【柯博拉Cobra】2016年11月28日訊息 【日本團隊主持的Cobra訪談節目】
Cobra Interview by Iruka Umino
November 28th, 2016
This is a Cobra interview by Iruka Umino from Japan, interpreted by Terry.
Iruka has been actively involved in the grid works of Cintamani stones and Tachyon crystals all around Japan with many other fellow Japanese lightworkers. He was given this wonderful opportunity to have an interview with Cobra during Cobra's visit in Japan. We hope you like it!
這個是由Iruka Umino主持的Cobra訪談節目, 由Terry翻譯。
Iruka一直積極與許多其他日本光工參與日本各地的投放如意寶珠及Tachyon晶體的網格工作。 他透過Cobra在探訪日本期間這個極好的機會,與Cobra作採訪。 我們希望大家喜歡這採訪!
Original Article at (原文):http://ameblo.jp/oishiigohan2014/entry-12224198833.html

Iruka: There are about 1,000 pieces of Cintamani stones buried in Japan now. How does it affect the plasma and etheric fields in Japan?
Iruka: 現在日本全國埋放了將近1000顆如意寶珠。請問這些對日本的電漿層和乙太層有什麼影響?
Cobra: About 80% of the areas in Japan are in a good condition. This is better than most other countries.
Cobra: 現在日本有大約八成的國土處於良好的狀態。日本在這方面的情況比大多數的國家都還好。
Iruka: Which areas in Japan are negative?
Cobra: The U.S. military bases.
Cobra: 駐日美軍基地。
Iruka: In Japan, we seem to have bad neighborhood in areas around the U.S. military bases. Are they affected by Archons?
Iruka: 駐日美軍基地跟當地日本民眾的關係都不太好。這些駐日美軍有受到執政官影響嗎 ?
Cobra: Archons in the plasma field give power to the negative people related to the bases.
Cobra: 位於電漿層的非實體執政官提供力量給涉及這些基地的負面人士。
Iruka: What sort of effects can we expect if we place Cintamani stones near the nuclear power plants?
Iruka: 如果我們把如意寶珠埋在核電廠附近,寶珠會產生什麼樣的影響?
Cobra: The plasma field surrounding a nuclear power plant can be purified.
Cobra: 核電廠周圍的電漿場可以得到淨化。

Iruka: Can you please explain the differences in characteristics between Pleiadians and Syrians?
Cobra: Syrians have characteristics of joy, freedom and light, while Pleiadians are deep and hearted.
Cobra: 天狼星人的個性活潑開朗。昴宿星人比較成熟穩重。
Iruka: Can you tell us some names of public figures on Earth whose origins are Pleiades and Sirius?
Iruka: 地球上有哪些從昴宿星或天狼星轉世的知名人士?
Cobra: Mozart is from the Pleiades. J.S. Bach most probably so.
Cobra: 莫札特是昴宿星人轉世。巴哈也很可能是昴宿星人轉世。

Iruka: If we receive a ray initiation of Pleiades, will we be able to connect with Pleiadians?
Cobra: Yes
Cobra: 可以的。
Iruka: Can you recommend some books about Pleiades or Sirius?
Iruka: 你能否推荐一些介紹昴宿星或天狼星的書籍?
Cobra: “The Sirius Mystery” by Robert Temple and books by Sheldan Nidle and Amorah Quan Yin are good.
Cobra: 羅伯特•坦普爾寫的《天狼星之謎》還有Sheldan Nidle、 Amorah Quan Yin的著作都是值得推薦的好書。

Iruka: Do you have any other books that you will like to recommend ?
Iruka: 你還想推薦哪些書嗎?
Cobra: “Return of Light” for example.
Cobra: “Return of Light”
Iruka: Can you list some Draconians other than Hillary and Rockefeller?
Iruka: 請問除了希拉里和洛克菲勒之外還有哪些龍人?
Cobra: Bill Clinton, Angela Merkel, Mario Draghi, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Henry Kissinger.Most of Rockefeller families also. Shinzo Abe in Japan is Draconian too, though he would not be aware of it himself.
Cobra: 比爾•柯林頓、默克爾、馬里奧•德拉吉(意大利央行行長)、切尼、拉姆斯菲爾德和基辛格。大多數的洛克菲勒家族成員都是龍人。安倍晉三也是龍人,不過他本人應該不知道。
Iruka: Are there Draconians among famous musicians and entertainers?
Iruka: 知名音樂家或演藝圈有龍人嗎?
Cobra: As Draconian is not interested in music and art, I cannot think of famous persons in this sector.
Iruka: Which musicians are connected with the light forces?
Iruka: 哪些音樂家跟光明勢力有關?
Cobra: Enya and Jean-Michel Jarre, for example.
Cobra: 恩雅和讓-米歇爾•雅爾
Iruka: How about Michael Jackson?
Iruka: 邁克•傑克遜呢?
Cobra: When he tried to publicize that Illuminati were manipulating human, he was killed. Many of musicians are connected with the light forces but if they attempt to expose the Illuminati, they are killed.
Iruka: Are there artists who are connected with the light forces? How about Leonaldo da Vinci for example?
Iruka: 有沒有跟光明勢力相關的藝術家?好比說:李奧納多·達文西?
Cobra: He just copied the information from the Dragon sources who bought it from China.
Cobra: 他只不過是模仿龍族從中國帶來的文件。
Iruka: Are there artists who were connected with the dark forces?
Iruka: 哪些藝術家跟黑暗勢力有關連?
Cobra: Many of the artists were so.
Cobra: 很多藝術家都曾經跟黑暗勢力打交道。
Iruka: How about Picasso?
Iruka: 畢加索算其中一人嗎?
Cobra: Cabal members were buying Picasso’s artworks. Most of the arts in last 70 to 80 years were controlled by Rockefeller and Rothschild. The artworks nowadays are priced quite high so that Cabal can use the transactions for money laundering.
Cobra: 陰謀集團收購畢加索的畫作。洛克菲勒家族和羅斯柴爾德家族在過去70-80年之間掌控大多數的畢加索畫作。現在這些畫作的價格相當高,所以陰謀集團可以利用這些畫作作為洗錢工具。
Iruka: Can you explain “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”?
Iruka: 你能不能解釋關於《錫安長老會紀要》的內容?
Cobra: The content of the document is authentic, but the document itself was not written by Zionists. It was published by Jesuits that infiltrated the Freemason Lodges in France in 19th century. Jesuits tried to blame their conspiracy to Zionists.
Cobra: 這本書的內容是真的,不過作者不是錫安會的成員。耶穌會在19世紀滲透到法國的共濟會會所之後才出版這本書。耶穌會想把他們的陰謀栽贓給錫安會。
Iruka: What sort of person is Prime Minister Dmitrii Medvedev in Russia?
Iruka: 俄羅斯總理-梅德維杰夫是怎樣的人?
Cobra: He reports to Putin. So, he works for the Light.
Cobra: 他的上司是普丁,所以他算是為光明勢力工作的人。
Iruka: Pokemon Go is quite popular in the world. Is it the attempt of Cabal?
Iruka: 寶可夢Pokemon Go最近在全世界都很熱門。這款遊戲是陰謀集團的計謀嗎?
Cobra: It can be said as a tool to let human to become obedient slaves.
Iruka: Is the Japanese game company Nintendo related to Cabal?
Cobra: Yes. All of the game companies are related to Cabal.
Cobra: 所有的遊戲公司都跟陰謀集團有關。
Iruka: Is it true that one of the well-known hamburger shops use human flesh as ingredient?
Iruka: 某家知名的漢堡是不是真的用人肉當作原料?
Cobra: Yes, in some rare instances.
Cobra: 是,不過很少見。
Iruka: What is the purpose of the sexual subliminal effects in the Disney animation movies?
Iruka: 為什麼迪士尼動畫電影裡有暗藏性方面的潛意識訊息?
Cobra: It is intended to control the sexual interest and emotional programming of human.
Cobra: 這些訊息是用來控制人類的性取向和情緒。
Iruka; Is there a secret facility under Disneyland?
Cobra: Not anymore.
Cobra: 已經沒有了。
Iruka: Are there intentional microchips contaminated into foods supplied by the major food industries?
Iruka: 食品大廠會刻意在食物中添加生物晶片嗎
Cobra: Many soup products in the U.S. used to have microchips 20 years ago. Some persons who feel fat without any cause can be the result of taking a lot of soup with microchips. Some of them now have as much as 5 Kg of biomass accumulated in their body. The way to remove them can be body detoxing.
Cobra: 許多20年前在美國生產的湯品添加了生物晶片。有些人莫名地發胖,可能是因為喝了太多添加生物晶片的湯品。有些人的體內可能累積了將近5公斤的生物晶片。進行身體排毒可以清除這些晶片。
Iruka: Former Prime Minister of Japan, Yukio Hatoyama now serves as the advisory panel of AIIB. Is he on the Light side?
Cobra: He is just an opportunist.
Cobra: 他只是個投機分子。
Iruka: Who in Japan are connected with Eastern Alliance?
Iruka: 東方聯盟在日本有連絡人嗎?
Cobra: Benjamin Fulford.
Cobra: 班傑明‧富爾福德。
Iruka: Who are the ascended masters from Japanese?
Iruka: 日本有揚升大師嗎?
Cobra: Ancient Godesses such as Amaterasu and Goddesses from Jomon culture.
Cobra: 遠古時代的女神。例如:繩文時代的天照大神。

Iruka: Is there any effect by looking into the Sun?
Iruka: 看太陽有什麼效果嗎?
Cobra: We may intake a prana energy. But you have to be very careful in directly looking into the Sun. Not too much. Sun rise and Sun set would be a good timing to look.
Cobra: 我們可以從陽光攝取普拉納-純淨的生命能量。不過看太陽的時候要非常小心,不要看太久。日出和日落是比較好的時間點。
Iruka: What is an effective way for remote healing?
Iruka: 請問有哪些有效的遠距療愈技術?
Cobra: Gaia Eternal Light is effect.
Cobra: Gaia Eternal Light(蓋亞永恆之光)蠻有效的。
Iruka: Finally, do you have any message to the Japanese?
Iruka: 最後,你有什麼話想對日本人說嗎?
Cobra: Many Japanese are detached from their origin. Please reconnect with the wonderful spirituality from the old times in Japan. Important message should be concealed in Jomon Era. Please rediscover such a great spirituality by scrutinizing the past history.
Iruka: Thank you very much.
Iruka: 非常謝謝你。
翻譯:Patrick Shih
Comment from Iruka:
I really appreciate Cobra for sharing his busy time with me for this interview.
Iruka: 非常感激Cobra 百忙中分享他寶貴的時間作此訪問
Victory of the Light!

The sky of Yamagata, Japan. Photoed by a lightworker during his grid work.
日本光工在建立光網格時拍攝: 山形縣的天空