Portal 2012 in Egypt
We will be having the main activation of Portal 2012 in Egypt. On December 21st, our group inside the Great Pyramid will be one of many groups throughout the world that will anchor the divine flash that will reach the surface of planet Earth on that day. That day will be a symbolic marker of the entry into a new cosmic cycle and an important step in the very intense process of the planetary liberation. Apart from our main group activation in the pyramid, a special worldwide mass meditation will also be organized so everybody will be able to receive the energies of that divine flash no matter where you are.
我們即將在埃及舉行門戶2012的主要門戶開起儀式。 12月21日當天,我們的團隊將在吉薩大金字塔內與世界各地的其他團隊把神聖閃焰錨定到地球表面。這一天象徵著宇宙新迴圈的開始,也是地球解放任務進入緊湊階段的重要步驟。除了我們在金字塔裏面的冥想團隊之外,還會有一場全世界的特殊集體冥想。所以不論大家身在何處,都能感受到神聖閃焰的能量。

Power Places Tours will be the agency that will handle the logistics of this incredible event in Egypt. They have been providing the finest tours and seminars for spiritual teachers and groups to visit the worlds sacred portals for many decades. They took the Dalai Lama to Egypt and I am sure they will provide the best possible experience for us:
If you want more information about Portal 2012 activation in Egypt, you can call Power Places Tours toll free from the United States:
If you are coming from outside the US, simply send them an email to travel@powerplaces.com and they will call you at your convenience.
Welcome to Egypt!
PS When my first announcement about the conferences went out, it did not link to the correct email address for Egypt information due to a computer glitch. There could have been those of you that tried to send an email unsuccessfully. The correct email address is travel@powerplaces.com.
翻譯: Patrick Shih
原文: http://2012portal.blogspot.hk/search?updated-max=2012-10-21T12:14:00-07:00&max-results=50&reverse-paginate=true