The Chimera group has used the September 1st annular solar eclipse as a trigger to reopen a negative plasma portal through the Congo energy vortex. You can see that the path of totality for the eclipse goes through Congo: 奇美拉在9月1日的日蝕期間利用剛果能量漩渦重新開啟一個負面電漿門戶。大家可以在下圖中發現,日全蝕的路徑經過剛果共和國:
Exactly 67 minutes after the eclipse was over, the Chimera group has used a scalar beam weapon from one of their UAV craft to destroy Elon Musk's Falcon 9 in order to create a delay in the surface space programs that attempt to break the quarantine status for planet Earth: 日蝕結束後的67分鐘,奇美拉利用搭載純量射線武器的無人機摧毀了伊隆·馬斯克的獵鷹9號火箭。這場破壞行動的目的是要拖延試圖打破地球隔離狀態的地表太空計劃:
AN conversion is a major process that our whole reality is going through. It is the process through which the Source, the One original creator, is bringing the whole of creation back into unity. 我們的現實社會正在經歷一場重要的轉變 – AN轉換。這個轉換指的是源頭將眾生萬物回到合一的過程。
Here is the August monthly update Cobra interview by Prepare for Change. The transcript and the audio version are available here: 這是準備轉變團隊主持的柯博拉8月訪談節目。下方網頁有訪談的逐字稿和語音檔: