Soul Families Workshop Report and Planetary Situation Update
Our Soul Families workshop in Budapest was extremely successful. Many key instructions for cracking the Matrix on the surface of the planet were successfully transmitted to the very awake participants of the workshop, as you can see in the workshop notes which were already published in many blogs:
Many new volunteers came to the stage to form new Sisterhood of the Rose groups throughout the planet.
Instructions for them: if your group has 3 or more people that meet physically regularly, you can make your group public so more people from your area can join. You can do so by sending an email to sotrplanetarynetwork@gmail.com, and request to be added to the main Sisterhood of the Rose list here:
這裡有一個要傳達給他們的工作指示:如果你們的薔薇聖女團有定期舉辦三個人或三人以上的實體聚會,你們可以公開自己的聯絡方式,好讓更多當地民眾參加。你們可以寄信到 sotrplanetarynetwork@gmail.com並且要求讓自己的薔薇聖女團加入主要的聯絡表單:
All instructions for you group meetings are posted here:
More than 170 Sisterhood of the Rose groups have been formed until now around the planet:

Other special task groups have been formed during our workshop and they may be made public in the future if the situation will be ready for that.
During our workshop, more specifically between the lunch break on the first day until the lunch break on the second day, plasma activity around the planet has gone wild:

Less than 24 hours after the workshop, this article about quarantine Earth has been published “by coincidence” in the Forbes magazine:
Put it simply, our workshop has created a huge crack in the Matrix and the Archons have gone crazy in the weeks after, attacking key people mercilessly.
Many of those attacks have been orchestrated using directed energy weapons and negative social engineering:
Meanwhile, dark occult mind programming practices of the Cabal are being exposed and people are fighting against them:
And the Cabal is destroying evidence, deeply in panic:
Sources connected to the Cosmic Central Race have communicated that the feeling of deep despair that pervades the surface of the planet is actually an AI distress signal, emitted by the Cabal, because after our meditation on January 21st their mathematical future forecast models are predicting their defeat with 100% certainty. Therefore they are generating an SOS call to all remaining darkness of the Universe to come and help them against the inevitable defeat. As no dark reinforcements are arriving to planet Earth from beyond our Solar System, the feeling of utter dread and panic has begun to propagate from top Cabal handlers such as Chimera and Black Nobility families down to Cabal middlemen and minions as they being to realize that their plans are not coming to fruition.
宇宙中央種族相關的消息來源表示:最近瀰漫在地表世界的深層絕望感其實是一種陰謀 集團利用人工智慧發出的求救訊號。自從1月21日聖光回歸門戶開啟冥想之後,陰謀集團有好幾個用來預測未來的數學模型都預告他們的敗亡是100%既定的事 實。因此他們正在發出求救訊號,呼叫宇宙內所有殘存的黑暗勢力前來幫助他們打一場無可避免的敗仗。由於太陽系之外沒有任何黑暗勢力的援軍來到地球,陰謀集 團上至奇美拉和黑色貴族,下至中層管理階級到基層的打手們都感受到強烈的畏懼和恐慌,因為他們開始明白他們的各種計劃都將付諸東流。
Their defeat is coming and with their defeat come many changes, and this is the reason for this dream:
Clearing of the Chimera group continues, as well as clearing of the plasma toplet bombs. Clearing of the toplet bombs is approaching the stage where “certain unprecedented action of the Light forces may be possible in the not too distant future”
The only comment permitted here is that the Plan for planetary liberation is deeply classified since January 27th, 2018, and NO intel about it is coming out (except from a brief leak about spy satellites in August 2018). Therefore you might take the story about sealed indictments with a grain of salt:
The Plan will NOT be popularized on internet. Everybody will be take by surprise.
One of the crucial situations that is ongoing is the battle for the energy grid around the planet, between SURFACOM and the Black Nobility families especially battle for the Goddess Leyline, which holds the master key for control over the planet:
地表其中一個重要進展是SURFACOM 特種部隊和黑色貴族之間針對地球能量網格的爭奪戰,女神能量地脈線更是兩者的兵家必爭之地。女神能量地脈線掌握著控制全地球的主鑰匙:

Syrian Goddess Vortex is located on this leyline, and just after our workshop, victory over the Daesh in Syria has been announced in the Western media:

According to the more accurate sources, there is still some small Daesh controlled territory in Syria and Iraq:
Although peace is finally returning to Syria:
You need to understand that Daesh is a creation of the Western (RIIA) / Saudi (Wahhabi) Cabal:
Another important vortex point on the Goddess leyline is the small country of Slovenia.
Battle of Frigidus was the key historical moment that has shaped the destiny of the Western civilization and was taking place on September 6th, 394 CE near Vipava, Slovenia:
This battle meant defeat of Eugenius, the last Roman emperor that supported Goddess mysteries, by Thedosius, who was a Cabal agent, obeying commands of the Archon handler Ambrosius, the bishop of Milan. Theodosius was instrumental in completely erasing Goddess mysteries, by issuing laws to forbid Goddess worship, punishable by death, in 391 CE and by ordering the destruction of Serapeum and the library in Alexandria in 392 CE. Battle of Frgidus meant a complete collapse of the Goddess energy grid for the whole Western civilization, leading to the split of the Roman empire just a few months later, and ultimately leading to 1000 year delay of progress in the so-called dark (middle) ages.
這場戰役導致最後一名支持女神奧秘的羅馬皇帝-尤吉尼厄斯輸給了陰謀集團的魁儡- 狄奧多西。後者的幕後主使是一位執政官兼米蘭主教-安波羅修。狄奧多西登基之後採取各種手段徹底抹殺女神奧秘,例如在公元391年頒布查禁女神信仰的法 律。違者最重會被判處死刑。公元392年,他下令摧毀亞歷山卓的塞拉皮斯神廟和圖書館。冷河戰役代表整個西方文明完全失去了女神能量網格,進而導致羅馬帝 國在幾個月之後分裂,最終導致西方文明陷入長達1000年的文明黑暗(中古)時代。
Theodosius belonged to Theodosian bloodline that is now known as Theodoli family, one of the main Black Nobility families:

There is a certain leyline connecting Vipava valley to Alexandria and at the turn of the 20th century many women from Vipava valley moved to Alexandria to work there. There is a certain occult secret about these women that must not be revealed yet.
Another important vortex in Slovenia is its capital city, Ljubljana. It was an important city of Light in late Atlantean period and is about to become a city of Light again in the New Atlantis:
There were certain events of planetary and cosmic importance taking place in Ljubljana in 1995 that must remain classified for now.
During the last Archon invasion in 1996, Ljubljana was bombed with etheric and plasma nuclear bombs which have collapsed the energy grid in the country completely and have delayed the spiritual progress of the country for decades. Very recently, certain actions are being taken to revive that energy vortex again.
Black Nobility family that is controlling Ljubljana, certain other parts of Slovenia and certain parts of Italy is the Orsini family:
Orisini family has suffered a big defeat in 2010 and certain sources are claiming that Orsini have killed Isis Astara as their revenge for that defeat.
Orsini family is very strongly against the Goddess energy and for this reason they have infiltrated the Rosicrucian movement which was before strongly influenced by the positive Sisterhood of the Rose and was promoting Goddess mysteries:
Orsini are controlling Rosicrucians especially through their Rosenberg branch and have created a negative mirror Sisterhood of the Rose and Snake a few centuries ago. This group is made of female Illuminati members who use black magic occult rituals against positive Goddess priestesses:
Another prominent Black Nobility family that is using negative female archetypes against the Goddess energy is the Sforza family:
You need to understand that Black Nobility families control at least 80% of the top echelons of human society through so-called Greek fraternities, which are a Jesuit creation:
Jesuits themselves are a creation of the Farnese family:
Very recently, an excerpt from this article about Farnese from my blog:
was reposted on Fulford’s blog:
The light forces have recently started a campaign to expose Black Nobility families.
Much intel about those families is gathered here:
And here:
It would be wise to create mirror copies of those blogs in case they are taken down, as Black Nobility families do not like to be exposed.
Yet, there is currently a meditation campaign to bring Light of the Buddhic columns through members of those families to accelerate purification of the planet:
As the Matrix is beginning to fall apart:
Victory of the Light!
翻譯:Patrick Shih
“柯博拉(Cobra)”是昴宿星轉世為地球的某個人類,Cobra為其代稱(由Compression breakthrough”壓縮突破”而來)。其與昴宿星人一直有面對面的直接接觸,他/她是抵抗運動官方的公開聯絡人。
抵抗運動是一群來自X行星,目前來到地球穿梭在 地下阿加森文明隧道系統中的特種部隊。他們與喜馬拉雅山脈裡面和博拉博拉島下面的昴宿星人地下基地有著頻繁面對面接觸。抵抗運動的重要目的之一就是要加速 黑暗勢力(陰謀集團)的移除及逮補。藉由抵抗運動於地面下往上放射的光與天空中銀河聯盟往下放射的光,共同夾擠地表的黑暗勢力(陰謀集團),即稱為”壓縮 突破”。