
【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2016年6月28日訊息 【6月最新柯博拉每月訪談】


【柯博拉Cobra】2016年6月28日訊息 【6月最新柯博拉每月訪談】

 June Monthly Update Interview by Cobra

Here is the June monthly update Cobra interview by Prepare for Change. The audio version and the transcript are available here:

這裡可連接PFC 6月最新柯博拉的每月訪談的錄音及文字稿:


You can submit your questions to http://prepareforchange.net/cobra-questions/ and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview. 

你亦可將問題發送到http://prepareforchange.net/cobra-questions/ ,很多的問題會在下個月的訪問中回覆及更新.

Answered questions from past interviews are nicely gathered here:


Victory of the Light!



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2016年6月20日【柯博拉Cobra 訪談 by Prepare for Change - Lynn】


【柯博拉Cobra】2016年6月20日【柯博拉Cobra 訪談 by Prepare for Change - Lynn 







【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2016年6月22日【近況更新】



Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Removal of the remaining plasma toplet bombs has proven to be more difficult than expected, as they are protected with quantum potential chambers throughout the Solar System. Quantum potential chambers are directed scalar torsion fields that create an accretion vortex for as much primary plasma anomaly as possible to be gathered around the remaining toplet bombs. These chambers are more advanced version of quantum potential weapons that are already known for decades:




Plasma primary anomaly encompasses all possible combinations of negativity as the logical opposite of the Absolute, and only a small percentage of these combinations gets manifested onto the physical plane, as the Light forces mostly cancel them out before they can materialize from the quantum foam. The Light forces use advanced technology of Light pillars (ATVOR) to resolve the non-linear primary plasma anomaly using the mathematical principles of iteration:



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2016年5月by AGN Veg Global訪談


【柯博拉Cobra】2016年5月by AGN Veg Global訪談

AGN Veg - Being aware that the word ANIMA means SOUL in old Greek , VITALITY and that the word SENTIENT applies to all souls and conscious spiritual beings in whatever temporary form they may take on, able to feel joy and pain, pleasure and suffering, is it not correct that ALL ANIMALS are SENTIENT BEings?

AGN Veg - 我們知道ANIMA這個詞古希臘語意思是靈魂,生命力,而SENTIENT這個詞適用於所有靈魂和有意識的靈性存有,不論它們的臨時形態是什麼,都能感覺到喜悅和痛苦,高興和苦難,動物也是有感情SENTIENT 的存有嗎?

Cobra - Yes, of course, all animals are sentient beings and they feel all spectrum of emotions the human beings can so the advice would be to treat them as human beings  

Cobra - 當然是的,所有動物是有感情的,他們能感覺到人類的所有情緒,所以建議把他們像人一樣對待。


【地球盟友】 【柯博拉】 2016年6月13日訊息 甘尼亞揚升會議成果報告和柯博拉兩個訪談節目


【柯博拉】 2016年6月13日訊息
Chania Conference Report and Two Cobra Interviews
Monday, June 13, 2016


Our Ascension Conference in Chania was a huge success. It was located in one of rare places on the planet where pure Goddess energy is still present. From all our conferences until now, this one had the most Light and harmony present and everything was flowing with ease. This gave us a glimpse of taste of what our lives after the Event will be.



【地球盟友】【柯博拉Cobra】Rob Potter主持的柯博拉/柯里古德聯合訪談 第二部分 2016年6月3日訊息(全譯版)


【柯博拉Cobra】Rob Potter主持的柯博拉/柯里古德聯合訪談 第二部分 2016年6月3日訊息 (全譯版)

Friday, June 3, 2016

Joint Cobra / Corey Goode Interview by Rob Potter Part 2
Here is the transcript and the audio of the second part of the joint Cobra / Corey Goode interview by Rob Potter. 

小編註:因部份段落沒被翻譯(大部份是Rob Potter的個人意見),小編希望保留文件更高完整性,故作補譯,但小編英文不才,要借助Google翻譯再作校正,故如有錯漏,請包涵及作修正建議,謝謝!

Before we start, you can read an interesting analysis of the first part of the interview here:
編補譯: 在開始之前,我們可以回看第一部份會談有趣的資料


The Youtube audio version of the second part of the interview is here:
在Youtube 視頻上,第二部份訪談的連給如下:


Link to Rob Potter's page with the interview is here:
有關 Rob Potter 訪談網頁的連結如下: http://thepromiserevealed.com/corey-goode-cobra-interview-w-rob-potter-part-2/

And the transcript here:
Rob Potter: Ladies and gentlemen, we’re back with Corey and Cobra for Part 2. An extremely interesting interview. Both of these gentlemen are confirming each other’s intel with a few additions by each. I hope you are enjoying this unification and remembering about the Full Disclosure Meditation, the Secret Space Program conference in Mt. Shasta, as well as we’re having Cobra’s Ascension Conferences coming out. So lot’s of places for you to connect with other light members and become instrumental light bearers or information givers to people in your community.

Rob Potter:各位聽眾朋友,歡迎收聽第二次柯博拉/柯里聯合訪談。這次一場極其有趣的訪談。兩位節目來賓會相互印證對方的情報,順便補充新的內容。我希望兩位會喜歡這種合作方式。我也希望兩位記得全面大揭露冥想、雪士達山的秘密太空計畫會議以及柯博拉的揚升會議。兩位將會到很多地方跟其他的光之種子見面並且在各自的人際圈內擔任重要的大光柱和訊息來源。


【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2016年5月31日訊息 【柯博拉五月訪談節目】

【地球盟友】 COBRA 柯博拉採訪 by 準備轉變 2016年5月26日 Cobra Interview by Prepare for Change May 26th 2016


COBRA 柯博拉採訪 by  準備轉變 2016年5月26日

Cobra Interview
by Prepare for Change May 26th 2016


Lynn – ....現在歡迎我們的光之戰士,抵抗運動聯絡人Cobra,歡迎你。

COBRA – 再次感謝你的邀請。

Lynn – 好的。事不宜遲我們現在開始提問。

Richard – 你好Cobra,我是Richard,很高興又來到這個節目。你能否估計一下能支持物理3維生命的行星百分比?

COBRA – 我會說銀河系可能有10%或20%的太陽系都有一個行星能夠支持生命。我不是指類人生命形態,而是任何形式的生命。

Richard – 第三密度是否總是屬於更低的意識水平?

COBRA – 被佔領的行星才是更低意識水平,而物質層面或者3維只是精神的一個反映,沒有高低之分。它只是造物的一個方面,一種表達。