【柯博拉Cobra】2016年5月by AGN Veg Global訪談

AGN Veg - Being aware that the word ANIMA means SOUL in old Greek , VITALITY and that the word SENTIENT applies to all souls and conscious spiritual beings in whatever temporary form they may take on, able to feel joy and pain, pleasure and suffering, is it not correct that ALL ANIMALS are SENTIENT BEings?
AGN Veg - 我們知道ANIMA這個詞古希臘語意思是靈魂,生命力,而SENTIENT這個詞適用於所有靈魂和有意識的靈性存有,不論它們的臨時形態是什麼,都能感覺到喜悅和痛苦,高興和苦難,動物也是有感情SENTIENT 的存有嗎?
Cobra - Yes, of course, all animals are sentient beings and they feel all spectrum of emotions the human beings can so the advice would be to treat them as human beings
AGN Veg - Is it true that the souls in what we came to know as animals came here millions of years before humans have?
AGN Veg - 我們所知的動物靈魂是不是在人類之前幾百萬年就來到這裡?
Cobra - Yes, it is known as evolution process and some of the animals were native to this planet and some animals came or were imported from some other planets
AGN Veg - Besides their own spiritual evolution, is it true that their original purpose for being here was/is of anchoring higher dimensional energies through their bodies and consciousness, into planetary grid after Mother Earth transformed from her initial crystalline state to the current rocky state following galactic wars?
AGN Veg - 除了他們自己的靈性演化,他們在這裡原本目的是不是隨著銀河戰爭的發展,在地球母親從她最初的結晶態轉變為現在的岩石態之後,透過他們的身體和意識把更高維度的能量錨定到行星網格?
Cobra - For some animals yes but not for all animals, for example dolphins and whales came from Sirius Star System to anchor a certain specific, energy grid for this particular planetary transformation
Cobra - 一些是,但不是全部動物,比如海豚和鯨魚從天狼星來這裡為這次特別的行星轉變錨定一些特殊能量。

AGN Veg - Lately, I’ve seen very often horses, cows and goats in TRANCE like, meditative state as if they are receiving some sort of transmissions.
Is it accurate to say that they are Grounding through their pure consciousness and bodies Higher dimensional energies?
AGN Veg - 最近我經常看到馬,牛,羊處於出神冥想的狀態,就像他們接收到了一些能量傳送。他們是不是在透過意識和身體錨定更高維度的能量?
Cobra - They are not consciously grounding those energies but they feel those energies and they are perceiving them in their own way and connecting with them in their own way
Cobra - 他們不是有意識的這麼做,但他們能感覺到那些能量,他們用自己的方式接收和連接那些能量。
AGN Veg - Have the beings known as animals been created in 5D realms and if so, are they still connected to their 5D homes
AGN Veg - 那些動物存有是否在第五維度被創造,如果是,他們是不是仍然和他們的第五維度家鄉有連接?
Cobra - Everything and Every sentient being came from the Source and different beings had different streams of evolution, different history but we all, all living beings originate from the Source and have and all living beings are experiencing the Primary Anomaly in their own way and all beings are reconnecting with Source in their own way except for those who have chosen with free will not to
Cobra - 每個有感情覺知的存有都來自源頭,不同存有有著不同演化流,不同的歷史。但我們都來自源頭,所有生物用自己的方式體驗主要異常,用自己的方式重新與源頭連接,除了那些用自由意志決定不這麼做的存有。
AGN Veg - Is it true that the old black magicians have used rituals of sacrifice, of both animals and humans, forcing a soul out of its physical form against its natural time of transition, as part of darkness based practices for negative spiritual purposes?
AGN Veg - 古代黑暗魔法師用動物和人類進行獻祭,強迫一個靈魂非自然的離開自己的身體,作為達到負面靈性目的的一種黑暗手法?
Cobra - Yes, unfortunately this is true
Cobra - 不幸的這是真的。

AGN Veg - Is it not our current system of forcing over 600 hundred millions of souls out of their physical bodies in animal form every 5 days for food part of the same old darkness practice, only at much larger scale and part of the archonic programmings?
AGN Veg - 我們目前的系統每5天殺害超過6億隻動物作為食物,這是不是相同的黑暗手法的一部分,只是規模更大並且部分是執政官的編程?
Cobra - Actually, I would say, partially, humans' need to eat meat is manipulated in a way which allows certain forces to misuse that need to continue the practice of sacrifice in a more I would say socially accepted fashion for the surface of the planet, so some people still have a need to eat meat but the way how this is being done in the current society it is absolutely not right
Cobra - 我會說部分是,人類吃肉的需求被一定程度操縱,讓某些勢力得以濫用這種需求繼續用於獻祭,以一種對地表來說更被社會所接受的方式。所以有些人仍然有吃肉的需要,但當前的社會滿足這種需要所用的方法絕對是不正確的。

AGN Veg - The life of a being in cow form is 25 years. Is it not a very serious violation of UNIversal laws to force a soul out of its physical shell before its natural time to transition, say only after 5 years?
AGN Veg - 一隻牛有25年生命。在他自然死亡前,比如5年就強迫這個靈魂離開他的身體(屠宰)是不是嚴重違反宇宙法則?
Cobra - Yes, of course it is against the natural laws in the rest of the Universe, they don't do it, this is happening only on this planet at this point
Cobra - 當然這在宇宙其它地方是違反自然法則,他們不會這麼做,這只在這個行星上發生。
AGN Veg - How is the age old war on the Feminine, Goddess aspect of Creation reflected with respect to the fact that humans have been manipulated to agree on practically exploiting and stealing/consuming Life bearing and Life sustaining animal foods such as eggs, milk and animal flesh? Isn’t it there an intimate esoteric connection?
Is the historical suppression, exploitation and abuse of human females connected to historical suppression, exploitation and abuse of animal females for their eggs, milk and flesh from an esoterical, spiritual perspective?
AGN Veg - 對女性,造物的女神面向的由來已久的戰爭是怎麼樣,它反映出的事實是人類被操縱去同意開發和偷取/消費動物作為食物,比如蛋,奶,肉。這裡是否有一種神秘難懂的關係。這種歷史上開發和濫用雌性動物的蛋,奶和肉是否來自一種神秘的靈性觀?
Cobra - I would say all forms of the misuse of the animal life is strongly connected with the suppression of the feminine principles
Cobra - 我會說所有對動物生命的濫用形式都與女性本源的壓制有著強烈的關聯。

AGN Veg - Is there any esoteric connection between the dark rituals of animal sacrifice and the fact that in the middle of each table, during each religious/traditional celebration, in each culture of any nation, there lies the sacrificed sentient being, whether is the lamb, the turkey or the pig?
AGN Veg - 在每種宗教的傳統慶祝上,在每個國家的文化裡,飯桌中間都擺著一隻被獻祭的有感情的存有,不論是羊,火雞或者豬,這種做法和黑暗的動物獻祭儀式有沒有神秘關係?
Cobra - Actually, this custom is a reflection of the older sacrifice rituals which were held in the open and is a remnant of those
Cobra - 實際上這個習俗是更古老的獻祭儀式的反映,這些儀式曾公開舉行,這些習俗是它的殘餘。

AGN Veg - All around the world there are many thousands of slaughterhouses. Are these locations being used by the dark entities for heavy energetic harvest for lower astral realms?
AGN Veg - 全世界有許多屠宰場,這些地方是不是被黑暗勢力在低級星光層用於大量的能量收割?
Cobra - Not only the lower astral realms but also etherical and especially the plasma plane but is true, basically is true
Cobra - 不只低級星光層還有乙太層,尤其是電漿層,但基本上這是真的。
AGN Veg - Each minute in the world, based on the animal killing counter clock sources, 200,000 animals per Minute (or 600 Million every 5 days) are being killed for food. How is this affecting the overall planetary energetic level?
AGN Veg - 根據Animal Kill Counter的資料顯示,每分鐘20萬(或者每5天6億)頭動物被屠宰為食物。這如何影響行星的整個能量層。
Cobra - Of course all this killing is being felt on the planetary scale quite dramatically and that influences the conditions of the energy body of the planet and all this will be dealt with at the time of the EVENT
Cobra - 當然這些屠宰在行星規模上能被強烈地感覺到,這影響了行星能量體的狀況,在"事件"發生時這些會得到解決。

AGN Veg - Where are these colossal numbers of souls in animal bodies come from?
AGN Veg - 這些巨大數量的動物靈魂來自哪裡。
Cobra - I would say the group souls of different animal species are from basically the astral and etheric plane and many of those soul emanations from the group soul get incarnated on the physical plane, especialy at this time
Cobra - 我會說不同物種的靈魂團體基本上來自星光和乙太層,那些來自靈魂團體的靈魂轉世到現實層面,尤其是這個時間。
AGN Veg - Before projecting here are they aware of what awaits them here before incarnating?
Cobra - They understand to a certain degree but not completely
Cobra - 他們一定程度上理解,但不完全。
AGN Veg - What happens to them, to their souls immediately upon being slaughtered? Where do they go?
AGN Veg - 他們被屠宰後靈魂會去哪裡?
Cobra - OK, the animal soul leaves the body a few moments before the trauma gets too big and then the animal is returned to their animal group soul on the etheric and astral planes
Cobra - 受到過大的創傷之前,動物靈魂離開了身體,然後回到他們在乙太和星光層的靈魂團體那裡。
AGN Veg - I read in a book on life after death and near death experience how the soul of a human gets propelled right out of its physical body at impact through an accident for example, before the pain gets too much to bear...is this valid for the souls in animal bodies too?
AGN Veg - 我看過一本講述來生和瀕死經歷的書,比如遇到意外受撞擊,在疼痛大到無法承受前人類的靈魂會被推出身體。這對動物來說也是一樣?

Cobra - Yes, exactly
Cobra - 是的。
AGN Veg - Why aren’t they defending themselves, using their will and physical power, against human abusers,oppressors and those who kill them?
AGN Veg - 為什麼他們不自衛,用意志和體力反抗屠宰它們的人類。
Cobra - Because they are being conditioned by pain and because the handlers of the animals use quite much violence to supress animal's free will
Cobra - 因為他們適應了疼痛,而且動物管理者用非常大的暴力壓制動物的自由意志。
AGN Veg - So, if the soul gets out of the body before very harsh pain starts to be experienced, what kind of force or mechanism keeps the body moving as the body bleeds (such as the chicken whose head has been cut off and it continues to move)? Is there any type of life cord still binding the body to its soul?
AGN Veg - 如果靈魂在經受巨大痛苦之前離開了身體,隨著血液流出有什麼力量或者機制讓身體繼續活動,比如被切頭的雞?是不是有一條生命線仍然綁著身體和靈魂。
Cobra - OK, the soul gets out of the body but there is still some connection with the physical brain and there is also electrical discharge of the electrical current in the central nervous system and this is creating some movement of the body
Cobra - 靈魂離開身體,但大腦和身體仍然有一些關聯,在中央神經系統有一個放電的過程,這使身體會有一些活動。
AGN Veg - Hopefully, there won't be much pain left to be felt after the soul gets out?
AGN Veg - 希望靈魂離開身體後沒有留下太多疼痛。
Cobra - Much less pain at that moment
Cobra - 那時痛苦會少很多。

AGN Veg - If pain and suffering were not part of the Source’s plan for creation why did animals “agreed” to it based on some (mis) conception running among some spiritual teachings?
AGN Veg - 如果痛苦和苦難不是源頭計劃的一部分,根據一些靈性教導裡流行的誤解,為什麼動物"同意"經歷這些?
Cobra - Animals are here, experiencing the Primary Anomaly in their own way
Cobra - 動物就在這裡,以自己的方式體驗主要異常。
AGN Veg - With now many thousands of breatharians and millions of vegans, knowing we have been designed as frugivores to thrive of FOOD that grows straight from the ground, not by killing for sustenance other beings (except for isolated circumstances such as people living in extremely cold climates who have adapted to survive on animal flesh), are we making a gradual comeback, a return to our original crystalline form, requiring less and less solid food and more and more higher vibrational fresh food?
AGN Veg - 從現在數以千計的辟谷者和數以百萬的素食者可以看出,我們被設計為一種食果動物,以地裡長出來的食物為生,而不是透過殺死其他的動物為生,除了一些孤立的情況比如生活在嚴寒天氣的人要吃肉生存。我們是否會逐步回歸到原來的水晶狀態,需要越來越少固體食物和越來越多高振動的食物?
Cobra - This is true for the more spiritually developed people but for the majority of humanity people will still eat meat but this will be from a different perspective, different consciousness
Cobra - 對於更為靈性進化的人這是對的,但對絕大多數人類將仍然要吃肉,但將會從一種不同的角度,不同的意識出發。
AGN Veg - Is the food we crave (ON AN ENERGETICAL LEVEL) each moment directly proportional with our inner state of consciousness and emotional/mental state?
AGN Veg - 我們每時每刻渴望的食物是否與我們內在的意識狀態和情緒精神狀態有直接比例關係?
Cobra - There is a relation but there is also a lot of manipulation by the cabal on the food we eat...we are actually forced and manipulated into eating certain kinds of foods, certain amount of foods and certain types of foods...I would speak for most of humanity, this is true...
Cobra - 有一定關係但也有很多陰謀集團對我們食物的操縱,我們實際上被強迫和操縱吃某些類型,某些分量,某些形式的食物。這是大多數人類的情況。

AGN Veg - Is it true that as Humans are harvested energetically by dark entities, so are the animals, directly and Through us?
Cobra - Yes, exactly
Cobra - 是的。
AGN Veg - Every 24 hrs, animal agriculture is wiping off 200,000 hectars of forest worldwide, has almost wiped off our planets' lungs (Amazon forest) and is by far the most devastating ecocide source, after nuclear waste. In this context, after EVENT, will we have immediate solutions such as advanced food producing methods and food replicators to completely replace all animal agriculture?
AGN Veg - 每24小時,畜牧業在全世界摧毀20萬公頃森林,幾乎鏟掉我們行星的肺(亞馬遜森林),這是核廢料之後最具生態滅絕的來源。在這個情況下,"事件"後我們能否馬上有解決方案,比如先進的食物製造方法和食物複製機完全代替畜牧業?
Cobra - This process will take some time but it will be quite fast
Cobra - 這個過程需要用一點時間,但將會非常快。
AGN Veg - We already have unlimited MEAT/DAIRY/EGGS/FISH plant based alternatives and options to replace the animal protein foods with the same texture and taste, only healthier with all of our required nutrients without using the "killing for living is necessary" dogma anymore.
Will the food replicators be programed with all these nourishing and tasty animal foods alternatives?
AGN Veg - 我們已經有無限制的基於肉/奶/蛋/魚的替代品以取代動物蛋白,有著相同的質地和味道,有我們所需的所有營養素,不再用到"為生存而殺害是必要"的教條。食物複製機是否會為這些營養美味的動物性食物替代品而設計?
Cobra - Yes, of course, this will be available
Cobra - 是的,當然。
AGN Veg - What will it happen to the many billions of animals currently held captive through food, profit, fashion, experiments, "entertainment", “sports”, work and many other uses once they are released from captivity and exploitation?
AGN Veg - 對於目前被活抓用作食物,利潤,時裝,實驗,"娛樂","體育",工作和很多其它用途的數十億動物,他們被釋放後會怎樣。
Cobra - They will start living their own lives, more connected with nature, more free and in more harmony and purpose
Cobra - 他們將開始過自己的生活,更與大自然連接,更加自由與和諧。
AGN Veg - How long after the event, approximately it is estimated that any and all forms of animal exploitation and killing becomes completely obsolete, illegal?
AGN Veg - "事件"後估計大約多久,所有形式的動物開發和屠宰會完全淘汰?
Cobra - I would say in a few months time all this will be solved throughout the planet
Cobra - 我會說幾個月內所有這些將會在全行星得到解決。
AGN Veg - Will we have technological assistance from Light Forces in this direction and in solving all these related complicated issues through implementation of the Galactic Codex in our world?
AGN Veg - 在這個方向上我們會不會得到光明勢力的技術援助,透過在我們世界實施銀河法典解決這些千絲萬縷的復雜問題。
Cobra - Yes
Cobra - 是的。
AGN Veg - In Thiaoouba prophecy book
was shared how in certain 4th dimensional realms, humans or other beings still consume the flesh of other beings but they never kill them, only wait for them to Naturally pass and then ask permission for their bodies and consume them with gratitude, to the soul that left its body behind. Is this true?
AGN Veg - 海奧華預言這本書談到某些第四維度世界,人類仍然消費其他存有的肉,但他們不殺害,只是等待他們自然死亡,然後請求允許食用它們,並向離開這個身體的靈魂感激,是嗎。
Cobra - This was true for some civilizations across the universe, yes...
Cobra - 宇宙中有些文明曾是這樣,是的。

AGN Veg - We know that all souls in creation embark on a continuous spiritual evolution and expansion. Are the souls in current temporary animal bodies Ascending and becoming our future co creators?
AGN Veg - 我們知道所有靈魂都在進行一個連續的靈性演化和擴展。目前在動物身體的這些靈魂是否正在揚升,成為我們未來的共同創造者?
Cobra - They are not ascending because before ascending they need to go through a human evolution also but they will have their own accelerated development as they go through their own process sometimes in the future
Cobra - 他們不是在揚升,因為揚升前他們需要經過人類的演化,但隨著未來經歷一些他們自己的過程,他們將會有屬於自己的加速發展。
AGN Veg - Is it true that SPECIESM is the root cause of our planetary xenophobia, racism, supremacism, elitism, and we need to heal it before we can expect to naturally evolve into a more advanced galactic civilization where hundreds of thousands of other galactic species co exist in peace and harmony without exploiting and killing each other?
AGN Veg - 物種主義是不是我們行星的排外主義,種族主義,至上主義,精英主義的根源?在我們期望進化為更先進的銀河文明之前,是否需要先療癒它,因為成千上萬的其他銀河種族都是和平共存,不會互相剝削和殺戮。
Cobra - All this is part of the process we are going through right now
Cobra - 所有這些都是我們正在經歷的過程的一部分。
AGN Veg - Is the FREE WILL of a being to kill and eat another being against the killed being’s FREE WILL to LIVE still valid as FREE WILL?
AGN Veg - 一個存有殺死並吃掉另一個存有的自由意志,違反了那個被殺的存有生存的自由意志,這是不是有效的自由意志?
Cobra - It is free will but it is not directed towards the goal of evolution of the universe
Cobra - 這是自由意志,但這沒有指向宇宙演化的目標。
AGN Veg - Are there many other liberated worlds by the Galactic Confederation that were in similar situation with respect to the sheer# of beings killed on a daily basis for food and many other reasons?
AGN Veg - 每天殺害一定量的存有作為食物和其它用途,這在銀河聯盟解放的其它星球有沒有相似的情況。
Cobra - This was happening quite much in the past throughout the galaxy but as the planet became liberated it was happening less and less
Cobra - 在過去的整個銀河系曾發生過很多,但隨著行星解放這些事越來越少。
AGN Veg - Will the Galactic Codex be implemented equally, at the very same time for both human and non human beings after EVENT?
AGN Veg - "事件"後銀河法典是否同時對人類和非人類存有公平地施行?
Cobra - Yes
Cobra - 是的。
AGN Veg - Can we get a glimpse into the general food consumed by the Pleiadians as well as by the rest of the Galactic Confederation members and how is mainly produced?
Cobra - Pleiadians don't eat much food, basically they have a certain elixir, a certain type of beverage they use daily and this is sufficient for them...some of them still eat certain kind of fruits but this is not necessary for their survival
Cobra - 昴宿星人不需要吃太多食物,基本上他們每天喝一種精華飲料,這對他們來說已經足夠。一些人仍然吃某些水果,但這對他們的生存不是必要的。
AGN Veg - On each Ascended planet is a large variety of sentient beings peacefully coexisting side by side or each planet has a limited variety of beings?
AGN Veg - 在每個揚升的行星上,種類龐大的存有和平地共存,或者是每個行星上存有的種類是有限的?
Cobra - It depends on the planetary situation...some planets have more diversity, some planets less, but all beings that exist on that planet have learned to co exist peacefully
Cobra - 這取決於行星的情況,有些行星有許多的物種多樣性,有些較少,但那些行星上所有存有已經學會和平共存。(完)