
Hoshino: Hello everyone. Today is December 20th, 2019. My name is Hoshino. Next year is going to be very exciting as we enter the Age of Aquarius. We are going to have a mass meditation on the Age of Aquarius Activation in January with the aim to bring the financial reset to the reality. And I'm really happy to have two very special guests, Cobra and Benjamin Fulford to have an interview with me about this meditation and the current situation of the financial system.
So welcome, Cobra.
大家好。我是Hoshino。今天是2019年12月20日。我們即將邁入非常精彩刺激的水瓶座時代。明年1月還有水瓶座時代冥想。我今天很高興可以邀請兩位特別來賓:Cobra 和班傑明富爾福德一同談論水瓶座時代冥想和金融體系的現況。
Cobra: Thank you for your invitation.
Hoshino: And welcome Ben.
Benjamin Fulford: Yeah thanks for having me on.
Benjamin Fulford:謝謝你找我來參加訪談
Hoshino: We have received many questions from our readers, and so without further ado, let’s start talking about the current situation of the financial system. So, Ben, based on your observation, how would you describe the current situation of the real economy? How bad is it?
Hoshino:我們收到許多讀者們寄過來的問題。我們就開門見山,談談金融體系的現況吧。班,根據你的觀察,你對現今景氣的真實現況有甚麼看法? 真正的經濟狀況有多糟糕?
Ben: Well, that’s kind of a loaded question. It depends what you're talking about, but essentially what's happened is that the United States has de-industrialized and now they are having trouble paying for their Imports. But they still control the dollar printing press and their reserve currency. What they're doing is they're creating trillions of dollars and pumping it into the stock market, which they control so they're using the stock market to launder their funny money to keep their system afloat but they don't have the physical production to back up their funny money, that's the situation. So, it's just a matter of time before the whole system collapses and that's why they're desperately trying to get China to buy more stuff. That's why we have Trump saying that China is going to buy 200 billion dollars of stuff every year from them, because if they don't get, that they're doomed. But I've been arguing that we need to bankrupt them because they've been at war for most of the past 240 years and they have a dysfunctional society and a dysfunctional system that needs to be rebooted and the American people need to be liberated.
Benjamin Fulford:這是一個面向很廣泛的問題。基本上現在美國已經喪失了它的工業基底。美國人現在也湊不到足夠的金錢來支付他們進口的商品。不過他們仍然控制著發行美元的能力和美元作為世界儲備貨幣的地位。美國人現在憑空製造出好幾兆美元然後把這一大堆錢投入股市。他們用股市套換他們憑空變出來的鈔票,好讓美國的經濟體系可以繼續運作。問題是他們沒有足夠的實質商品來支撐他們憑空變出來的數字。現在的經濟和金融體系全面崩潰也只是時間早晚的問題。這就是為何美國人想盡辦法要中國人多跟美國買東西,然後川普表示中國要每年向美國採購2000億美元的商品。因為如果中國人不肯跟美國買東西,美國就完蛋了。可是我一直在呼籲我們需要讓現在的美國政府破產。因為這個政府從過去240年來都一直在打仗。美國社會的運轉已經失靈。這個畸形的體制需要重新打掉重來。美國民眾才能重獲自由。
Hoshino: Right, thank you for that. Cobra, do you have anything to add on this?
Cobra: Yes, basically what is happening is that this debt-based financial system was ongoing for quite some time, and it was quite successful for the Cabal because it was their way of controlling the surface population but what is happening now is that there are more and more structural inconsistencies in the system and more and more people are aware of them. And this awareness is what is actually starting to accelerate the collapse of the old system and this is what we are experiencing right now. It is not yet the common knowledge; an average person in the United States, still thinks that the stock market is doing great everything is just perfect and they are not really aware of what is happening at the core of the system and this is what we will be talking about a little bit today.
Hoshino: Thank you. So, Ben, based on your experience as a journalist in the financial industry, do you have any suggestions on finding indexes of the real economic situation instead of looking at indexes such as Dow Jones Index or being brainwashed by the mainstream media?
Ben: Well, the things you need to look at are actual industrial production, you need to look at goods and services, imports and exports and trade balances. In other words, any index that's based on stuff that actually exists as opposed to, virtual things such as derivatives which are maybe 1,000 times more in number than the actual underlying real thing that it's supposed to be based on. So, you look at the Baltic Dry Index to look at what's happening with ships, you look at what's happening to the physical trade and then you look at for how well the people are doing you need to look at something called median GNP per capita which means it's the level where half the people are above and half the people are below. So, for example in Canada, it is about $80,000 and in the US it's more like $15,000. But if you look at per capita GDP which say per fare, it looks like the Americans are richer. So you have to at the end of the day see how you yourself and your family are doing compared to before and that's the best way to look at it.
Benjamin Fulford:如果大家要知道景氣的真正情況,就去看工商業產值的相關指標,比較進出口商品和服務的金額然後看是出超還是入超。或是看其他以實質商品為依據的經濟指標。因為衍生性金融產品的合約數量都是標的物的1000倍以上。大家可以從波羅的海散乾貨指數看船運業和實物貿易的近況。如果要知道一個國家的國民生活過得怎麼樣,可以看國民生產總額中位數。舉例來說,加拿大的國民生產總額中位數是8萬美元,美國是1,5000美元。如果大家看人均國內生產總值,就會覺得美國人比較有錢。說到底,大家還是看看自己和親朋好友有沒有過得比以前更好才是最直觀的方法。
Hoshino: Right. Cobra, do you agree with that? Do you have anything to add?
Hoshino:Cobra,你認同嗎? 你有要補充的嗎?
Cobra: Yes. Actually this is the core of the situation. The current financial system is not based on real trade it's not actually a capitalist system. it is based on the theoretical value which is created with sophisticated computer programs. All these derivatives, all the stock market, all… even the treasuries, all those financial instruments are just an idea that exists inside of a computer, and the state of economy does not reflect anymore the real production. And this is the core of the issue. What will happen in the coming collapse is that the planetary financial system will have to revert back to the real basics in a new way. It will have to revert to real production, real productivity and real creativity of people and not this funny money situation which existed for the last two centuries and after World War II especially. This is going to change.
Ben: I would say to be honest I think the real problem started in 1971, or even before that. But 1971 is when they took it off the gold. They took the [US] dollar off the gold standard. If you look at that it's that that's when the Americans start getting poorer. 99% of Americans start getting poorer from that time on. Japan, they start getting poorer after 1985 when the Americans forced them to dismantle their system but countries that still have a reality-based system like China are actually doing quite well.
Benjamin Fulford:我會說現代金融體系的問題源自1971年甚至是在1971年之前。美國在1971年宣布美元跟黃金脫鉤。 如果大家仔細研究,就會發現99%美國人在1971年開始變窮。日本人在1985年以後開始變窮,因為美國人強迫日本人拆解他們的經濟發展機制。不過像是中國和其他有實物經濟基礎的國家過得還不錯。
Hoshino: Okay, thanks for the answers. Ben, Cobra has mentioned Yamashita Gold several times in his blog. Do you know the story as well and the future purpose of this legendary gold?
Hoshino:多謝回答。班,Cobra 在他的部落格上講過很多次山下黃金的故事。你知道山下黃金的故事和這些傳奇黃金的用途嗎?
Ben: Okay. The Yamashita Gold is long gone. The actual Yamashita Gold. The guy called Willoughby. In fact, Mr. Cobra you should read a book called Gold Warriors. It will tell you the story.
Benjamin Fulford:山下黃金的本體早就已經消失了。以前有一個叫威樂比的人。柯博拉 先生應該讀一本叫做黃金戰士的書。
Cobra: Yes, I know about that book, yeah.
Ben: The actual Yamashita Gold was spent and used to set up Citibank Black Eagle Trust and a bunch of other stuff and it's long gone. But I keep hearing stories about legendary caves full of gold in Indonesia and China and Korea, all over Asia. But I've yet to see proof of it. I've been asking for 10 years. I've been flying to these places, talking to people saying just take a newspaper and a camera and take a picture of this newspaper in front of the gold to show me it's there and they can’t do that. So, they keep repeating it's there but I haven't seen it. I haven't seen the proof. But if you do look at the history books, it does show that since Roman era, the Roman times, the West has been sending gold and silver to Asia. and Asia has been sending spices and ceramics and silk. So, in theory, it’s there. But I haven't seen the proof yet except for what you can see in public. And there you can see that China is adding to its official gold reserves at a very high pace and so is Russia, whereas the US is being caught lying about their gold reserves and can't prove they have them.
Benjamin Fulford:真正的山下黃金已經被花光。這些黃金被用來設立花旗銀行的黑鷹基金和其他東西。山下黃金早就已經消失。我時常聽別人說中國、印尼、韓國或是亞洲的其他地方有埋放黃金的洞穴,但是我從來沒看到相關的證據。我用10年的時間追尋這些埋放黃金的地點。我曾經搭飛機前往這些地方,問當地人我可不可以帶相機進去拍黃金的照片或是讓我在黃金前面寫一篇報導。只要讓我看到真的有黃金就好。他們一直說有黃金,但是我從來沒看過。我沒看過黃金存在的證據。不過如果大家回顧歷史。其實西方打從羅馬時代開始就開始用黃金和白銀向亞洲購買香料和絲綢。我沒看過這些傳說黃金真正存在的證據,只有現在公開的報導。中國正在用非常快的速度增加國家的黃金儲備,美國官員最近則被抓包謊報黃金儲備量。
Cobra: Yeah basically what was happening with Yamashita Gold that - this is the gold which was looted from all Asia, from China, from the Philippines, from Malaysia, from Indonesia; it was taken to the Philippines and then to the United States it was put into the trading programs which have financed the underground bases. And those underground military bases were preparing the world for the Draco invasion which happened in 1996. And yes, this gold is long gone, and also the gold from Fort Knox is long gone and the Rothschild gold is gone. Actually, the ones really having the gold now is China, and they're preparing for something with that gold.
Ben: Now I've heard that there is still gold in the mountains behind the BIS but again, I contacted them with proof that I had been authorized by the owners of the gold to get it back and of course they couldn't do it or they refuse to do it. So, I don't know about Draco invasions or anything like that but I do know as an on the ground surface journalist that the problem can be forensically traced to the BIS in Switzerland, to the Federal Reserve Board in Washington DC and New York and to a lesser extent to the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan. These people are… these institutions are not owned by any government on Earth. I can prove that too. They're not owned by the United States government, they're not owned by the government of Japan. The Europeans don’t own the European Central Bank and the Swiss government has no authority over the BIS. So, as a surface person based on what I can see in this world, I say the military need to attack the BIS. They need to attack the Federal Reserve board. Not attack but occupy them physically, send troops in and take over the BIS, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Board, and the Bank of Japan. That is essential if we want to change this nightmare we're going through.
Benjamin Fulford:我聽說國際清算銀行的後山還有一些黃金。我曾經帶著那些黃金的主人的授權文件要求國際清算銀行聯系歸還黃金。但是他們還不出來,又或者他們不肯歸還。我不清楚龍人入侵的事情,但作為一個生活在地表世界的記者,我知道我們可以在法院上追究瑞士的國際清算銀行、華盛頓和紐約美聯儲,順便連帶追查歐洲央行和日本央行。我可以證明這些機構不屬於地球上任何一個政府。美聯儲不是屬於美國的中央銀行。日本央行不是屬於日本的中央銀行。歐洲中央銀行也不屬於歐洲人的中央銀行。瑞士政府無權過問國際清算銀行。作為一個地表人類,基於我對這個世界的觀察,我會說軍方應該攻打國際清算銀行。他們應該攻打美聯儲。我的意思不是要軍方攻擊而是派兵占領這些地方,派部隊接管國際清算銀行、歐洲央行、美聯儲和日本央行。如果我們要改變現在這種跟噩夢一般的生活,這種作法是有必要的。
Cobra: If you want to do that you will need to know that the Black Nobility Families who own those places have their own private armies. They have their own mercenaries, and it's not an easy thing to do.
Ben: I know, but I have been dealing with them. What I have tried to do is convince the lot of them that, if you keep the surface population poor, you are killing the goose that lays the golden egg. A lot of them have agreed with me and I think we're almost at the turning point. We're saying we're not out to get the bad guys we're just out to save the planet. So please help us or step aside. But if they don't step aside, we have no choice. We are going to have to move them aside.
Benjamin Fulford:我知道他們有私人軍隊,但我從以前到現在都一直跟他們打交道。我希望我可以說服他們大部分的成員。我告訴他們,如果你們繼續讓地表人類窮困潦倒的生活,這種作法等同是在殺雞取卵。他們有很多人認同這種看法。我想我們快要來到他們願意幫忙的轉折點。我們的主要目的不是要抓壞人,而是拯救地球。所以我才跟他們說:請你們幫忙拯救地球,不然就靠邊站。如果他們不肯讓路,我們也別無選擇,只好把他們趕到一邊去。
Hoshino: Yes, I agree. And recently there is news coming up that the US official gold auditors have been caught lying as well. So that may become a tipping point that the gold story will become more public. We will see.
Ben: The other thing to watch out for is that January 31st is the deadline for the US government, the next [debt] payments deadline. And right now, it doesn't look like they have the money but they will try this they will try that. I'm not saying they're not going to be able to find it but right now we're trying our hardest to make sure they don't get the money and that we can collapse that fake government on January 31st.
Benjamin Fulford: 另一個要關注的時間點是明年的1月31日。明年1月31日是美國政府下一次償還國債的付款期限。現在美國政府看起來不像有能力湊到足夠還債的款項,不過他們肯定會想盡各種辦法湊錢。我不是說美國政府明年1月31日肯定還不出錢,不過我們正在盡全力讓它湊不出錢來還債。這樣我們就可以讓這個假政府在明年1月31日破產。
Cobra: The thing with this is an ongoing story. Actually, the debt ceiling has get raised and raised and it [the debts] gets restructured. And this is the core issue of the debt-based economy. You can always restructure the debt you can always do some funny cooking up of the books you can do behind the closed doors deals and things just get extended to the next period.
Ben: Yeah but they won't be able to pay for their oil, they won't be able to pay for the imports. And if we can do that, if we can cut them off and they've been trying very hard. It's clear that our strategy is working because they have Trump saying he wants to steal Mexican oil. They tried and failed to steal Venezuela's oil. They are threatening to take over Greenland. They're not getting a peace deal with North Korea because North Korea won't give them all their gold. They're desperate, and they're cornered, and they're dangerous, but I can see that they really are starting to run out of options.
Benjamin Fulford:這樣說也沒錯,可是美國政府之後就買不到石油,也沒錢進口商品。如果我們成功,我們就能切斷他們的資金。他們正在非常努力避免資金斷頭。顯然我們的策略很有效,川普說過他要竊取墨西哥的石油。美國政府嘗試過竊占委內瑞拉的石油,不過到後來失敗了。川普揚言要買下格陵蘭。美國與北韓之間和平協議遙遙無期。這是因為北韓不會肯把所有的黃金讓給美國。美國政府就像熱鍋上的螞蟻。它已經走投無路。雖然它還構成一些威脅,但我已經看到他們就快束手無策了。
Cobra: Yes, I agree. And this is exactly what is happening in January. I mean there is a very strong astrological configuration. And astrology is not just the superstition. It's based on real science.
It's based on resonance which is being created with plasma fields from the solar system and this affects everybody. Actually, there was a study done by Federal Reserve of the influence of the Solar Cycles on the real economy. And the same thing is happening with the planets. The planetary configurations do have a real impact on the world economy. And what is coming in January is huge.
Ben: Well, what I do know is this. When I used to cover the future’s markets the traders had Moon signs on their charts. And I said ''What are these?'' and they said: ''Well, some people believe that a full moon affects how people trade and because some people believe it I do it too." And the effect is, it does affect the trade, whether or not it's actually had anything to do with the moon or the psychology. In the same way, even if you don't believe or understand this planetary stuff, if we all agree that something's going to happen on a certain day, we can make it happen. So, either way, whether or not you believe in astrology if we choose to do this, we can make it happen. So, you don't have to understand or believe this stuff to make it happen. That's what I'm trying to say here.
Benjamin Fulford:我曾經採訪過期貨交易所。那裡的交易員在圖表上標註月亮符號。我問他:這是什麽東西?他說:有人相信滿月會影響人們的交易行為。既然有人相信,我也跟著這麽做。不管期貨市場跟月球或心理學有沒有真正的關係,結果就是期貨交易在滿月期間會有些變化。就算大家不相信或不理解行星的事情,一旦我們都相信有些事情會以某種方式發生,我們就能讓它發生。所以不管怎樣,不管大家相不相信占星術,如果我們選擇這麽做,我們就能讓它發生。所以你不需要理解或相信了這些才能讓事情發生,這就是我想說的。
Cobra: Exactly so this is why we're having this meditation on January 11th and 12th [of January, depending on your local time zone] to put a strong signal, a coherent, a conscious signal in the field around the planet. And this will, of course if we reach the critical mass, it will affect the financial situation [and] the financial system. And it's time to burst the bubble. And this is the moment when we can burst the bubble. And then of course people are saying we need to hard crash the system. No, we need to guide the system in a controlled crash to reset into a new one. People still need food on their table, people still need to drive their cars, and this transition needs to be done in a way that will be without any drastic chaos.
Ben: What I'm trying to do is I've got… I'm trying to convince the Pentagon, the British Commonwealth, the P2 Freemasons who control the Catholic world and all these people and the Chinese. I think we're trying to get an agreement to have an organized restructuring of the US economy and a swords to ploughshares transformation of the military-industrial complex. And you can see that the Americans are starting to release some of their secret technology as their way for paying for keeping it business. So, we are working on that. I'm trying to get a meeting with very senior people in January. And we're pushing and that everyone seems to agree but the blockage still seems to be right now the people behind Trump and the people at BIS in Switzerland. They seem to be the main obstacle right now as far as I can tell with the here now reality thing.
Benjamin Fulford:我正在嘗試說服五角大樓、英國聯邦政府,P2共濟會、基督教世界的主導人物以及中國人。我們試著要透過協議達成對美國的經濟進行一次有組織的重組,並且把軍工複合體轉型成民生工業複合體。大家已經可以注意到美國正在公開一些秘密科技來還債並且維持政府的運作。我們正在努力想辦法達成協議。我打算在明年一月跟一些非常高層的人士見面。我們正在取得優勢。大家似乎都認同川普的背後老闆以及瑞士國際清算銀行就是目前的主要障礙。
Cobra: Yeah, the thing is the BIS is the central bank of the central banks and is being controlled by [a] black nobility family called Torlonia family and they of course they will not want to give up their control, and after a certain amount of exposure, certain amount of awareness, they will have to. And the main thing that will need to be exposed is the child abuse networks. This is also going to be huge next year.
Ben: Yeah, I did I studied the FBI statistics and 40,000 children disappear every year in the United States. That's way more than in any other country, and this… they're doing everything they can literally fighting for their lives to make sure people don't find out what they've been doing. But yes, that would be the key that would get all the men with guns to just go and drag these people out of their houses and force them out of power, if that's what it comes to. I wish it doesn't come to that but it is going to come to that if they don't step aside quickly.
Benjamin Fulford:我研究過美國聯邦調查局的統計資料。美國每年有四萬名孩童失蹤。這個數字比其他國家更多。壞人們用盡一切方法,應該可以說是拚上老命也不想讓民眾發現他們的罪行。如果民眾知道了虐童犯罪的真相,所有人都會拿槍衝進他們的房子然後強迫他們下台。我希望事情不會演變到那麼難看的地步。不過如果他們還不快點讓開,到時候民眾就肯定會拿槍上門抓人。
Cobra: I think this is the way it's gonna happen because the people will realize what was going on, they will be very very very angry.
Ben: Yeah and we have the names, we know the places, and we know who their leaders are. And a lot of them have already been killed or arrested. But really bizarre thing that's going on is that I see more and more computer graphics being used to hide who's really behind that so it's hard to tell, they're got all these fake politicians who exist only on world media screens camouflaging these people. We need to expose that, and that means we need to shut down the big media corporations and stop them from putting out computer graphics and fooling everybody into thinking there's people who still exist who don't exist anymore. Especially for example, George Soros. I've proven very thoroughly. Others I can't be sure. I get the evidence and then I see every day on TV these people who I was told were arrested but I can't confirm anybody who's in Washington who could see them with their own eyes. So that's a tricky thing. They got all these, they are literally using computer graphics to fool us.
Benjamin Fulford:我們有那些人的名單。我們知道他們在什麽地方。我們知道誰是他們的領導人。他們很多人已經被殺死或者被逮捕。可是真正詭異的是我越來越常看到電腦特效合成的畫面。現在實在很難分辨哪些政客只是媒體用電腦合成出來的假畫面,哪些人又是真的還存在。我們需要拆穿媒體造假的情況。所以我們得關閉大型媒體公司,阻止他們用電腦合成影響愚弄大眾。好比說喬治˙索羅斯。其他人我無法確定,不過我很清楚索羅斯真的已經消失了。雖然那些我聽說已經被逮捕的人出現在電視上,但是我也沒聽說真的有人在華盛頓特區親眼見到那些在電視上的人物。現在的情況真的很麻煩,因為他們成天用電腦合成影像欺騙大眾。
Cobra: Yes, basically mainstream media is just fake news. You cannot find truth there. You need to find other sources to get the truth.
Ben: Which is why I wonder why the military don't occupy the headquarters of these big media companies.
Benjamin Fulford:我一直想知道為什麽軍方不占領這些大型媒體公司的總部。
Cobra: Yeah everything at the right time.
Ben: Yeah. Okay, anything else you want to talk about Mr. Cobra?
Benjamin Fulford:好的。Cobra先生還想說點什麽?
Cobra: Well it will be good that as many people as possible join this meditation. I would just explain briefly what this meditation does. Meditation if it is done in the same moment with a large mass of people changes mass consciousness. And everything that happens on the planet is a reflect of mass consciousness. Basically, everything that's happening today is a sum of vectors of decisions of everybody on the planet. 7.7 billion people making daily decisions. If we put a coherent signal for one moment in that whole lump of free will vectors, we can change the outcome. And this is what we're doing, so I would ask everybody who has large audiences to support us with this and to get the critical mass. And I think Hoshino has many more questions for both of us.
Cobra: 我希望大家能盡量參與水瓶座時代冥想就。我簡單解釋一下這個冥想是做什麽的。大量的人在同一時刻所做的冥想能改變集體意識。這個地球上發生的每件事都是集體意識的一個反映。今天發生的每件事是地球上每個人作出的決定的向量總和。77億人每天在做決定。如果我們把一個一致的訊號在一個時刻放進整個自由意志向量團塊裡,我們就能改變結果。這是我們正在做的,所以我想請每個擁有大量觀眾的人支持我們這個冥想,讓它達到臨界人數。我想Hoshino有更多問題問我們。
Ben: Well, one last question for now. And we can reschedule another one again in a week or two if that’s okay.
Benjamin Fulford:好了,最後一個問題。如果時間可以的話,我們可以在一或兩星期後,再按排另一會談。
Hoshino: Yeah. So Ben, is it true that White Dragon Society holds about 100 trillions worth of Global Settlement Funds?
Ben: No. What the White Dragon Society is doing is trying to convince the people who actually do control the real-world financial system to support a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. A 100 million dollars in a fiat system is just numbers in a computer. What is required is a collective decision to change how we run the planet, and if we can do that - and I think we're very close - then the equivalent of a hundred trillion dollars is there but at the end of the day, it has to do with humans making decisions, especially people in a leadership position in the financial industry to say okay let's finance a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and send Humanity out into the universe peacefully. And I think that we're at the critical mass among very senior people as well as people on the ground so maybe together with this meditation we can make it happen. Alright, thank you very much for having me on.
Benjamin Fulford:沒有。白龍會的做法是要說服真正有能力控制金融體系的那些人支持終結貧窮和終止環境破壞的超大型改革計劃。在法幣體系之下,不管是100元還是100兆美元都只是電腦裡面的一串數字。
Hoshino: Thank you, Ben. Thank you.
Cobra: Okay thank you everybody for listening, and see you next time.
Hoshino: Thank you to everyone for listening to this interview. Victory of the Light!
Victory of the Light!
翻譯:Patrick Shih