【柯博拉Cobra】2016年11月28日訊息 【日本團隊主持的Cobra訪談節目】
Cobra Interview by Iruka Umino
November 28th, 2016
This is a Cobra interview by Iruka Umino from Japan, interpreted by Terry.
Iruka has been actively involved in the grid works of Cintamani stones and Tachyon crystals all around Japan with many other fellow Japanese lightworkers. He was given this wonderful opportunity to have an interview with Cobra during Cobra's visit in Japan. We hope you like it!
這個是由Iruka Umino主持的Cobra訪談節目, 由Terry翻譯。
Iruka一直積極與許多其他日本光工參與日本各地的投放如意寶珠及Tachyon晶體的網格工作。 他透過Cobra在探訪日本期間這個極好的機會,與Cobra作採訪。 我們希望大家喜歡這採訪!
Original Article at (原文):http://ameblo.jp/oishiigohan2014/entry-12224198833.html

Iruka: There are about 1,000 pieces of Cintamani stones buried in Japan now. How does it affect the plasma and etheric fields in Japan?
Iruka: 現在日本全國埋放了將近1000顆如意寶珠。請問這些對日本的電漿層和乙太層有什麼影響?
Cobra: About 80% of the areas in Japan are in a good condition. This is better than most other countries.
Cobra: 現在日本有大約八成的國土處於良好的狀態。日本在這方面的情況比大多數的國家都還好。