【柯博拉Cobra】Sunday, May 15, 2016
Rob Potter主持的柯博拉/柯里古德聯合訪談 第一部分
Joint Cobra / Corey Goode Interview by Rob Potter Part 1
Friday, May 13, 2016
Rob Potter主持的柯博拉/柯里古德聯合訪談 第一部分(全文譯)
Here is the transcript and the audio of the first part of the joint Cobra / Corey Goode interview by Rob Potter. The second part will be posted when finished.
Rob Potter前幾天主持了柯博拉/柯里古德的聯合訪談。這是訪談第一部分的逐字稿。第二部分的逐字稿和語音檔會在完成後製之後上傳。

The Youtube audio version is here:
The SoundCloud player audio version is here:
Link to Rob Potter's page with the interview is here:
連結致Rob Potter訪談專頁:
And the transcript is here:
Rob - Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, brothers and sisters, divine embodiment of the All. My name is Rob Potter and this is the Victory of the Light radio show. I‘m your host of the Pyramid one. I’d like to thank Alan from the land of wonder down under who makes it possible. You can see the station button on the web-site if you want to support this station . I’d like to let you all know I do a fb page and Cobra Resistance and blog. You can check that out. Also my web-site the http://thepromiserevealed.com/. I’d like to thank Danell for the transcription. I’d like to thank Rique Seraphico who normally does the transcription. We’ll have him back. I’d like to thank Chris for modulating Cobra’s voice. With 24K miles signal delay at times, it made it a little difficult. It went over an hour but with the edits we had to do we’re down to 50 minutes so I’m doing a little longer intro. I’m some information that will enjoy this second. We can share some information with you
Rob- 各位先生女士、男孩女孩、兄弟姊妹、各位聽眾朋友,大家好。我是Pyramid one的主持人--Rob Potter。您現在收聽的是光之勝利的現場轉播。我首先要感謝Alan幫忙促成今天的節目。如果聽眾朋友想要支持本網站,可以點擊網頁下方的捐款功能。我想讓聽眾朋友知道我們的臉書粉絲頁、個人網站和部落格。我的網站是 http://thepromiserevealed.com/ 我要感謝Danell幫忙騰打逐字稿。我也要感謝先前經常幫忙騰打逐字稿的Rique Seraphico。 我要謝謝Chris做柯博拉的變聲處理。由於我和兩位來賓的相隔距離很遠,網路訊號的延遲使得後製處理變得有點麻煩。今天的訪談時間是1個小時;加上後製的話,實際的訪談時間是50幾分鐘。
Insiders revealing what’s going on have agreed for the sake of unity and the sake of their followers are going to be commenting on each others' questions. I have some questions
(Rob - http://thepromiserevealed.com,
Cobra - http://2012portal.blogspot.com,
Corey - http://www.spherebeingalliance.com)
Rob - Corey and Cobra. Despite the fact that certain aspects of your information does not match up with each other, do you both generally agree on the bigger issues such as; full disclosure, freedom for the people, release of hidden technology, an end to war and environmental destruction. Corey.
Rob –柯里和柯博拉,你們好。雖然你們的資料在某些方面並不吻合,你們是否都同意我們要為大局著想。例如全面大揭露、人類的自由、公開隱藏科技和終結戰爭和環境破壞? 請柯里先回答。
Corey - Yea, I think that’s something pretty much anyone can get behind. We’ve all seen the signs of all of these topics not being conspiracies, they’re real. We've seen the different political movements. Everyone is tired of the lies. They’re ready. (Cobra)
Corey- 我想這些是幾乎每個人都會支持的事情。我們都已經看到許多徵兆顯示上述的議題不是陰謀論,而是真實發生的事情。我們已經看到許多不同的政治運動。大家都已經對謊言感到厭煩了。大家都準備好了。(請柯博拉回答)
COBRA - Yes. Of course I agree with this and I have been fighting with this my whole life and of course I would agree and I would support anybody who would be fighting along the same lines.
COBRA –我當然同意你的說法。這些是我這一生都在奮鬥的目標。我會協助任何一位志同道合,跟我一起打拼的人。
Rob - Is there any reason that both of your respective audiences should not cooperate with each other towards full disclosure and planetary liberation. Cobra.
Rob – 兩位各自的粉絲是否有任何理由而不應該合作,一起為全面大揭露和解放地球努力?
COBRA - I do not see any reason for that. (Corey)
COBRA –我想不到任何他們不該合作的理由。(請柯里回答)
Corey - That’s one of the main things that we’re trying to doing the full disclosure project is obtain unity in the community. There are so many different ideologies that we can argue about. The one thing that we can all agree on is that we want full disclosure. We want to know the truth. If we put blinders on to all the things we disagree about and focus on what we agree, we can get a lot accomplished.
Corey –我們正試圖藉由促成全面大揭露來凝聚網路社群的向心力。人們有很多可以爭執的意識形態。我們全體都贊成的就是全面大揭露。我們想要知道真相。如果我們可以放下歧見並且專注在我們都同意的項目,就可以達成許多事情。
Rob - Wonderful. That’s what the world’s been wanting to hear. Corey do you know what the Event is as Cobra has described it. (No) Cobra would you like to give him a brief synopsis.
Rob –非常好。這就是全世界的聽眾都想聽到的答案。柯里,你知道柯博拉常提到的事件嗎? (不知道)。 柯博拉,你可以簡單地講解事件嗎?
COBRA - Yes, of course. The event is the moment of the compression breakthrough. The compression breakthrough is when the light forces from above the surface of the planet and from below the surface of the planet meet in the middle that is on the surface of the planet. I hope that we all agree that there are certain factions that support the light and support the liberation that exists inside of the solar system. There are some factions that support the light and the liberation of the planet that are existing below the surface. They’re progressing towards the surface of the planet because the surface of the planet is the main battleground is the main focus of all this situation that is not just limited to the planet Earth. When this breakthrough happens, this is what we term the Event. The Event is actually many things at the same moment. It is when the light forces take over the mass media and release intel about ET involvement, about the crimes of the Cabal, about the advanced technologies, so FULL disclosure. This is part of it. The other part of it is the mass arrest of the Cabal. The other part of it is Financial re-set that the Eastern alliance has been preparing for quite a long time. And of course we have been gradually going towards the first contact which is an actual official contact between the earth civilization and other positive ET races that exist throughout the galaxy. And the Event is a trigger point which begins that process. That’s the short overview of what the Event is. And of course we have the pulse from the galactic central sun. The galactic central sun is a living entity and it times the pulse of energy according to our global awareness and the level of that awareness and the level of the awakening. And when we have this compression breakthrough the level of awakening is high enough for humanity to receive that pulse of increased energy from the galactic center.
COBRA –當然沒問題。 事件就是壓縮突破發生的時刻。壓縮突破是地球上空的光明勢力和地表之下的光明勢力在地表世界會師的時刻。我希望我們都同意:太陽系內有些派系支持光明勢力和地球解放任務。地表世界之下也有些派系光明勢力和地球解放任務。 現在他們正在往地表世界進發,因為地表世界是解放任務的主戰場。雖然整體局勢並不侷限在地球,地表世界是主要的焦點。一旦壓縮突破發生,就會連帶發生事件。其實很多事情會在事件期間一併發生。光明勢力會接管大眾媒體並且開始公開外星文明涉入人類歷史的史料、揭發陰謀集團的犯罪證據、揭露先進科技。這就是全面大揭露。這是事件的一部分。事件的另一部分是大規模逮捕陰謀集團。另外還有金融重置。東方聯盟已經籌備金融重置好一段時間了。接下來就是逐步進行第一次接觸。第一次接觸是地球文明與銀河系內的正面外星種族進行正式的交流。事件是帶動第一次接觸的時機點。以上是事件的簡短敘述。當然事件也牽涉到銀河中央太陽的能量脈衝。銀河中央太陽是一個有生命的實體。它會按照地球的集體覺醒程度發出能量脈衝。壓縮突破也代表人類的覺醒程度已經高到可以接收來自銀心的能量脈衝。

Rob - Corey, do you have any intel that confirms Cobra’s information on the Event as he has stated specifically.
Rob -柯里,你對柯博拉講述的事件有沒有相關的情報?
Corey - Much of what he’s said are part of the negotiations between all of these different alliances, Cabal groups, all of these are things that I’ve heard among things that has been negotiated. Yes, that’s very much a part of the reality of what is going on and is being negotiated. A lot of those things are in flux about what percentage some groups what to put out and all that. When it’s all said and done they’re not really going to . . . they think they have more power about how stuff is going to come out than in what form they really do.
Corey –許多他講的內容都是不同聯盟、陰謀集團派系之間的談判,和許多我聽過的協商內容。這些事情差不多就是現實的情況和各方人馬正在談判的議題。這些事情都一直有進展,不過有些團體也正在全力拖延。這些團體自認有能力掌握事局的發展,但是事情總不會如他們所願。
Rob - That is really good news for everyone. The next question is for Cobra. Cobra, have you heard as yet any confirmation from your sources to confirm not just the blue avians but the blue sphere being alliance or the meetings taking place as Corey has described them with the Super Federation of 40, the Anchara Alliance and the various groups as he describes them.
Rob –這確實是個好消息。下一個問題要請柯博拉回答。請問你是否有聽過或可以證實藍鳥人、藍色球體聯盟或柯里講過的,由40個外星種族組成的超級聯邦、安查拉聯盟和其他不同的團體?
COBRA - This is actually many questions in one. I can confirm that my sources have confirmed the existence of the so - called spheres. They don’t determine them in that way. They say there are many gigantic objects in the outer region of the solar system and also throughout the solar system that are cloaked most of the time. Cloaked not only in the visible part of the spectrum but cloaked in all ranges of electromagnetic radiation so they are not detectable. They are also not detectable for remote viewers. And yes, this is what I can confirm. I can not confirm all the details that Corey has released and I can not confirm his meetings with different alliances. But I can definitely confirm the existence of the spheres, not in details, but general information I can confirm.
COBRA –這一題其實包括了很多個問題。我的情報來源已經證實球體存有的存在。我的線人們並不把這些存有定義為球體。他們說:太陽系外圈有非常多巨型物體。這些物體也遍佈整個太陽系,而且在大多數的時間維持隱形狀態。他們的隱形技術可以遮蔽任何可見光和電磁輻射,因而他們不會被偵測到。就連有遙視能力的異能人士也看不見它們。關於這一點,我可以確認。我還無法確認所有柯里講過的細節以及他和不同聯盟之間的會議內容。我確實可以證實這些球體的存在。雖然不清楚細節,不過大致上是沒問題的。
Rob - Again ladies and gentlemen we have gentlemen who are both having genuine contacts and it seems these groups are working within their own different parameters. Corey can you give your opinion, I know there are lots of different people having lots of different types of contacts. Is the reason that some of these genuine people with face to face contact working for the same reason, from your understanding ,might not be on the same thread. There’s obviously lots of groups. What is your opinion on that one.
Rob –各位聽眾朋友,我們現場有兩位曾親身與外星種族交流的來賓。這些外星團體似乎有各自不同的處事風格。柯里能不能發表你的看法。我知道很多人經歷過各式各樣的外星交流。按照你的認知,是不是曾經和外星種族面對面交流的人可能不會站在同一陣線? 顯然地球之外有非常多不同的團體。你對這一點有甚麼看法?
Corey - There are many different groups working in slightly different ultimate agendas that have the same overall, I guess, agenda. They’re working their own segmented little operations and so, you know, they’re not always completely wise to the operations of other groups. They may have been working off a lot of the same intel but they’re not working off of the same mission statement. If that makes sense. If you mean different, these different beings, you could meet 2 or 3 different beings that have different operational modes that they’re in and have different reasons for delivering information to people. You can know it’s from the same overall operational goal.
Corey –我想:許多不同的團體在著手不同的目標時也會顧及整體的大局。他們會各自執行自己的任務。你也知道,他們執行任務的時候總不可能都顧及到其他團體的任務。他們可能一直用同樣的情報執行任務,但是他們卻有各自的任務目標。假設今天有2-3個不同的族群,它們可能就也2-3種不同的任務模式。他們也會基於不同的理由把訊息傳遞給人類。基本上,他們整體的目標是一樣的。
Rob - Cobra, would you agree or do you have any comments on that.
Rob -柯博拉,你是否同意柯里的說法。或者你有甚麼看法嗎?
COBRA - Yes, I would agree and I would say that each group has it’s own cultural roots and it’s own strategy. It’s not easy for any of the groups to navigate the situation because there has been so much complexity in the situation and they have to. . . each group has to find their own policy and it’s not always easy. Each group comes from their own perspective and when those perspectives come together there is always a period of getting to know each other, alignment of intel. It’s process that takes time, especially inside of this solar system when there has been so much division and so much suppression of intel. So this is the process I expect to take some time.
COBRA –我同意他的說法。每個團體都有各自的文化根源和行動策略。對任何團體而言,企圖引導整體局勢絕非容易的事情。因為整體局勢有非常多複雜糾結的事情。每個團體又有各自的盤算,所以帶動局勢不會每次都順利。每個團體都有各自的看法;互相了解和交換情報也需要時間。由於太陽系內的派系之間有許多分歧而且情報流通有很多不順暢的情況,這兩件事情要花上更長的時間。
Corey - That’s an important point that Cobra made. You have to develop a rapport with a Being to understand their culture, I guess, where they’re coming from, the way they communicate because all these different beings can communicate in a different manner just like all the different people that you run across in a daily life.
Corey -柯博拉講到重點了。 你必須要和對方發展互動關係,了解對方的出身背景和對方的溝通方式。不同的存有跟我們在日常生活中遇到的人一樣,有不同的溝通方式。
Rob - That’s ok. Like Italians speak in a certain way and communicate . .
Rob –這也還好。 好比說義大利人就有獨特的溝通方式。
Corey - Not only that but different personality types and different points of view. People communicate differently and in our daily lives we may misconstrue our normal conversation so, you know, until you get to know a person then you’re going to understand what they trying to communicate to you. You have to develop a rapport with some of these Beings before you can fully relate what they’re communicating to you.
Corey –不光是溝通方式不同;每個存有的個性和觀點也不一樣。我們在日常生活中有各種溝通方式,我們就連日常對話可能會錯意。你得先認識對方,開始了解對方想要表達的意思。你得先和跟對方打好關係,之後才可能弄清楚他們想溝通的事情。
Rob - Ok. thank you. I usually choose questions that I get repeats on. This is kind of an interesting one. People have sent me links from news reporters from around the world with this same phenomena kind of like those giant circular sink holes that have been showing up, kind of kept silent. But around the world lots of people have recorded on videos as well as on newscast reports certain cities are hearing certain noises. And the question is, was are the mournful sound of trumpets registered in countries around the world. Cobra first. Do you have intel on what these sounds are. They are definitely seem to be real.
Rob –好的,謝謝你。我經常問多數聽眾想知道的問題。這個問題蠻有趣的。聽眾朋友寄給我好幾樁關於天坑現象的新聞。近幾年世界各地傳出地面突然冒出一個大洞。這些新聞都被冷處理。另外世界各地的城市也傳出民眾聽到某種噪音的新聞。我想問:這種類似號角低鳴的聲音到底是怎麼一回事? 請柯博拉先回答。你是否知道這些聲音的來源。顯然他們真的存在。
COBRA - OK. According to my sources what is happening is there is, I would term it infrasound, which is just on the threshold of human hearing about 16 Hz and that frequency is harmful for human consciousness and the Cabal is using scalar devices that transmit infrasound. The infrasound travels not only through physical space it travels through the etheric space and it travels especially through plasma. By infrasound scalar waves they keep human consciousness locked into a certain vibrational state and people who have good hearing can hear that sound. Some of the people can actually feel that sound within their bodies as a certain vibration, certain suppressive vibrations. It is something that has been actually monitored, measured and documented around the world.
COBRA –好的。我的線人表示:這種聲音是次聲波。這種聲波的頻率只有16赫茲。人類勉強能聽見這種聲音,而且它的頻率對人類意識有不良的影響。陰謀集團利用純量波設備傳送次聲波。次聲波不僅會在現實世界中傳播,還會傳播到乙太層,尤其是藉由電漿傳播。陰謀集團利用次聲波把人類的意識縮限在特定的振動模式。聽力好的人就能聽見這種帶有壓迫感的聲音。全世界都在監控、測量和記錄這種聲音。
Rob - To follow up here, some of the sounds are actually reaching to be heard in certain areas. It’s been recorded like for a week, I think, I’m not sure but somewhere in Utah they’re hearing these sounds and it’s on the news, so it is the technology of the Cabal breaking down and it’s breaking into the audible spectrum now?
Rob –有些聲音會傳播到好幾個區域,而且持續將近一個星期。我不是很確定,不過猶他州某處的民眾曾經聽過這種聲音。這件事情還上了新聞版面。這種聲音是不是某種陰謀集團的科技損壞,然後音波降頻到人類聽到的音域?
COBRA - Actually many people can hear that sound. It is not so difficult to hear if you know what to listen to but people usually just disregard this because they have so many other things to focus on in their lives. As I’ve said again those sounds have been documented they have been measured. The frequency spectrum has been measured and usually it’s just below the threshold of human hearing but some people can hear it.
COBRA –其實許多人能聽見那種聲音。如果你知道要聽到哪種聲音,就不會太難發現。人們通常不會刻意去聽那種聲音,因為人們在生活中還有很多要關注的事情。我剛才也說過:這些聲音都有經過測量和記錄。它的頻率範圍經常都低於人類的聽覺閥值,不過有些人還是聽得到。
Rob -Ok. It’s being recorded so a lot of people can hear it. Can you talk about it Corey?
Rob –網路上有錄音檔,所以很多人可以聽得到。柯里,你能不能發表一些意見。
Corey - This is something I’ve been asked about quite a bit and it depends on the actual incident. This is a sound that is completely audible that you can record. Then it is a mechanical sound. This. .. if it’s a regional if it’s just happening right around a little city, a lot of time it’s been exchanging air with the surface with the below ground bases. When it’s heard in wider regions around the planet the huge trumpet sound and other low frequency sounds it is similar to sky quakes. It is from incoming, the rise of energetic waves that are coming into the solar system that are interacting with our upper atmosphere.
Corey –我經常被問到這個問題。這種聲音的來源其實有幾種可能。人們聽得見,而且也能錄到這種聲音。它像是機器運轉的聲音。如果聲音只局限於一座小型城市,通常都是地下基地的抽風機在運轉的聲音。如果聲音傳到世界各地,而且聽起來很像巨大的號角聲或類似天震的異世界頻率,那就是來自外太空的能量波。這種能量波進入太陽系並且和地球上方的大氣層交互作用,就會發出奇特的聲音。
Rob - Interesting, thank you very much. We have the 2 different possibilities on these is a vibrational thing as well as a Cabal infrastructure. Both have agreed there. Here’s another interesting question I have here for both of you. Do either of you have intel on the explosions off the coast of Japan. According to Benjamin Fulford these are subterranean battles underneath a military base that Ben Fulford said was to prevent WWIII. Corey do you have any intel on that earthquake off of Japan. Was it a small scale Nuke or do you have any information on that?
Rob –真有趣。非常謝謝你。原來這種聲音有兩種可能的來源。這種聲音跟震動有關,兩位來賓也同意跟陰謀集團的設施有關。請問兩位知不知道日本海岸發生的爆炸事件。斑傑明‧富爾福德表示:這些爆炸是因為日本的地下軍事基地發生武裝衝突。好人正在阻止第三次世界大戰。柯里,你是否知道日本的地震。那次地震是小型核武造成的嗎?
Corey - Quite a few of the earthquakes that we’re having that are raging between 5.8 and 6.8 are triggered from various different exotic weapons. Part of this intel updates that we’re releasing, it’s either going to be this evening or tomorrow, David Wilcock is releasing for me on his website http://www.divinecosmos.com/. It has to do with some terrible battles that have been going on underground bases and caverns especially down in South America and under the ocean around Antarctica. There’s been a lot of activity going on underground and a lot of different exotic weapons including fifth-gen nukes being used, all these different exotic scalar weapons and it’s pretty hectic right now. Yea, there’s a lot going on.
Corey –最近規模5.8-6.8的地震有好幾次是因為各種先進武器造成的。這些地震跟地下基地和地下洞穴爆發的激烈戰爭有關,尤其是南美州底下和南極冰洋周圍。最近地底世界有非常多的活動。戰爭中甚至出現許多不同的先進武器,包括核彈和各種先進純量波武器。總之,這一陣子還挺亂的。
Rob - With that said could you give us a little more talk. Is this between different ET groups or is this between certain aspects of positive military or negative military from your understanding, or all three?
Rob –你可以多講一點嗎? 從你的認知來看,這些戰爭是外星團體之間的戰爭?抑或人類正義軍和負面軍隊的對決?
Corey - All of the above and one of the latest bits of intel from Gonzales recently. I’ve been hearing for weeks massive reports of different types of orb kind of UFO’s over Australia. Some would say they’re metallic. Some reported they had portals going around them. Some recording that they were of Russian origin and then there were reports of these very large pumpkin seed shape cruisers which are Draco. It’s in Australia, Antarctica and then some of them had actually left the earth’s atmosphere before all of these unknown dark chevron ships showed up and started attacking them, and as of the last meeting which postulated that it’s some earth alliance group that has attained this technology but they’re not claiming responsibility for using it.
Corey -最近岡薩雷斯透露了一些情報。我在最近幾周聽說澳洲出現非常多的光球和幽浮目擊事件。有些人說這些東西是金屬材質的。有些人說這些東西的周圍出現傳送門。有些錄影畫面拍到俄羅斯出現巨大南瓜子形狀的龍人巡洋艦。這些船艦主要位於澳洲和南極洲。有些船艦在被未知的暗色條紋船艦開始攻擊之前就已經離開地球。之前的會議傳聞有些地球太空計劃聯盟的團體已經取得這種科技。但是他們不承認自己使用過。
Rob - OK, so you’re saying that Draco’s were trying to leave from Antarctica in pumpkin (seed) shaped ships and chevron ships which are rumored to be earth alliance ships are the ones putting them back down, not major confederation, is that correct?
Rob –你的意思是:龍人原本打算搭南瓜子形狀的船艦離開南極洲,然後有傳聞表示地球聯盟的船艦擊落了龍人的船艦。這件事情跟主要的聯盟無關,對吧?
Corey - Correct, and for months we had been observing Cabal/Nazi groups headed down to Brazil and Argentina and they’ve been heading into the underground bunkers like ants into the ground and they have been shuffling a lot of their assets and people down into Antarctica. So these people we believe they’re on these cruisers trying to get off the planet before something happens. Things seem to be reaching a crescendo of sorts, especially in the earth alliance with the earth negotiations and what’s going on in the background.
Corey –是的。我們在這幾個月一直在觀察潛入巴西和阿根廷的陰謀集團/納粹團體。他們已經進入如同蟻窩結構的地下碉堡。他們將許多資產和人員轉移到南極洲。這些人相信他們在地球發生大事之前可以搭乘龍人巡洋艦離開地球。這樣的情況有日漸增強的趨勢,尤其是地球聯盟正在幕後進行談判。
Rob - Thank you. Cobra, we kind of went into other information but can you confirm the Japan information that Corey says is correct and these other things or part of this intel. Can you comment on that please?
Rob –謝謝你。我們好像有點離題了。柯博拉,你能否證實柯里對日本地震的看法是正確的。你能否表示一些意見?
COBRA - OK. What I have received from my sources is yes there are battles in, I would say shallow underground bases in Japan. Mostly conventional weapons were used that triggered some of the earthquakes. But not all earthquakes were triggered by that. There is also an increased activity of the tectonic plates which react on increased activity of the galactic central sun.
COBRA –好的。根據我從我的線人聽到的消息,日本地底下確實發生了戰爭。這些戰役發生在日本的淺層地下基地。大多數的傳統武器都可以引發地震,不過並非所有的地震都是傳統兵器造成的。由於銀河中央太陽的活動變得活躍,地球的板塊運動也會隨著增加。
The other thing that I can confirm is that there is a lot of movement of the Cabal groups. They want to escape through 2 routes to Antarctica. One will go from Texas to Mexico then to South America, mostly Brazil and Argentina and towards Antarctica. The other one goes to New Zealand and Tasmania towards Antarctica. They want to escape because they think they will not be found there. Actually some of them tried and attempted to escape from the planet and according to one source the group that Corey terms the dark fleet, the Nazi break-away faction from of a long time ago attempted to contact the Nazi faction in Antarctica and create a bridge that would transport some of the personnel from Antarctica to the outer edge of the solar system towards the Kuiper belt. And that intel is not confirmed so I can not 100% guarantee for that but this is what I’ve heard from one of the sources.
Rob - OK. Thank you. Have either of you heard there was an ancient Pleiadian civilization in South America that was in a rain forest situation due to earth shifts no longer exists. But a long time ago there was a very deep underground, and still exists to this day, a technology that is stabilizing the planet. Have either of you heard of that deep underground Antarctica technology base from the Pleiadians?
Rob –好的。謝謝你。你們有沒有聽過南美洲的雨林內曾經有一個古老的昴宿星文明?這個文明後來因為地球變動而消失了。自從很久很久以前,地表之下非常深的地方就有一種穩定地球活動的科技。你們有沒有聽過南極洲的地底深處有一座昴宿星的科技基地?
Corey - Not from the Pleiadians you mentioned but. . .Yeah, I’ve spoken in detail about a lot of this ancient type technology that’s been put in various parts of the earth, underground including Antarctica and some of it had been removed and it has caused problems with our tectonic plates and weather and other things and they had traded and given away that technology and it caused imbalance.
Corey –這種科技跟昴宿星人無關。不過,我以前就詳細地說過世界各地許多古老的科技。這些科技存在於地表之下,包括南極洲。它們有些被移到別的地方,因而造成地球板塊、天氣和其他方面的問題。有心人士把這些遠古科技產物拿去跟其它種族做貿易,進而造成地球上的失衡。
Rob - I’d like a clarity of Corey, do you know who put the technology there originally?
Rob –感謝你的澄清。你知道是誰把這種科技安放到地表之下嗎?
Corey - It’s unknown. Its extremely ancient. If I looked at the foot-notes of the report there was about 3 different populations that could have put it there.
Corey –不知道。這些產物的歷史非常非常地久遠。根據我看過的報告註解,有可能是三個不同的種族把它們安放到地球。
Rob - Thank you. Cobra, do you ave any information?
Rob –謝謝你。柯博拉,請問你有相關的訊息嗎?
COBRA - Actually we need to go a little bit back into the history of Atlantis. Atlantis on planet Earth was pretty much a global civilization which was seeded or encouraged by different waves, waves of different cosmic races.
COBRA –關於這個問題,我們要簡略地回顧亞特蘭提斯的歷史。亞特蘭提斯曾經是遍及全地球的文明。亞特蘭提斯歷經過好幾次由不同宇宙種族發起的開墾期和移民潮。
There was a Pleiadian wave which has brought Atlantis to it’s heights about 200,000 years ago and there was colonization from the Sirius star system that created the peak of Atlantean civilization about 75,000 years ago. And each of those races have brought a lot of technology and a lot of spiritual understanding to Atlantis and each of those races that I have mentioned have created their own network of surface cities, of sub surface cities, of tunnel networks, of underground pyramids, of crystals, of stabilization technology for the tectonic plates. But unfortunately there was another faction that came from Orion which infiltrated those networks of Atlantis and misused the technology and misuse of that technology actually was responsible for the deluge of Atlantis for the last sinking of Atlantis which append around 11,500 years ago, A lot of that old technology is still spread out.
Some of it is submerged on the bottom of the ocean. Some of it is a little bit underground. Some of it has been purposely destroyed or suppressed. But a lot of those machines and technologies and crystals are still remaining and some of the underground factions have discovered these old remnants and a lot of this will be coming to the main stream media at the time of the Event.

Corey - That’s much newer technology, that’s not the oldest technology in stones, subterranean.
Corey –地表之下得科技產品還算比較新的。最古老的科技產物是用石材做使用介面。
Rob - So there’s much more ancient technology, I’ve heard that as well.
Rob –所以地球上還有年代更久遠的科技? 我是有聽說過啦。
Corey - Yes, hundreds of millions of years old.
Corey –有的。有些科技可以追溯到數千萬年以前。
Rob - Thank you for that. Yes, let’s see, this is kind of another question that ’s come up. Simon parks has indicated that he has heard that this was a battle. This is a little closer to home and we don’t know for sure because the people that filmed it. There was several groups. It was area 51 had a large amount of smoke and it didn’t look like a brush fire because it kind of came from one source. Do either of you have intel on that giant smoke cloud that was reported at area 51. Was this underground base engaged in one of these battles or was this a brush fire, do either of you have intel?
Rob –謝謝你的回答。 這是一個最近才發生的問題。Simon Parks說有傳聞51區發生戰爭。 雖然有民眾錄影,我們還不能確定。最近51區冒出大量濃煙,而且看起來不像森林大火。因為濃煙就只有從一個地方冒出來。請問兩位有沒有相關的情報? 這些濃煙究竟是地下基地發生戰鬥或是森林大火?
Corey - They was a large problem of getting rid of nuclear material from their testing and they've been burning nuclear material and it’s gotten away from them several several times out there. This is something that’s happened before.
Corey –他們在試驗中處理放射性物質的方法有很大的問題。他們會用火燒放射性物質,而且有好幾次都冒出濃煙。這是以前就發生過的問題。
COBRA - According to my sources it was just a brush fire.
COBRA –我的線人表示:那只是一場森林大火。
Corey - Yea. They have been burning and releasing some things that are out of control and the whole area catches on fire. It’s happened several times. They end of shutting off radiation detectors in area where the wind carries it. This is something that’s gone on several times.
Corey –他們會放火然後加入一些讓火勢一發不可收拾的物質。這種火災發生過好幾次。有關單位最後還得關閉下風地帶的輻射偵測器。
Rob - Interesting. Both can be correct here. Cobra says it’s a brush fire. Corey . .
Rob –有意思。 兩位的答案都是對的。柯博拉說是森林大火。柯里…
Corey - It was a brush fire. It was a brush fire. It turned into a major brush fire.
Corey –是森林大火沒錯。
Rob - Caused from burning, that’s just madness. These guys are really crazy there. Thank you for that. So we have here the question for both of you and I guess Corey, since you’re kind of new to the event information, the general theme of what you’ve heard from your various sources pretty intent in the liberation. the question is; as the global situation is improving on the planet, even if it seems to be slow, do we really need an Event or a watershed moment in order to continue to improve the situation like what is already happening in the last years. Could it just be a slow momentum or do you both believe like I believe that it’s going to require an Ah-ha moment and an epiphany and revelation through main stream media with a great focus of the world to create the Event?
Rob –原來是火災造成的啊。真是糟糕。這些傢伙真的瘋了。我現在要再問兩位來賓一個問題。柯里,雖然你對事件方面的訊息還很陌生,你從各方情報來源得知的消息基本上都和解放地球有關。我的問題是:既然世界局勢都已經在逐漸改善,就算改善的進度挺慢的,我們真的還需要一個大事件或一個決定性的時刻,好讓過去幾年內已經有改善的局勢繼續變好嗎? 亦或我們只要讓局勢慢慢演變?
Corey - Yeah. It’s going to absolutely require a catalyzing event for everyone to be jerked awake. If we’re going to slowly expect everyone to trickle into this new reality of understanding about all these suppressed technologies let alone all this other stuff that Cobra and I talk about. We’re going to be waiting millennia.
Corey –這個世界絕對需要一次促成全人類覺醒的大事件。如果我們慢慢等待每個人都逐漸了解所有被打壓的科技以及我和柯博拉一直在講的各種事情,我們就得等到天荒地老了。
So there’s going to be outside sources that are doing all they can but we have a part to play in this scenario. Every single one of us. Not one person is too small to take a part and to make a difference and we all. . . they’re waiting to stand up and take our part in this. None of us can say that we don’t have skin in the game.
So as each of us contributes and put our differences aside and start to work with full disclosure to get the information out there to the general public then the 100th monkey effect can occur. As more and more of them learn this information, you know, it’s going to become more acceptable and people are going to start asking the questions we want them to ask. When that catalyzing event occurs then they’re not going to be in as much in shock as they would prior.
Rob - Very good. Cobra, we know . . . you obviously feel that there is going to be a watershed moment you call the Event. Would you like to comment please?
Rob –非常好。柯博拉…你肯定知道將來會有一場名為事件的決定性時刻。你想發表一些意見嗎?
COBRA - Yes, of course. I would just give an explication. It’s a process called phase transition. Phase transition is a process in physics that happens also in society. So when you put a certain amount of energy into a society it begins to behave like water that is boiling. So what we’re experiencing now is this boiling water, it is all this dissent in human society, all of this questioning, seeking. All of this restlessness in human society is a reflection of this cosmic change.
COBRA –當然沒問題。我想簡單地解釋一下。地球局勢正在經歷一個名為”相變”的過程。相變是物理現象,也是社會學現象。一旦我們對社會施加足夠的能量,它就會向滾水一般開始沸騰。當今人類社會所有的分歧、疑惑和追尋都是人類社會即將相變的前兆。人類社會的不安正是這次宇宙大轉變的縮影。
When a certain amount of energy is brought into that system the water begins to boil. It begins to change into vapor and this is what is happening with human society. It is going through a phase transition. The moment of the phase transition is the Event. It is a sudden change which can be felt before hand a little bit. It can be expected but when it happens it’s a sudden transition. It’s a quantum leap. And this is the way transitions happen in nature. They don’t happen gradually.
Phase transitions happen suddenly and this is what is going to occur because we simply do not have time. We do not have millennia to wait. We are actually responding to cosmic forces that are triggering this transition. They are guiding us through this transition so it can happen as fast as possible as harmoniously as possible. Human race are known for taking one part of this transition, but it is a global cosmic event and each of us of course plays a role in this event.
Rob - Thank you. And I would add that those of you who are familiar you want to look at cymatic shift, you can see a plate of metal that is vibrated to sound and you can see the sand is in a chop mode and then it moves when a certain frequency is established the sand moves into a specific pattern and we are going through this chaos position very shortly to re-establish a new pattern. Corey, are there specific plans that you know of for the Sphere Being alliance specifically to become allies openly with the earth’s surface population at some future date?
Rob –謝謝。我想補充一點。聽眾朋友可能看過沙盤震動實驗。一塊上面有沙子的金屬板隨著聲音震動。當我們把聲音調整成特定的頻率,盤子上面的散沙就會形成特定的圖案。目前地球就是要從短暫的亂世轉變成一個新的世界。 柯里,你是否知道球體存有聯盟將來有沒有和地表民眾公開結盟的具體計劃?
Corey - No, not that I know of. What has been communicated to me is that they will remain in the background. As the outer barrier and these different spheres slowly faded out or transitioned out as this cosmic energy comes in then they will be no longer be needed here and we don’t need them. We’ll be in a different state ourselves.
Corey –我並不曉得。我現在知道的是:他們會繼續隱身在幕後活動。 它們會擔當太陽系的外圍屏障。不同的球體存有會緩慢地撤出或繼續傳遞進入太陽系的宇宙能量。到最後,他們就不需要留在太陽系了…我們將不會需要他們。我們屆時也已經演變到不同的狀態了。
Rob - So it seems that some of them we will never meet. Cobra, you speak of the Resistance Movement (RM) and we know that they are definitely involved on the surface of the planet. I personally feel that there are many other beings that are here on the planet that have been here a long time. Some come and go and some are a lifetime earth members now. Can you talk about the plans for the, you’ve mentioned this before, so from your group they do have plans to communicate with the surface population. Can you share with our listeners what those plans are. Many want to sign up that’s really not that way is it. Can you talk about that contact that will take place in the future Cobra.?
Rob –看樣子我們是沒機會見到他們其中一部分的成員了。柯博拉,你曾談過抵抗運動。我們知道抵抗運動肯定有涉入地表世界。我個人感覺許多存有已經在地球上待了很長的時間。他們有些往返地球好幾回,也有些已經轉世成為地球人。你能不能講一下關於他們聯繫地表民眾的計劃? 你能談將來星際交流的型式嗎?
COBRA - Yes it is not safe now for that contact to happen but after the Event the contact will happen. The RM will make physical contact with people who are I would say, the most awake and aware individuals. This will be the first interaction that will happen and based upon how this goes they will gradually begin to reveal themselves to the surface population.
COBRA –現在的情勢並不能安全地進行星際交流。事件發生之後,民眾就會開始跟外星種族互動。抵抗運動在事件之後會與地表上覺醒程度最高的民眾面對面互動。這會是社會大眾的交流初體驗。抵抗運動接著會根據交流情況逐漸向地表民眾透露自己的存在。
They are not the main group to interact with the surface population. The main group will be the Pleiadians, later the Sirians and the Arcturians and I would say the other positive galactic races from our galactic neighborhood. The RM’s role is to tactically support the Event to make sure that the infrastructure is running that we have electricity, internet, food distribution chain. They will support military in their operations. They will support the media that releases intel. There will not be so much face to face interaction with the surface population at least not in the initial stage. At a certain point after the Event, they will have guided tours for certain surface people a guided tour or their underground dwellings. They will show one part of this to the surface population. And for those who would like to join and be integrated it will be possible if certain conditions are met.
Rob - Corey do you have any comments on Cobra’s questions-answers, I mean?
Rob –柯里,你對柯博拉的回答有甚麼看法?
Corey - It’s going to be part of the intel that we’re releasing. Kaaree, from the Anshar, had requested after she had had the meeting out in the Kuiper belt she had requested a meeting with the Super Federation, and the purpose of this meeting was all of the groups that are here, just not long after the time of Mohammad, had signed this accord or agreement about open contact or appearing openly with humanity. It was to allow us to develop on our own, and they agreed to do things from the background, you know, and contact people and kind of secretly. I don’t know all the details of this accord but it’s pretty binding and it came after some pretty major skirmishes they had. This is something that they want to revisit and make some amendments to because some of these Inner Earth groups want to start making more appearances on the surface and this is a meeting that has been granted and they’re going to be coming up very soon.
Corey –我們將來要公開的情報裡面包括星際交流。卡莉在她到古柏帶與秘密聯邦開會之後又要求在舉行一次會面。這場會議的主旨是所有的團體簽署公開接觸或向人類公開現身的條約或同意書。這些團體允許我們自行發展;他們在幕後活動並且用隱密的方式與人類交流。我不知道這份條約的所有細節,不過他們也經過一番協調和論戰。關於這份條約,他們還想重新商討和修正。因為有些地底團體想要開始更經常到地表世界活動。他們在這場會議中決定他們在不久之後就會常到地表世界出沒。
Rob - Cobra, do you have any comments on Corey’s intel there?
Rob –柯博拉,你對柯里的情報有沒有甚麼看法?
COBRA - Yes, there has been agreements made but the purpose of those agreements was... The real reason why surface population was not contacted is because of the dark ones have controlled and isolated the surface population. There were many positive groups that wanted and would like to contact the surface population but they couldn’t because it was simply too dangerous because the Cabal would retaliate. There was some instances when the surface population was contacted and there were consequences.
COBRA –這些團體確實達成了許多協議。但是這些協議的主旨正是地表民眾無法和他們交流的真正原因。由於地表民眾仍遭受黑暗勢力的控制和隔離。許多正面團體願意也想要和地表民眾互動,不過目前星際交流還是過於危險。因為陰謀集團會挾怨報復。過去已經有好多他們接觸地表民眾,然後地表民眾遭受迫害的例子。
Corey - The Dracos and other negative groups have signed this accord as well. This will be one of the thickest parts. This next meeting will not only have representatives from the Super Federation but it will have representatives from some of the negative groups there as well which is going to be a type of meeting that has not happened since the accords were set up and signed.
Corey –龍人和其他負面團體也簽署了這份協議。這會是協議中牽涉最多條文的部分。下一場會議的與會人士不僅有來自秘密聯邦的代表,有些負面團體也會派代表出席。這場會議將會是自從協議簽訂以來第一場正反派都出席的會議
COBRA - Yes, but the Dracos never negotiated. They just want to have their own ways.
COBRA –龍人的確會出席,但是它們從來就不和其他團體談判。他們只會按照自己的想法做事。
Corey - Yes, I’ve seen them negotiate quite a bit, but they negotiate out of the side of their mouth.
Corey –我看過龍人參與一些談判,但是它們只會堅持自身的想法。
Rob - So this is a question for Corey and this has been something that I’ve had questions about. You mentioned the Anshar Alliance as if they are the only Agarthan network and they seem to be, have been negative and you have indicated in one of your later, not the last, but one of your later posts that they were taken to the Kuiper belt and scolded by the triangle head and you have stated that 4 of them have agreed that they that their chiding was deserved and they have agreed to go into a more positive relationship with humanity and that 3 of them reversed. You have told me that the Omegans were one of them. Are these the only . . . .
Rob –我有一個一直很想問柯里的問題。你曾經提過安查拉聯盟。他們似乎是阿加森網路裡唯一的負面派系。你在先前的文章中提到他們被帶到古柏帶然後被三角頭存有責備。你在文章中提到他們其中有四位代表認為他們被責罵是應該的,而且同意和人類有用更正面的互動關係。另外三位代表則抱持相反的意見。你告訴我說Omegans(配戴Omega護身符的派系)是其中一個。這些代表是否…
Corey - We need to get this straight. You keep putting the negative stamp where it doesn’t belong. It’s a point of view thing. (Okay) These groups aren’t negative. They are in a hostile land trying to survive but at the same time they’re delivering positive information to the people albeit in a deceptive way.
Corey –我們必須釐清一件事情。你不能老是把負面派系的標籤貼在他們的身上。正派或反派是觀點的問題。(好的) 這些團體並不是負面。他們生活在敵方的土地,而他們得想辦法活下去。為了生存,他們得用善意的謊言傳遞正面的訊息。
From their point of view ,you have to understand they are trying to protect themselves from people from the surface that have the ability to attack them and kill them. So they’re living in a very . . .Things are not as cut and dry as a lot of people would like to say in the ufology community. It’s a very wild paradigm that they are living in that all these groups are living in. They have a very strange political environment that they are trying to survive in as well-especially the ones who have their embassies here or spend all of their time in the solar system. Because as Cobra said, this solar system is a very dangerous place. (Right). Not only are these dark entities very dangerous but us as a people in the state we're in, we’re very dangerous as well.
你得了解一件事情:從他們的觀點來看,他們要想辦法保護自己不被有能力追殺他們的地表勢力迫害。他們的生活環境非常地艱困。現實的情況真的不像幽浮研究社群所說的輕鬆愜意。他們和其他的團體共同生活在一個危機四伏的社會。他們的政治環境相當詭譎多變,因而他們得想盡辦法活下去;由其是在太陽系長期活動或設有大使館的團體。誠如柯博拉所說的,太陽系是一個非常危險的區域。(是的) 不光是黑暗勢力非常地危險,我們人類也是很危險的。
Rob - I understand that. We do have a bellicose and a violent nature. I was speaking especially with the Omegans. The chemtrail planes actually have the Omegan symbol on them so I consider them hostile. You may consider . . .
Rob –我知道了。人類中確實有好鬥和暴力的劣根性。我之前會特意提到Omegans,是因為噴灑化學凝結尾的飛機上有Omegan的符號。我才以為他們對人類懷有敵意。
Corey - That might not be related to them. Just because there was groups down there that had a swastika they’re not directly related to the Nazis or the Nazi ideology. So symbols can be taken and re-purposed..You know, you can’t just see a symbol and immediately jump to conclusions without intelligence to back it up.
Corey –飛機上的符號應該和他們無關。過去也有使用卍字符號的秘密社團,而這些團體跟納粹以及納粹思想並沒有直接的關連。符號的意義可能被有心人士拿來竄改。我們不能看到一個符號,不經過查證資料就貿然下結論。
Rob - I would agree. Cobra, what is your view on that situation? Can you describe the underground landscape? Do you know anything? Would you consider the Inner Earth alliance used to be hostile or can you delineate the different underground Agarthan network groups for us, from your position?
Rob –我同意你的說法。柯博拉,請問你對地底世界的情況有甚麼看法?
你可以描述地底世界的地貌景觀嗎? 你對地底世界知道多少? 你認為安查拉聯盟曾經對人類懷有敵意嗎?
COBRA - The situation underground is very dynamic and is changing all the time, but I would say I am in contact with certain of the factions, not with all of the factions and apparently there are more different factions down there than we all know. But the RM for example has never claimed they are Pleiadians or representing themselves to any part of the surface population claiming that they are gods to be worshiped, nor have any other factions that I know of that form the global Agarthan Network or the Eastern Agarthan factions.
COBRA –地底世界的情勢一直以來都是變化多端。我能說我目前和地底世界的某些派系保持聯繫。我並沒有跟所有地底世界的團體交流,而且顯然地底不同派系的數量遠多過於人類所知道的數量。抵抗運動從來不會向任何地表民眾自稱為昴宿星人並且要求地表民眾崇拜他們。至於其他隸屬全球阿加森網路或東方阿加森派系的團體,據我所知,他們也從未要求地表民眾崇拜他們。
Currently there is process of unification taking place. There is a lot of contact a lot of negotiation between various factions and a lot of mistrust. Part of this mistrust comes from manipulation of the Chimera group of one of the factions against the others and cooperation between the Chimera group and the various subterranean Draco factions coming from 1930’s and 1940’s and the Nazi groups on the surface. So there is a lot of mistrust created at that time and a lot of healing still needs to happen.
Also I would say mostly the Eastern Agarthan factions have a similar perspective than the surface population Eastern philosophies would have had on life. And this is quite much different than what the western people have. Western idea of life. So what is happening on the surface is actually a reflection of what is happening below ground. There has been communication established between those various groups and the healing is taking place. But again, this takes time. This is slow because they have millennia upon millennia of history to be solved, resolved and healed. So, but I can say from my perspective I have never heard of a group that belongs to a sub-surface faction that claims to be either Pleiadian or Savior Gods or anything of that nature.
Rob - OK. guys, so I have a question because I live in Mt. Shasta. It’s near and dear to my heart. It’s always been considered a bastion of the light forces from Lemuria. First, I guess I’d like to have Corey respond. This group is not part of the Anchara alliance is it. Do you have any intelligence on the inner earth Agarthan civilization under Mt. Shasta?
Rob –好的。既然我住在雪士達山,我有一個關於這座山的問題。雪士達山就在我家附近。我很喜歡這一座山。人們一直認為雪士達山是列穆里亞遺民的光明堡壘。我想先請柯里回答。這個團體不屬於安查拉聯盟。請問你是否知道雪士達山底下的地底阿加森聯盟?
Corey - I have received some information about the groups that are not only under Mt Shasta but around the region going for quite a ways up into Oregon and Washington. And they are definitely a very positive group and they are a part of a network as well but I am not in contact with them.
Corey –根據我最近得知的消息:不光是雪士達山底下有地底文明。奧勒岡州和華盛頓州的地底下也有文明活動。這些文明當然是非常正面的團體。他們也隸屬於一個文明網路,不過我跟他們之間沒有交流。
Rob - Thank you - Cobra could you comment on the Mt. Shasta group. My south American contactee Louis and several others have indicated that there is a strong network that goes from Mt. Shasta all the way down to Central, through Central and South America of a very positive nature. Can you comment on your knowledge of this group Cobra?
Rob –謝謝你。柯博拉,你能否對於雪士達山的地底文明發表一些意見? 我的南美聯絡人路易斯和其他人表示一個非常正面而且實力堅強的文明網路發源自雪士達山,而且組織網路遍及中南美洲。你能否表達你對這個團體的看法?
COBRA - The group below Mt. Shasta and inside Mt Shasta is part of the, I would say, global Agarthan network which originates from the time of Atlantis when part of the light forces had to go underground because of the Archon invasion 25,000 years ago. And 25,000 years ago they have created a network of underground cities and underground tunnels. One of those tunnels goes through Alaska, through Washington State, through northern California with Mt Shasta, through southern California, Mexico, Central America and down into South America ad there is another main tunnel which goes through Peru underground through Caribbean through Atlantic, through Morocco, through Egypt and then onwards towards Tibet.
COBRA –雪士達山底下和山脈內部的團體隸屬於全球阿加森網路。這個城邦網路是起源於亞特蘭提斯的光明勢力。由於執政官在25,000年前入侵地球,他們不得不搬遷到地底生活。他們在地底世界組建城邦網路和隧道系統。其中一條隧道貫穿阿拉斯加、華盛頓州、北加州,經過雪士達山然後往南美洲延伸。另一條主要隧道貫穿秘魯、經過中美洲、大西洋、摩洛哥、埃及然後往上通到西藏的地表。
This is all part of the same network and there was a very, and there still is a very positive civilization of light which I would call the global Agarthan network existing and Mt. Shasta city is a part of this civilization. The surface population has received intel about this group through certain channels. Certain people that lived in Mt. Shasta have had encounters. I would say about 80% of that intel is correct. I would not say they are ancient Lemurians. I would say they are remnants of the old positive Atlantis.
Rob - Atlantis did have a science station here on Maui. The point is that they are being positive. Cobra, have you heard anything about the Anshar Alliance group underground, specifically the ones that Corey has talked about. He has mentioned... I don’t know if you saw his report. One is with this woman named Kaaree, the Omegans and some others. Have you heard about this Anshar Alliance specifically, are you familiar with this group of seven?
Rob –亞特蘭提斯在茂宜島上有一座科學研究站。重點是他們是正面的團體。柯博拉,你是否有聽說過地底下的安查拉聯盟,尤其是柯里曾經提過的那個團體?
我不知道你有沒有看過他寫的報告。 有一位名叫”卡莉”的女祭司、Omegans和其他人。你有沒有聽過這個7人組成的團體?
Corey - the Anshar Alliance is only three (Oh, three) The ones that wear the Saturn symbol.
Corey –安查拉聯盟只有三個人。他們配帶土星形狀的護身符。
Rob - The Saturn symbol. Have you heard about this group Cobra?
Rob-土星形狀的護身符。 柯博拉,你聽過這個團體嗎?
COBRA - I have read Corey’s report. I have not heard about this group from any of my sources but I know that Sheldon Nidle has mentioned the truce of Anchara back in 1995.
COBRA –我讀過柯里寫的報告。我沒從我的線人聽說過任何關於這個團體的情報。我知道Sheldon Nidle曾經提過1995年的安查拉停戰協議。
Rob - Ok. Thank you. Cobra, can you speak about your knowledge of the Halls of Amenti and the Akashic records as Corey has described them as kind of like an Earth-based library on the outer and then I guess the main records, Corey you can correct me on this, was behind the, was this crystal that they were trying to grow? Is that correct Corey?
Rob – 好的,謝謝你。柯博拉,你能否講述你對阿曼提大廳和阿卡西記錄的見解?柯里說過這兩樣東西有點像位於某個世外桃源,記錄重要事件的圖書館。如果我的說法有不正確的地方,請柯里幫忙更正。地底文明是否想要培育這種水晶?
Corey - Yes, and that’s a living technology that has a lot of records in it and that technology can tap into the Akashic records. I don’t know exactly what you’re referring to, but I referred to it in a couple of different ways. It’s definitely a major historical data base that is very important to them.
Corey –阿曼提大廳是有生命的科技。阿曼提大廳保存許多記錄而且可以調閱阿卡西記錄。我不太清楚你講的是甚麼東西。我會用兩種觀點描述阿曼提大廳。它肯定是重要的歷史資料庫,而且對他們而言很重要。
Rob - Just for your clarification Corey, Akashic records is the mineral kingdom which stores all information that’s ever taken place on the planet. It’s kind of like living memory that can be updated . . .
Rob –我來說明一下。阿卡西記錄是地球上所有事件的礦物界。它的概念有點像是可以持續更新記憶的生物…
Corey - I’ve heard it also used... that has all . . everything that’s ever happened in the Cosmos.
Corey –我聽說阿卡西記錄可以記載全宇宙發生過的事情。
Rob - Yes, yes, I would say that . . . Cobra could you talk about the Akashic records and the halls of Amenti? Kind of play it off of what Corey talked about with his group.
Rob –應該是這樣沒錯。柯博拉,你可以講關於阿卡西記錄和阿曼提大廳的事情嗎? 簡單總結柯里和他的團體之間的對話就可以了。
COBRA - OK, the Akashic records are a natural imprint of any event in the etheric matrix, in the etheric structure, sub-structure of reality itself. With proper technology you can always read what is stored, that informational imprint. So light forces, of the advanced races have technology to read that record directly from the etheric substance. Crystals, physical crystals can store that information quite effectively. I would say physical crystals are more and more advanced versions of our current hard disc of computer. They can store more information, more dimensionally and more effectively. Basically Akashic records can be accessed directly from the etheric plane with certain technology and for more involved beings they can access the akashic records directly with their consciousness.
COBRA –好的。阿卡西記錄是所有事情在乙太矩陣和實相次結構內的自然印記。人們可以利用相容的科技調閱阿卡西記錄記載的事情,也就是所有事情的資料印記。科技先進的正面種族可以直接從乙太物質中調閱阿卡西記錄。實體的水晶可以有效地記錄乙太界的資訊。其實實體水晶遠比目前的電腦硬碟還要先進。水晶的資料儲存量更多、儲存效率更好而且可以存取實體世界以外的資訊。基本上,某些科技可以直接從乙太層調閱阿卡西記錄。更先進的種族甚至可以直接用意念調閱阿卡西記錄。
譯註: 英國南安普頓大學的科學家們一直在開發超人水晶。這種水晶的存儲容量可能多達350 TB,而且資料可以永久保存。
Rob - Thank you. Can you speak about the halls of Amenti. These were spoken of in the Emerald tablets found in the temple of the Moon in Central America and they’re recording a person from Egypt named Thoth. The Halls of Amenti were kind of indicated as being below Egypt. Cobra, can you speak about the Halls of Amenti and are there multiple ones possibly hat Corey was speaking about?
Rob –謝謝你。人們以前在中美洲的月亮神殿內發現圖特撰寫的翡翠石板。這些石板有提到阿曼提大廳。據說阿曼提大廳位於埃及的地底。你可以講關於阿曼提大廳的事情嗎? 柯里好像以前說過阿曼提大廳不只一個。
COBRA - Okay. Each city of light had their own records and particularly in Egypt there were crystals, crystal records of the past beneath the Sphinx. And the RM have accessed those crystals back in 1999 before the Cabal could get them.
COBRA –好的。每一座光之城都有各自的檔案庫,特別是在埃及的城市。人面獅身像的底下有保存歷史記錄的水晶。抵抗運動在1999年趁陰謀集團還沒拿到手之前就回收了這些水晶。
Corey – I heard they were removed.
Corey –我聽說它們(水晶)被運走了.
Rob - Cobra and Corey you have both mentioned we have a tremendous power of manifestation that the Cabal doesn’t want us to learn about. They even use techniques like programming, scalar plasma waves, mind controlled imaging that has us working against ourselves. If our group focus and the collective consciousness is the most influential factor to speed up liberation, shouldn’t we as a group try to encourage the entire light worker community to come together and to meditate and pray for a common goal. Would you both agree.?
Rob –兩位來賓都曾經提過:陰謀集團不想讓民眾知道人類其實擁有強大的顯化能力。他們甚至利用心理編程、電漿純量波、心靈控制圖像讓人們自相矛盾,相互鬥爭。如果我們的共同目標和集體意識是最能加速地球解放的利器,兩位來賓是否同意我們應該鼓勵所有的光工團體一起為共同的目標冥想和祈禱?
Corey - Absolutely. That’s one of the things that has been talked about in our Full disclosure project group. July 8th is Disclosure day and we’ve been trying to launch an ad campaign and all kinds of other stuff to promote disclosure, so yeah, that’s a good time to do other things.
Corey –當然同意。我們的全面大揭露團體一直在倡導這個觀念。今年7月8日是揭露的日子。我們一直想要發起廣告宣傳和其他的活動來促成揭露。所以..嗯
Rob - Cobra, would you agree?
Rob –柯博拉,你同意嗎?
COBRA - Yes of course. I would agree that mass meditation is the one single most influential factor that the surface population can contribute to the breakthrough. July 8th is Disclosure day and is one opportunity to unite diverse groups to a common goal and to focus our attention to that particular point in space and time to get closer to the breakthrough.
COBRA –當然同意。集體冥想是地表民眾最可能改變世界並且帶來突破的方式。7月8日是揭露之日。人們在這一天將會有機會團結各方團體並且將意念集中在特定的時空;讓地球局勢更接近突破。
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Rob - OK ladies and gentlemen, a lot of you have been asking for this type of unity. Cobra already has a weekly meditation. I actually spoke to these gentlemen before and the suggestion I had was. . . let’s make this a unified, worldwide meditation as a common goal for full disclosure and planetary peace. So you’ve heard it right here. Both of these gentlemen are not going to be the only ones. But they are lending their support to coincide with Corey’s Full Disclosure Project, which is the same as Cobra's. It’s not a name thing, it’s about planetary liberation. So you light workers that are out there creating banners and information and video and media, we would like you to. . July 8 Full disclosure day, planetary world peace. This is the emphasis is to bring people to the awareness any way you can, through videos to help support this so the world at least the social media groups that are following us can grow to clear awareness of what full disclosure is into the main stream media to insert ourselves into the conversation and get people’s awareness of what’s going on So that’s a done deal. Now, folks, it’s up to you. You can focus through PFC. They are going to pick this up and I’m sure Corey’s full disclosure project is already working on this, but we’re adding world meditation and peace day. That’s a done deal.
Rob - OK先生女士們,一直以來,有不少人在要求統一的冥想。Cobra已經有一個每週冥想。其實,我之前採訪了這兩位先生並得到建議。 。 。讓它們統一,全球冥想作為全面披露和行星和平的共同目標。所以,你在這裡聽到了。這兩位先生都不會是唯一的。他們帶領他們的支持者一致支持全面披露項目。這不關於名聲,而是關於行星的解放。所以,你作為光之工作者, 我們想你是可以製作橫額,傳播信息,視頻和媒體等等。 。
COBRA - I would suggest that other groups that are following or attempting to assist in the liberation process also support this. If David Wilcock could support this, other people could support this. We all need to see and manifest more of this support. It doesn’t matter if it’s my meditation or somebody else’s meditation. What matters is focus and common goal at a certain moment in space and time. This is what brings results.
COBRA - 我建議其他有意協助解放過程的組織也支持這一點。如果David Wilcock可以支持這一點,其他人也可以支持。我們都需要看到和體現更多的這種支持。無論是我的冥想或其他人的冥想沒關係。重要的是在同一時空下集中焦點於共同目標上。這就是我們可帶來的結果。
Rob - Thank you. That’s exactly what we’re . . .
Rob - 謝謝。這正是我們正在做的。 。 。
Corey - Focus on the unity. If all of us work together like this and cross-promote other programs like this and you know partake of them together and we’re going to make a difference.
Corey - 專注於統一。如果我們所有人都這樣做,如這樣交叉推廣其他項目,共同一起分享,我們就能改變現況。
Rob - Very good. Both of you Cobra and PFC, Untwine has started this kind of network group that’s of course maybe you could combine with Full disclosure group and you two can get together on their own. We’re coming towards the end of this first hour. We’re going to have part 2 here coming out. Cobra, I’d like you to share your website, your blog, where you’re appearing and to let Corey’s people know about your information and to check you out. Some people will be listening to you for the first time. The same goes for you people that have been listening to Cobra. This is a chance for you to connect with Corey. We’re going to get all their websites coming up. Cobra, share whatever you think people need to follow and keep in touch.
Rob - 非常好。COBRA和PFC,Untwine已經開始建立這種網絡,當然你可以與“全面披露組織”結合為一,而你們可以自行組合。我們將完結這首小時部分。我們將會推出第2部分。COBRA,我想給大家分享你的網站,你的博客,你的經歷,並讓Corey的支持者知道您的信息。有些人會是第一次聽到有關你的訊息。就如同你的支持者一樣。這是接觸Corey的機會。我們會將所有他們的網站分享給大家。COBRA,請分享任何人們需要跟進和保持接觸的方法。
COBRA - If you go to Google, you can just google: Cobra, portal 2012 and you will find my blog. There is a vast treasury of information there: http://2012portal.blogspot.com
COBRA - 如果你去谷歌,你可以只是谷歌:Cobra,portal 2012年,你會發現我的博客。這是個巨大的信息寶庫:http://2012portal.blogspot.com
Rob - We do have some I guess you’re calling them Ascension conferences coming up. Are you ready to release any more future dates for people to hear that they can look forward to meeting you and hearing about this?
Rob - 我們確實會有一些我猜想你稱呼為揚升會議的。你準備好釋放更多將會舉辦的日期,讓大家可以安排參與,與您會面,及接受更新資訊嗎?
COBRA - Yes. We will have an Ascension conference in the beginning of June in Greece and of course everybody’s welcome to participate. http://portal2012.org/Greece.html
COBRA - 是的。我們將會在6月初在希臘舉辦揚升天會議。當然歡迎大家的參與,詳情参考:
Rob - OK. And there may be more released later. Corey could you please share your websites, your disclosure projects, http://www.gaia.com/. Folks, you can support both of these gentlemen through their websites. Corey?
Rob - OK。而且可能有更多的資訊會遲些發布。Corey能否請你分享你的網站,你的信息披露項目,http://www.gaia.com/。大家,你們可以透過他們的網站支持他們兩位。Corey?
Corey - Yes, my main website is http://www.spherebeingalliance.com. That’s where you can find most of my articles. The newest site is http://fulldisclosureproject.org and that’s the new site where we’re going to do a lot of the unity in the community kind of events, and also working together with other groups. We’re already starting to work with Steven Greer’s group to help support his new movie “Unacknowledged" and start working together with a lot of other groups. If you like to watch the show David Wilcock and I do together Cosmic disclosure., you can watch some free episodes and sign up at www.blueavians.com http://www.gaia.com/show/cosmic-disclosure?cid=aff:amb:sh:goode:s024
Corey - 好的,我的主網頁http://www.spherebeingalliance.com。
你可以在這裡找到我大部分的文章。最新的網站是http://fulldisclosureproject.org,在這個新網站,我們主要統一支持事件的不同團體,同時還與他們(其他團體)一起工作的。我們已經開始與Steven Greer的小組合作,以幫助支持他的新電影 “Unacknowledged - 未公開的承認”,並開始與很多其他團體一起工作。如果你喜歡David Wilcock和我一起做的節目 ~"宇宙披露",你可以進入以下連結,免費觀其中的章節,www.blueavians.com ,http://www.gaia.com/show/cosmic-disclosure?cid=aff:amb:sh:goode:s024
Rob - That’s wonderful. Gentlemen it’s been really wonderful to have you both on here for this first show. I hope people . . .
Rob - 這太好了。各位聽眾,有你們兩位(CORBA, Corey)參與這個首秀,真的令人興奮。我希望人們。 。 。
Corey - Don’t you have a conference coming up?
Corey- 你是否將會有一個會議?
Rob - Thanks for reminding me Corey. My site www.thepromiserevealed.com. I have announced we are having a summer conference coming up. Corey Goode is going to be presenting for two days. Michael Salla is going to be there. Laura Eisenhower, myself and we’re announcing . . I’m making time in the middle of the day a little longer than my normal conferences folks, for those of you who’ve been there. For those of you involved who have been signed up and Corey’s team, Corey and Laura will be joining Michael and myself. There will be some discussions on the full disclosure to get those people who are working on the projects ready to coordinate and to meet. Those of you on the full disclosure teams we’d like you to come and to meet the week-end Corey maybe making some suggestion in how we’re going to work together. It’s going to be great time. That’s all on my web-site folks, on Corey’s web-site soon. We’ve given the marketing materials. Tickets are actually selling quite well. That’s the summer conference in Mt. Shasta Aug 26, 27 and 28th. Check that out and thank you both very much. Victory to the light. And we’ll be back with part 2 very soon folks.
Rob - 謝謝你提醒我Corey。我的網站www.thepromiserevealed.com。我曾公布我們將有一個夏天的會議。Corey Goode將會出席兩天。Michael Salla將會出席。Laura Eisenhower,我都會出席。我們宣布。 。這個夏天會議,會比正常會議用稍長的時間,各位,對於你們中會參與的人。你們當中已經簽署的和Corey的隊伍,Corey和Laura將加入Michael和我。屆時將在全面披露上進行一些討論,讓那些不同項目的工作人員準備有關的聯繫及會面。那些在全面揭露的成員,我們希望你能參與週末的會議,Corey會提出一些建議,看我們將可以怎樣一起工作。這將是偉大的時刻。一切資料都會在我的網站,大家留意,很快亦會放在Corey的網站。我們已經給了營銷材料。門票銷售得相當不錯。這個夏季會議在8月26,27及28日在Mt. Shasta舉行。非常感謝你們兩位。
翻譯:Patrick Shih + 小編