluminals to monitor astral pathways and life in various systems. Would you concur with that?

Rob:這裏有另外一個問題。人們想知道黑騎士衛星是什麼?Alex Collier說這是一個巨大的高速公路巡警,來自于超光速,並監控星光層通路以及各星系的生命。你同不同意呢?

COBRA – I would not agree. Actually the existence of the black knight satellite is a hypothesis. It is not based on fact. It is based on some old NASA photos, which actually show part of the NASA program. This does not mean that there are no artificial satellites that are quite old. Yes, they are, but they are much deeper undercover and nothing is known about them outside the secret space program – the deep secret space program. Anybody else has no idea about them.

COBRA:我不會同意。實際上,黑騎士衛星的存在只是一種假設,並沒有事實根據。它是基於一些舊的 NASA照片,其實際上是顯示出NASA的部分專案。但這並不意味著,沒有非常古老的人造衛星。是的,有這種衛星,但它們藏得很深,在秘密太空計畫以外,沒有人知道關於它們的任何資訊。我說的是深層的秘密太空計畫,沒有人會瞭解到它們。

Rob – There were some large explosions heard by some people recently underground, and there’s also an earthquake in California – in the Burbank area – a very small one. A lot of people are wondering . . . are we looking at some. . . is it still possible we may be having some more earthquake activity? This is obviously controlled by the light forces to release tension along the acupuncture ley line points of the earth for healing. Can we get any? Will we get any information if there’s to be some major earthquake activity, and will any of this be in Yellowstone?


COBRA – OK. The light forces are monitoring the situation in Yellowstone and are actually buffering it for quite some time. They might not be able to completely guide the situation without any earthquakes or interruptions in that area. I can not guarantee that, but most likely, they will not be very dramatic.


Rob – OK. So another place that you mentioned I think was also in Chile down in South America. There will be a little more earthquake activity. Is that correct?

COBRA – It’s possible.



Rob – OK. Well ladies and gentlemen, I know we had a lot of stuff going on here and we couldn’t get to a lot of questions you had today. We had a lot of stuff to go through. It’s been very informative. Again, thank you, Cobra, for joining us here today and Victory to the Light.

COBRA – OK. Thank everybody for listening. And I will say again, the breakthrough is near. It does not mean to happen tomorrow, but I need to repeat that to anchor and ground that energy into the conscious of human beings. We are close to the breakthrough phase. We have been working for this many, many lifetimes, and in this lifetime especially, and we are getting closer.



Rob – Thank you, Cobra, for that bit of information. I would 
encourage you all to have the faith in the positive forces of light and the power of your own soul. Connect to that as much as possible through your pure intelligence of your mind and your own I AM presence and that will help you achieve the Victory of the Light. Thank you for coming towww.thepromiserevealed.com Don’t forget Mr. Truthseeker, my events, the webinar coming up.



