Meditation for Europe Report and Two Cobra Interviews
Meditation for Europe was a partial success. Although many people participated, we were far from achieving the critical mass.
我們在第二次歐洲和平冥想取得了部分的成功。 雖然當天有許多人參與冥想,但是人數遠不足以達成臨界質量。
It is true that Russian intervention in Syria has triggered a wave of refugees returning back to Syria, as it was reported by Iranian news agency just hours after our meditation:
On the other hand, there is far from enough awareness about the severity of the refugee situation among the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors. The whole situation is a mixture of a genuine great humanitarian crisis as masses of people are fleeing the war, and an attempt of the Cabal to destabilize Europe and trigger WW3 by igniting religious hatred between Christians and Muslims.
另一方面,光工和光戰士相當不了解難民危機的嚴重性。 這次的問題一方面是大批民眾為了躲避戰火而形成的重大人道危機,同時也是陰謀集團顛覆歐洲的計謀─他們企圖煽動基督徒和穆斯林之間的宗教仇恨,進而引發第三次世界大戰。
About three quarters of refugees are people who escaped the horrors of war and they deserve all our love and support. But, it is estimated that about 4% of migrants entering Europe are Islamic State mercenaries that are being infiltrated into Europe. It is also estimated that additional 20% of migrants have been given large sums of money to enter Europe, posing as economic migrants, but actually serving as a backup for the mercenaries. Some of them have been trained and mind-programmed in military camps across Middle East, logistically supported by CIA. This whole operation, costing a few billion, has been financed with Rothschild and Saudi money. This segment of migrants has been given easy access to fake or stolen Syrian passports to make their infiltration into Europe easier:
大約有75%的難民是為了躲避戰亂的群眾。 這些人值得所有人的關愛和支持。 不過據估計移民潮中有4%是偷渡到歐洲的伊斯蘭國傭兵。 另外據估計還有20%的移民透過經濟移民管道進入歐洲,然後利用他們獲得的大筆資金支援伊斯蘭國傭兵。 有些假移民已經在中東各地的軍事營地受過訓練和洗腦教育,而且這些營地還有美國中情局的後勤支援。 這場耗資數十億美元的滲透行動是由羅斯柴爾德家族和沙烏地王室提供資金。 這些假移民能夠輕鬆取得偽造/偷來的敘利亞護照,讓他們可以更輕易地滲透到歐洲:
譯註:敘利亞駐約旦大使館在一個月內核發了1萬本護照。 民眾只要花250英鎊就可以不經過審查直接取得護照。
Most top European politicians are aware of the invasion plan and support it willingly or unwillingly under the dictates of the Cabal. The agenda of the Cabal is to annex parts of Europe to the Islamic State caliphate until 2020 and their plans are serious:
大多數歐洲政府高層人士都知道伊斯蘭國的侵略計劃。 他們有些人自願助紂為虐,或不情願地受陰謀集團宰制。 陰謀集團計劃在2020之前將一部分歐洲土地納入伊斯蘭國的國土,而且他們會認真執行他們的計劃:
The Cabal has plans to repeat the same process later in the USA after Europe is taken. Last week, tiny alpine country of Slovenia has been receiving a steady influx of 10,000 refugees daily. If we compare this to the United States, the flow of refugees is comparable to 2 million migrants entering the States daily across the Mexican border through a few entry points in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.
陰謀計團已經計劃在歐洲淪陷之後對美國使用同樣的入侵計劃。 就在上個禮拜,每天都有1萬名難民湧入斯洛維尼亞。 如果我們把這個山邊小國的難民潮等比例放大到美國,等於是每天都有2百萬名移民從加州丶亞利桑那州丶新墨西哥州和德州的美墨邊境出入口進入美國。
Although thanks to the Russian intervention the plans of the Cabal for Europe and USA will NOT be successful, it is still very important for Lightworkers and Lightwarriors around the world to support peace in Europe with mass meditations. This is the most serious geopolitical situation on this planet since the end of WW2. Meditation for Europe might need to be repeated again and announced on my blog if the situation will require, and I would ask that more people support the Light at that critical moment. Also, it would be good if people who feel so guided would do this meditation daily. Aside from our meditations, what is urgently needed on the surface of this planet is a spiritual intervention of the Light forces, which will occur, as soon as the strangelet bomb threat is reduced to a manageable level.
雖然俄羅斯的軍事介入可以阻止陰謀集團顛覆歐洲和美國,全世界的光工和光戰士仍然需要利用大規模冥想援助歐洲。 歐洲難民危機是第二次世界大戰之後地球上最嚴重的地緣政治問題。 如果情勢需要的話,歐洲和平冥想可能會重覆在我的部落格上公告。 我希望會有更多人在緊要時刻護持聖光。 如果有人可以每天進行歐洲和平冥想,那是再好不過了。 除了 我們的冥想,地表世界也極度需要光明勢力的靈性介入。 他們會在奇異子炸彈威脅降低到可以管控的程度之後就會進行介入。

On a brighter side, you might wish to read this Cobra interview by Prepare for Change:
Or listen to the Youtube version here:
The October monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter has been posted, together with the transcript, which you can see if you scroll a bit further down this page:
Rob Potter主持的柯博拉十月訪談節目已經公開上傳。 網頁往下拉一點就有逐字稿:
The Youtube version is available here:
You can send your questions to rob@thepromiserevealed.com and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.
大家可以把問題寄到 rob@thepromiserevealed.com 我們會在下個月的訪談節目中回答一部份的問題。
Victory of the Light!
翻譯:Patrick Shih
準備轉變Prepare for Change粉絲頁:
轉自: 黃金時代官網