【柯博拉Cobra】2015 年 1 月 16 日訊息
Planetary Situation Update
Clearing of the Chimera group continues. There is significant progress, but all intel pertaining to that must remain classified for now. However, here is a how you can participate in resolving the Chimera situation:
Tunnels of Set, plasmatic fistulae of disgust, are being cracked open by the Light, the infection oozing out, being transformed by the Light and being absorbed into the One. This is the occult reason for craziness happening on this planet right now.
譯注:前幾天的加密訊息 -- STRANGE EGG L3 infection cleared
Since the initialization of the Breakthrough phase after the opening of the IS:IS portal in December, the Eastern Alliance is speeding up their plans to build an alternative financial structure to the petrodollar system which was the principal life support system for Chimera group to maintain the quarantine status of planet Earth, utilizing Negative Military as their main operating tool:
IS:IS 第二階段門戶在去年 12 月開啟之後,東方聯盟也順勢趁著突破階段加緊推動它們的新金融系統計畫。新金融系統將會徹底打擊石油美元,進而連根斬斷奇美拉維持地球隔離狀態所需要的主要資金流。除此之外,一旦奇美拉資金鏈斷裂的話,它們將再也無法調遣負面軍隊進行各種重要的軍事行動:
第一則新聞:俄羅斯中央銀行已經推出一套類似 SWIFT 的銀行電匯系統。新系統可以讓俄羅斯的境內銀行自由地進行交易轉帳,而不用擔心被西方的金融系統監視或動手腳。
第二則新聞:中國要開始讓人民幣丶馬幣丶盧布和紐西蘭元進行遠期外匯交易和換匯交易。( 不用老是盯著美元匯率 )
第三則新聞:中國提議另選新的世界儲備貨幣 ( 直接向美元霸權宣戰 )
This new alternative structure includes GPS navigation systems which are not under control of the Negative Military:
譯注:俄羅斯開放格洛納斯系統給巴西作為民間用途。( 從安全角度來看,巴西政經界人士丶重要人物乃至於民眾的行蹤都不會被美國輕易監視 )
All this alternative structure must be operational to a great degree at the time of the Event and will be the main instrument through which the financial Reset will be taking place.
Since the beginning of the year, the conflict between the Eastern Alliance and the Jesuit/Illuminazi financial/military industrial complex is escalating, Europe being the battleground of this proxy war because of its geopolitical position in the middle of main operating centers of both the Alliance and the Cabal, and because it is the location of many important vortexes in the planetary energy grid which hold significant key to the control of the planetary energy body.
打從 2015 年開始,東方聯盟和耶穌會/光明納粹財閥/軍工複合體之間的交戰就一直升級。現在的歐洲由於地處東方聯盟和西方陰謀集團兩大陣營的中間地帶,便成了這場代理戰爭的主要戰場。另外,許多歐洲的能量漩渦聖地位於地球光網格的關鍵戰略位置,因此也在這場戰爭中成為兵家必爭之地。
The Paris false flag attacks were engineered by the Jesuit/Illuminazi Cabal with Paris being an important Isis vortex and as a warning and a threat to France as it was about to make a decision to join the Alliance:
先前巴黎偽旗恐怖攻擊的幕後主謀是耶穌會和光明納粹。理由有二:1. 巴黎長久以來都是重要的愛希斯女神漩渦點。2. 警告法國政府不要加入東方聯盟。
譯注:巴黎聖母院的前身是愛希斯女神的神廟。巴黎的英文 - Paris 源自於 Per Isis ( 愛希斯女神 )
Instead of being overly involved in the drama of that false flag I would suggest everybody to be more aware of this:
Much more awareness is needed in the alternative community about the situation in Nigeria.
In the European situation, the Eastern Alliance strikes back. First, in a not so surprising U-turn, Switzerland has de-pegged its currency from Euro wonderland and is joining the Alliance in preparing for the transition into the gold-backed financial system after the Reset:

Second, Russia has cut gas supplies through Illuminazi controlled Ukraine towards Europe in the middle of the cold winter, effectively forcing European countries to choose sides:
俄羅斯也趁著歐洲寒冬之際關閉經過烏克蘭 ( 目前是光明納粹的地盤 ) 的天然氣管線。迫切的能源和暖氣危機有效地迫使歐洲國家選邊站:
譯注:俄羅斯這次一口氣把天然氣供應量砍到只剩平常量的四成,其中有六個國家甚至全部切斷。未來俄羅斯會把原本烏克蘭管線的天然氣全部改用經過土耳其的管線輸送 ( 成本提高和外交斡旋難度增加 )
The Cabal is already sending their representatives to Bulgaria to persuade:
陰謀集團已經派遣代表 ( 美國國務卿 -- 約翰 • 凱瑞 ) 到保加利亞,試圖
Meanwhile, the Alliance is rapidly building the new financial infrastructure to be ready when the Event comes:
第一則新聞:中國丶俄羅斯合辦的世界信用評級集團會在今年掛牌開張。這家信用評級機構會打破華爾街信評三巨頭壟斷的局面。( 不會出現 2008 年金融危機之前,華爾街信評機構讓垃圾債打包成投資級商品的放水行為 )
Signs in the skies continue, the Goddess is returning. American Kabuki has found this beautiful photo of a Goddess figure in the plasma tail of comet Lovejoy from the Space weather gallery website:
最近的天空也一直出現各種女神回歸的徵兆。 美國知名部落格 -- American Kabuki 最近在網路上找到一張愛喜彗星的照片。照片中的彗尾出現了女神的蹤影:

Now comet Lovejoy is passing near the Pleiades, merging the energy of Joy with the Pleiadian cosmic Love energy. Those sensitive to energies might experience an increase of Love in their relationships as a result of this energy flow:

The Breakthrough is near!
翻譯:Patrick Shih