
【地球盟友】 【柯博拉 Cobra】 2015年3月31日訊息【聯盟艦隊】


【柯博拉 Cobra】 2015年3月31日訊息聯盟艦隊
The Alliance Fleet

Since the Archon invasion in 1996, there is an intense war going on in this Solar System.


Right after 1996, the joint Draco-Reptilian fleet together with many factions of the Illuminati secret space program had almost total control of this Solar System. Many humans were forced to work for them as slaves, mining the asteroids. Draco forces tended to occupy the colonies in the outer Solar System, whereas the Illuminati focused more on the asteroid belt, Mars and the Moon.


On the Moon, there was the traditional divide between the near side and the far side. The near side was occupied mostly by positive races, with the main exception of the Archimedes base, destroyed earlier in 1977, which belonged to the Solar Warden program. Dracos, Reptilians and Illuminati had their bases mostly on the far side. The reason for this is that they wanted to hide their activity from the prying eyes of the surface humanity, but at the same time they did not have advanced cloaking technology the Light forces have. For the same reason they have painted their secret spacecraft in black color to lower their albedo (reflectivity) in order to avoid detection by professional and amateur astronomers on the surface. Also, they had to adjust flight trajectories to minimize the risk of detection.

月球的勢力範圍是按照近面和遠面劃分。除了隸屬太陽看守者計劃的阿基米德基地在1977年被殲滅之外,大部分的月球近面是由正面種族掌控。 龍人丶爬虫人和光明會的基地大多數位於月球遠面,以防被地表的好奇民眾發現他們的活動。另一個原因是他們沒有和光明勢力一樣的先進匿蹤科技。他們的匿蹤方法是將秘密飛行器都涂裝成可以降低反光率的黑色。這些飛行器的飛行軌道也必須調整到最不容易被偵測的位置。

LOC (Lunar Operations Command), which was the main stronghold of the Solar Warden program and now belongs to the Light forces, is located on the far side of the Moon.



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2015年3月25日訊息 【3月訪談節目丶另一個訪談和德國光之突破會議成果報告】



March Monthly Update, Another Interview and the Breakthrough Conference Report

You might want to listen to the March monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter or read the transcript there:

大家或許有興趣收聽我和Rob Potter的三月訪談節目,或是閱讀訪談的逐字稿:




Or listen to the Youtube version here:


You can send your questions to rob@thepromiserevealed.com and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview. 


You can also read another excellent interview:





Or watch it on Youtube:


With the completion of the last Uranus-Pluto square the last Window of Opportunity has been closed. This simply means that all our portal activations have stabilized the etheric Light grid around the planet to the point that the Archons and the Chimera can never completely retake it again. We are now deep into the Breakthrough phase, energy steadily accumulating for the final Breakthrough which will culminate into the Event.


Our conference in Konstanz was accompanied by many signs in the skies. One week before the conference, the sky in Germany and Switzerland was lit by a bright meteor which later crashed somewhere in the Swiss Alps:



It is interesting to note that the path of the meteor went exactly above Konstanz:



Then, one day before the conference, we had a solar eclipse happening just a few hours before the equinox. This eclipse signifies the return of balance to the planet. I took this photo of the eclipse quite close to Konstanz:



The conference was a huge success, as we managed to create a breakthrough of balance with a strong, dedicated group. The energy of balance will be one of the most needed energies in the first hours and days after the Event.


The Breakthrough is near!


翻譯:Patrick Shih



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2015年3月德國會議【2015/3/21-22德國康斯坦茲光之突破會議】第六部



主講者: 柯博拉 & 愛希斯
March 21st-22nd, 2015, Konstanz, Germany
   By Cobra and Isis

會議主題原文網站:  http://portal2012.org/Germany.html

Manifestation tools

The 3 main steps in manifesting anything -ANY-THING!- are:

1. CONSCIOUS UNCONDITIONAL DECISION (most important, as this is condition for the rest to follow !)



Everything gets prepared in the non-visible areas to manifest in the material world. This means that everything which shall manifest in the physical world, takes the steps from the higher realms to the lower ones, with boundaries merging into one another. For better understanding of this process the different layers are listed here:


1. Mental (thought) 
2. Astral (soul) 
3. Etheric (emotion)
4. Plasma (merging of etheric and physical)
5. Physical (body)

1. Ideas - Vision - Thought - Knowledge - Deeper Understanding - Inhabiting spiritual realms - Realization - Insight - Decision - Will - Readiness for Action on all levels: mental, astral etc. - (goes in direction of multidimensional ability : Telepathy/Access to "Universal Knowledge" = divine masculine aspect of creation)


2. Intuition, soulful participation with full presence, connecting with higher spiritual realms and beings, invocation for assistance of light beings belonging to the higher dimensions of divine light, surrender to the divine, allowing the divine to manifest through you (goes in direction of multidimensional ability : Astral projection/Astral travel = divine feminine aspect of creation)


3. Feel, taste, hear, see, breathe in the new creation, all that will manifest, be in it as if it was real already, with all your being, with all your abilities to inhabit it with your complete emotional body (goes in direction of multidimensional ability : Teleportation)


4. The same like in 3., even more physical: Think at those times in your childhood, when you wanted to make the curtain move with your pure will (goes in direction of multidimensional ability: Telekinesis)


5. Physical action: For example: Do your meditation, do your Yoga, eat healthy food, contact a person, create a website, write an e-mail, talk to people, print some flyers, look at people’s eyes and smile, give a workshop, make an important visit to another starseed, do GRIDWORK, create an Event Support group, create a Sisterhood of the Rose group, send the link of your group here :


or post it on Facebook, invite your friends per e-mail, meditate, create in meditation, etc


This of course are only examples to inspire. You know what to do by yourself, by connecting with your divine self.



I please everybody, to participate in doing gridwork at the area you are living at or anywhere else on the planet and to join or create an Event Support/Sisterhood of the Rose group. My friend Untwine is very active in that, so please contact him for further advice and information about gridwork as gridwork is one of the most important things to do right now.


(Note from Untwine : you can look at my article where i explain basic steps for anybody to be able to start doing gridwork :


If, after trying these steps, you are stuck, you can contact me at : untwine1@yahoo.com

如果執行這些步驟後,有些卡住的現象,可以來信: untwine1@yahoo.com

原文: http://recreatingbalance1.blogspot.de/2015/04/notes-from-cobra-and-isis-conference-in.html

翻譯:Patrick Shih



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2015年3月德國會議 【2015/3/21-22德國康斯坦茲光之突破會議】第五部


主講者: 柯博拉 & 愛希斯

March 21st-22nd, 2015, Konstanz, Germany
   By Cobra and Isis

會議主題原文網站:  http://portal2012.org/Germany.html


This as well means, that those who have a special role at the Event, will receive the multidimensional message, what they will have to do, in the same way. Who will have a special role at the Event ? You will. You will absolutely know what to do. You will be guided divinely through this stone in a very intense and strong way. 


It also is a massive amplifier of your positive energy and it will fully awaken you to all aspects of your mission, every day more, from the moment on at which you have made that very conscious and unconditional 100 percent decision : the decision to surrender to your divine role, which you are embodying right now, right in this moment. 


It will help you to remove your blocks, traumas, unsolved patterns, implants etc., yet, again, only with your whole-hearted participation. It is not important, how "far" you might think you are developed or not, it only depends on YOUR OWN decision and will, this is the key element here.


Art By Nicholas Roerich

In this moment, we, the Network of Light around the planet, are in special focus. The light forces are working actively to stabilize this light grid for the Event. 


In 1996 a negative portal has been created by the Archons and at that time the Network of Light was nearly completely captured. This situation is solved and over forever. 


Since the invasion in 1996 the light forces are working to fully free the Network of Light. It is already now starting to work again. You can see a confirmation of this fact if you look at the dawning stabilization of systems in the political, economical and societal structures, so that very soon peacefulness and liberation and end of all wars worldwide will have been gained. The Network of Light will then have become perfectly functional which will have had the effect of stabilizing the rest of humanity in all aspects of life and on all levels. So we -and therefore as well the masses- are getting ready for the Event, right now.



地球光網格是地球上最最重要的事情! 如意寶珠則是地球光網格的重要輔助!

原文: http://recreatingbalance1.blogspot.de/2015/04/notes-from-cobra-and-isis-conference-in.html

翻譯:Patrick Shih



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2015年3月德國會議 【2015/3/21-22德國康斯坦茲光之突破會議】第四部


主講者: 柯博拉 & 愛希斯
March 21st-22nd, 2015, Konstanz, Germany
   By Cobra and Isis

會議主題原文網站:  http://portal2012.org/Germany.html

The Event is a dynamic situation, a co-creation of us all, a decision on a collective level.

~The Brotherhood of the Star/Order of the Star~

The members of the Sisterhood and Brotherhood of the Star are guardians of the light on, above and below the surface of the planet. Throughout the ages they were protecting the light and keeping it alive.

The Order of the Star are 144.000 star beings of light who let the light shine and transform darkness with it. Right now, since the IS:IS Portal Activation last December, light is flowing from the Galactic Central Sun, steered through the facets of the moldavite chalice of the Holy Grail which is serving as a lens, directed to the 144.000 to trigger their awakening. We here, in this room and those, who are reading, belong to them. 

We "know" it and we have been trained all of our lifetimes for this momentous time, the "Shift of the Ages". All our past incarnations are preparations for the impact we are able to have right now, in this moment. This is the reason why the light forces have decided to release the Cintamani stone to the most awakened light workers.

To do so in a broad spectrum was impossible before, up to now the information about this stone always was under strict secrecy. It still is an issue that requires all of our abilities in being truly responsible: This stone shall ONLY be given to those, who really have made a clear decision for the light, for active assistance in the liberation of planet Earth, for First Contact and ascension.

This stone shall ONLY be given to those, who are working very consciously and very active on their own patterns, shadows and issues to be capable to liberate this planet -with their full being. If you make this choice right now, this can be your moment. 

Do NOT give this stone to people who are half-hearted, not awakened and of whom only YOU might think, that they could need that stone while they are reacting out of their programming. Do not give it to people who refuse or avoid to participate actively and be self-responsible in dissolving their own-ed patterns (even if they "are" victims, this is no justification to handle this stone irresponsibly). 

If you would give it to those people, it would have the effect, that the dark energies they are unwillingly and unconsciously channeling, are getting even more amplified. This would have a very negative impact on you, your soul family and on the whole Network of Light and therefore for the whole planet. So please, be very careful with this stone, it is an aspect of the Holy Grail, always take care of it and have a special place for it. 

The best thing is to wear it day and night. This has a special reason: At the Event, the Event energies will flow through exactly this stone. This stone is THE transmitting element for the Event energies to reach exactly you. You are together with this stone the transmitters of the energies of the Event at the culmination point, the moment of the Event.

如意寶珠相關資訊 溫特山傳奇:

翻譯:Patrick Shih



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2015年3月德國會議 【2015/3/21-22德國康斯坦茲光之突破會議】-第三部份



主講者: 柯博拉 & 愛希斯

March 21st-22nd, 2015, Konstanz, Germany
   By Cobra and Isis

會議主題原文網站:  http://portal2012.org/Germany.html


筆記作者: Antares丶Taygeta

A ship landed and the Pleiadians of the Ashtar Command offered again their technological help to Eisenhower with the condition to remove all nuclear weapons worldwide. The military of the US freaked out and so the contract was not signed. The Ashtar Command released a warning that now other ET forces would enter the planet. Then the Draconians came and they offered technology as well. With them, a contract was signed : technologies for the military, the construction of underground bases and help with the SSP was given. In return they were allowed to abduct people to study their minds and to make tests with reading their minds and deleting memories. Some races did or do not have emotions and they wanted to do research on humans. This was the wrong way.


A short while ago, David Wilcock has reported about the sphere motherships. Cobra explains that the first wave of those ships came in March 2001 to our solar system. These ships are 3000-4000 km long. They started to stabilize the energies and prevent cataclysms and those operations have been very successful. When the cabal realized what was happening, they answered with 9/11.

不久之前,, David Wilcock發表了關於球型母艦的文章。Cobra說這些母艦的先遣船艦在2001年3月來到太陽系。這些母艦長達3000-4000公里。它們進駐到太陽系週邊,負責調整來自銀河中央太陽的宇宙能量;進而成功避免了許多天災地變。陰謀集團發現這些母艦之後,就在半年後發動911事件。

The second wave of motherships came last December, immediately after the IS:IS Portal Activation. There are also bigger ships involved now, which have a length of 10.000 km. Since these really big ships are too big to interact directly within the solar system, they operate energetically from the Oort Cloud and they are cloaked. They bundle the energy coming from the more and more active Central Sun, and they send it into our solar system. Cobra emphasizes that we would not be here anymore without these ships, and that the surface of the planet would be inhabitable without their operations.


The beings on these ships (which David Wilcock refers to as the Blue Avians) are members of the central civilization, which is the first and oldest intelligent life in our galaxy, therefore the most advanced. They are coming now for the final liberation of this planet. These beings are also known as the Wingmakers. They are winged angelic beings, physical angels. Iona is a Goddess from the core of our galaxy and she brought, in ancient times, the mysteries of the Goddess to Atlantis.

這些母艦上的存有(David Wilcock稱呼它們為藍鳥)是銀河中央文明的成員。這個文明是這個銀河系裏最先出現,歷史最悠久的智慧文明,因而也是最先進的。現在他們來到太陽系,進行地球最終解放任務。這些存有的外型是有羽翼的實體天使,因而這些存有又叫做『造翼者』。艾歐娜女神在遠古時代從銀心來到亞特蘭提斯,傳授女神的奧秘。

The time "capsules" of the wingmakers are coded and new ones will only be found when the time is right, when the lightworkers of this planet will have raised their vibrations and understanding enough to be able to integrate the knowledge and teachings.


Cobra shows a picture of the Oort Cloud with ice objects and comets in it, which function as transmitting points as well. In between there are cloaked sphere motherships. The Oort Cloud has a diameter of one lightyear.


Cobra shows another picture of our solar system with the Kuiper Belt. Smaller ships are placed there which transmit the energy from the ships in the Oort Cloud to our solar system.


Until today the beings of the spheric motherships have interacted only indirectly with earth population and they only have operated from behind the scenes, because they have the highest wisdom, so they always needed a communicator in between. The vibrational mismatch between the surface population and them was just too big. Throughout the times they were guiding the Ashtar Command and the Pleiadian fleet. Now they have chosen a more direct interaction with planet Earth.


A question : why can the Unholy Four only be removed after the removal of the Chimera ? Cobra answers : this is because of the clones.

問題:為甚麽四大惡人得等到奇美拉垮臺之後才會被剷除? Cobra回答:因為四大惡人有複製人當替身。

Another question : do the sphere ships beings really want the process of liberation to be slower ? Cobra’s answer is that David Wilcock is only giving the information of his contactee called "Luke". The sphere beings stand for equalization and balance in the highest sense.

另一個問題: 球型母艦的成員們真的想讓地球的解放進度延緩一點嗎? Cobra回答: David Wilcock只是轉述外星接觸者Luke的資料。球型母艦的成員們會以最高層次的覺知保持局勢的均等和平衡。

The Central Sun is a giant giant Goddess. She is getting more and more active. She wants the liberty of all beings in the galaxy and wants to clear the whole galaxy from all darkness. This is why she is now sending out the "Ocean of cosmic Love". Cobra soon will make a post about the Ocean of Love, emanating from the heart of the Milky Way. This is a big energy field throughout the galaxy, and this creates the great awakening.

銀河中央太陽是宇宙級的巨大女神。現在祂變得越來越活躍。祂想要銀河系裏所有眾生都能享有自由,同時清除銀河系裏所有的黑暗。因此她正在向整個銀河系發送”宇宙之愛的巨大海洋”。 Cobra很快就會張貼關於大愛海洋的文章,讓大家感受從銀心散發出來的宇宙之愛。 大愛海洋是一個遍集全銀河系的巨大能量場,足以促成一波覺醒大浪潮。

The Central Sun is the source of all energy, the source of all subatomic particles within our galaxy. Tachyons were created as the very first particles. Cobra has been contacted by the Pleiadians with the request to make tachyons available for humanity. Now there are several tachyon chambers around the planet and Cobra also offers tachyon products that help individuals, and will also help the collective when a strong network of tachyon chambers will have been established on earth.


A question : how about the Pleiadians and the Sirians and the ascension ? The answer is that they have physical bodies and a 5th or 6th dimensional consciousness. This means they are not all "ascended".

與會者提問:昴宿星人和天狼星人的揚升進度? Cobra回答:他們有肉身以及5-6維的意識水準。換句話說,他們還沒有完全揚升。

Cobra was asked about his first contact with the Pleiadians. His first contact took place in 1977 during which he was traveling through the solar system and he did not want to go back "home" to earth. The Pleiadians had to discuss for about 30 minutes with Cobra to convince him to go back inside of the Matrix to prevent a nuclear war to happen to humanity. He did not understand it completely at that time.

Cobra被問到他第一次與昴宿星人交流的經驗。他的第一次接觸發生在1977年。那時候Cobra在太陽系四處遊蕩,不想回地球的”家鄉” 昴宿星人花了將近30分鐘跟Cobra懇談,說服他回到控制矩陣內阻止人類世界發生核戰。當時Cobra並不完全瞭解昴宿星人的意思。

~ Continued soon!

翻譯:Patrick Shih




【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2015年3月德國會議 【2015/3/21-22德國康斯坦茲光之突破會議】-第二部份



主講者: 柯博拉 & 愛希斯

March 21st-22nd, 2015, Konstanz, Germany
By Cobra and Isis

會議主題原文網站: http://portal2012.org/Germany.html

筆記作者: Antares丶Taygeta

Even during the war, there was an intense phase of the SSP from which the Operation Paperclip emerged. Through the Operation Paperclip, scientists and technicians where "adopted" in the USA, brought by Wernher von Braun. Because of this, the SSP and the building of rockets was continued, now in the USA. Publicly it was mentioned as Apollo-Program, secretly it was the SSP.


In the background the USA and the Soviet Union worked together and in the 60s they already had bases on Mars and on the backside of the moon. The money for this program has been coming from two different sources : the first source is the Nazi gold and the stolen gold from Asia. The second source of that money has been coming from all of us, as there are many ways we have to give percentage of our income and general money to the state (at least 30-40 percent). Because of the global financial system, all humans are involved, not only those living in the USA. Spacecrafts are expensive, or they were very expensive especially in the beginning of the SSP (now it is forbidden to build them). Cobra mentions a number of 1 trillion Dollar, all in all. The ISS by itself costs 100 billion Dollar.


Already in the 60s there was a giant fleet of ships flying to Mars, our moon and to the moons of Saturn and Jupiter. The official name of this operation is Solar Warden (guardians of the sun) and the official reason for this operation is to protect our solar system. Some presidents of countries knew about this operation. There was a secret group inside of the UN that was monitoring it.


The true purpose of Solar Warden was to prepare the Draco invasion. Additionally the Dracos infiltrated the military, the military industrial complex, the US regime and all governments worldwide. Everything was subjected to that plan. This created something like the Trojan Horse for the Archon invasion in 1996, which was accomplished through the underground bases that had been prepared for that. Through the SSP throughout the years, a huge network of 2000 underground bases was created, worldwide, many of them in the USA.


Between 1960 and 2000 there was an intense space war going on. The light forces began to clear disturbances in outer space. In 2012 the majority of this solar system was cleared, only the Chimera group was remaining. This group represents only a few beings, yet the main problem was their connection with the Strangelet and Toplet bombs (on the physical and plasma plane).


Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld also travelled through the solar system. Multinational corporations had been participating in the construction of space crafts like for example Boeing and Airbus. The engineers working there thought they where designing airplanes, in truth their knowledge was used for insights to create space ships. Within this context Cobra shows a picture of a space shuttle that has the logo of the US Post Company on it.

迪克•錢尼和唐納德•倫斯斐都曾經在地球-太陽系之間來回穿梭。有些跨國企業,例如波音和空中巴士都參與過太空船的建造計畫。這些企業旗下的工程師們以為自己只是在設計各種飛機,但其實他們的知識卻被當作是建造太空船的技術跳板。Cobra在簡報裏放了一張印有美國郵務公司(US Post Company)商標的太空梭。

Now we are in the last phase to conquer the Chimera. Many times the question arises : why has the First Contact still not happened yet, and why is there no full open disclosure yet. The Chimera group has a system of detectors, monitored from Long Island, which detects any space vehicle that would land or make contact. Also in Long Island there is still the particle accelerator and the cloning facility. The cloning facility has made it impossible to arrest key members before the Event/Reset of the financial system.


Lightforces are coming from all over the universe now into our solar system. The Ashtar Command is an alliance of different star races/nations who have the soul purpose to liberate planet earth.


The Ashtar Command had direct contact with Eisenhower in the 1950s. The contact took place inside of the Edwards AF base. The publicly announced reason of Eisenhower’s absence was an appointment with the dentist. (Cobra mentions Putin’s recent appointment with the chiropractor in Vienna - Cobra smiles). 


翻譯:Patrick Shih




【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2015年3月德國會議【2015/3/21-22德國康斯坦茲光之突破會議】-第一部分



主講者: 柯博拉 & 愛希斯

March 21st-22nd, 2015, Konstanz, Germany
   By Cobra and Isis

會議主題原文網站:  http://portal2012.org/Germany.html


筆記作者: Antares丶Taygeta


At the beginning, Cobra speaks about the programming process, which we had to go through as well, although we came from different star systems. We were forced to make a soul contract with the Archons. Our purpose was always to support the transition of the planet and humanity into the Golden Age. The Archons tried from the beginning to prevent us from remembering our missions by implanting us. The first implants from the times of Atlantis -which we still have within our systems-  are the cause of the belief systems of today. Details about this first layer of implants can not be disclosed right now, as the time for this has not come yet. Cobra just emphasizes that this created a separate reality which is the basis of the structure of the Matrix. We are still subject to that artificial structure. We have been, and are still today, inside of the imprisonment of reincarnation and this is an important part of the programming.

會議剛開始的時候,Cobra 講述地球社會的控制編程。雖然我們來自不同的星系,但是每個人都經歷過這種控制編程。我們被迫和執政官簽署靈魂契約,而我們來到地球的目的一直都是協助地球轉變,幫助人類進入黃金時代。執政官會利用好幾重的植入物,試圖讓我們忘記我們的使命。源自亞特蘭提斯時代的初代植入物是各種教條系統的根源。由於時機尚未成熟,初代植入物的相關細節還不能公開。Cobra 只說到這種植入物會形成一種分離的實相,也就是控制矩陣的基礎結構。直到現在,我們還生活在這種人工結構裏面;過著受困在輪回牢籠的生活。這是控制編程的重要基礎。

The second layer of implants is received during every birth. This is one of the reasons that we forget our past lives. So all implants of every single birth are still present within us and every single life we do not remember is blocked by the layer of that specific incarnation.


The third layer of programming is made through our parents during our childhood, also still present in every childhood of every incarnation. These are emotional and mental patterns which are seeded in us and "provide" us with a basic form.


The fourth layer of programming is made by kindergardens and schools. It goes on later in the world of career and business we are consequently influenced in such a way that we are forced to stay inside the program of the Matrix. For example in universities, in physics, what is taught is more than 100 years old, it is ignoring the quantum physics, which by the way are also not completely up to date. Science is infiltrated with errors by intent, to prevent humanity from awakening: the second law of thermodynamics is designed in such a way to make it seem that free energy is something impossible. According to relativity theory, the speed of light is the highest speed possible. Superluminal velocity (faster than the speed of light) at which spacecrafts function, is therefore apparently not possible.


The fifth layer of programming is achieved through media, religions and organizations. This layer for example includes the program that everything related to UFO's is considered as crazy. All this is installed to keep the masses inside of the program and to suppress open discussions about those issues. Open first contact can only happen when this barrier has been removed.


At the end of last year, the Breakthrough phase has been initialized, which will culminate into the Event. This is a process in development. The positive races have decided to accelerate that process. However, WE belong to this operation, we are supporting them with our active and conscious participation, with our decisions, intentions, will and actions.


Cobra speaks about his flight outside of the Quarantine and shows a picture of himself inside of that flying object (you can also visit this fascinating article "Cobra beyond the Veil": http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2014/02/cobra-beyond-veil.html). He reports about the beauty and peacefulness there, and that he has understood much about the Chimera when he was there. He is certain that a bright and peaceful future is coming for humanity.



The IS:IS Portal Activation last year in December was the most difficult one - with very positive consequences. One of those is the return of the Goddess Dou Mu. She entered through a place within the Agartha Network, coming from a different star system. The Dragon families are protecting her and are caring for her wellbeing. They have a special Laser technology that sustains the functioning of her pineal gland.


At the IS:IS Portal Activation on 15th of December 2014, an astronomical triangle of light was built. In our area of the cosmos there are 20 local galaxies. The most important ones are the Milky Way Galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy and the Triangulum Galaxy. 


These three galaxies are building an energetic triangle. Many billions of years ago the decision was made that these three galaxies will be serving to dissolve all spiritual darkness. The Triangulum Galaxy is something like the "oversoul", the supervisor of polarities with the purpose to dissolve duality. Last December, Triangulum Galaxy sent a flash of light to the Milky Way Galaxy and Andromeda Galaxy, which connected the energies of these two Twinflame galaxies. This will make the last existing darkness vanish forever, as it has initialized a huge transformation-energy-technology of these two galaxies. These two galaxies are from opposite polarity and they will transform every darkness that gets in between them.





Within the rings of the asteroid Chariklo are small motherships. On those motherships there are many females from different star systems and from the Resistance Movement, who channel Goddess energy and send it to our planet. All this energy has been transmitted through women. This has started a massive transformation of the whole solar system.


About the MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System), Cobra explains that since the IS:IS Portal Activation last December, the light forces from various star systems have increasingly been entering our solar system. Every darkness will be removed from physical and non-physical planes, which include all remaining members of the Chimera.


During the last Archon invasion which started at the 11th of January 1996, a negative stargate was created by subterranean nuclear explosions and particle accelerators. This energy vortex brings every remaining anomaly from the whole cosmos to Earth. The lightworkers and lightwarriors below, above and on the surface of this planet are transmutation stations of all that energy, they transform darkness. This clearing process is taking place right now.



Through the IS:IS Portal Activation, lightwaves were brought to earth, which upon their way became visible as signs in the sky. Cobra asks if participants of the conference in Konstanz have seen them and many have raised their arms. Cobra was very happy about that.


Comet Lovejoy: The name is the family name of the discoverer and it fits so well. Taking earth as viewpoint, the comet passed near the Pleiades last January. The effect of this was an increase of purification and an energy boost. Energy from the Pleiades was directed at the tail of the comet.



Secret Space Program (SSP): There will be many reports about the Secret Space Program in the near future and more and more facts will be disclosed. The SSP started at the beginning of the last century during a meeting of the Thule Society in Untersberg in Germany. A young medium was present there, Maria Orsic. She had received very detailed information about how to build a flying disc. The physicist W.O. Schumann from the university of Munich was also present at that meeting and he was the one who built those objects according to the instructions Maria Orsic had received. The flying discs where created and functional in the 20s. The first meeting of the Thule society in the described context took place in a shooting lodge near Berchtesgarden, and then others took place at different locations.

秘密太空計畫(SSP): 許多關於秘密太空計畫的報告和真相都會在不久的未來公開。秘密太空計畫的開端是德國蘇勒學會在上個世紀於溫特山舉辦的一場聚會。當時一位年輕少女—瑪麗亞•歐錫克(Maria Orsic.)出席了聚會。她先前得到一份建造飛碟的詳細技術資料。德國物理學家—舒曼當時也在聚會現場。他和其他技術專家按照瑪麗亞得到的資料建造了好幾架飛碟。這些飛碟在1920年代完工並且成功試飛。蘇勒學會選在貝希特斯加登附近的狩獵小屋舉行的第一場聚會,接著又在不同的地點舉辦了後續的聚會。

A little later, the Pleiadians came and offered their technologies with one condition: to prevent the second world war from happening. This negotiation was made, and then broken by the Nazis, so the Pleiadians retired immediately from any interactions with the Nazis. Instead of the Pleiadians, the Dracos came to the Nazis shortly after and worked together with them.


翻譯:Patrick Shih





【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2015年3月19日訊息【奇美拉近況更新】



Chimera Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. What is remaining is the network of plasma implants, connected with each other through the Tunnels of set, and tied to the plasmatic strangelet and toplet bombs.


This implant network was slowly built throughout millions of years across this quadrant of the Galaxy by mad scientists of the Chimera group who were master strategy planners of the Orion / Draco / Reptilian military complex.


Everybody now incarnated on planet Earth still has those implants, as we have received them upon or before entry in the quarantine Earth area. They are plasma micro black holes, rotating in a strong plasmatic electromagnetic field. Their purpose is to distort spacetime to keep maintaining the primary anomaly and thus planet Earth quarantine status:



You need to understand that the physical plane matter is just a condensed plasma wave and plasma anomaly reflects directly on the physical plane.


As the Light forces progressed with the liberation of the Galaxy through the millennia, the dark forces retreated towards planet Earth, their last stronghold. By manipulating quantum anomaly and activating many negative stargates with nukes and particle accelerators after WW2 and especially after 1996 they have actually managed to turn our planet into a quantum stargate / well which attracts all remaining primary anomaly from the rest of the universe:



Coming reactivation of LHC at CERN does not pose any danger and does not increase the depth of the Earth's quantum well because the Light forces now handle the production of physical strangelets and toplets and can counteract any physical manipulation of those particles. 


Earth primary anomaly quantum fluctuations well, maintained by the plasma implant grid and supported by plasma strangelet and toplet bomb retaliation mechanisms is the background meta-strategy of the Chimera which maintains quarantine Earth status and prevents Disclosure and First Contact.


This quantum well creates a plasma accretion vortex around the Earth which extends hundreds of light years across the so-called local bubble:



Rarefied hot plasma from that area gets teleported towards the Earth superluminally through the tunnels of Set.


This plasma gets gathered by the Chimera in the implant guardian stations throughout the Solar System and then distributed through the tunnels of Set towards implants of the surface humanity. 


Implant guardian stations were built by the Chimera 26,000 years ago to guard quarantine Earth stronghold against the invasion of the Light forces from outside of this Solar System and to implant anybody trying to escape from Earth/Solar System. One aspect of MOSS is to clear these implant stations. This is progressing nicely and there are already many motherships of the Galactic Light forces entering into the Solar system recently. The main remaining implant guardian station is located in the cavern systems on Iapetus, one of Saturn's moons:



There is a lot of activity in the Solar System and some of it even gets noticed here on Earth. Like this strange impact on the Moon a few weeks ago:



Or this one on Mars a few years earlier:



Seven Sisters area on Mars is the entry point into the subsurface hangars for the Pleiadian Fleet from where the Mars aspect of MOSS is coordinated:



Any artificial activity in our Solar System can be easily detected and measured:



NASA and MSSS (Malin Space Science Systems) tried to erase the evidence of intelligent life in the Solar System but a few things slipped through their hands. You can see some genuine NASA images here.


Monolith on Mars:


Monolith on Phobos:


Mothership on the Moon:


Mothership behind Rhea:


There is significant progress with the MOSS operations and I will be able to release a lot of intel in the coming weeks. 


In the meantime, you are more than welcome to join us on the Breakthrough conference near Eastbourne in UK, close to Seven Sisters national park, which is a Pleiadian alignment portal. We will be having our conference on April 11th and 12th, when a lot of new intel will be released:



The Breakthrough is near!


翻譯:Patrick Shih




【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2015年3月17日訊息 【寬恕】







翻譯:Patrick Shih


【地球盟友】 柯博拉採訪 2015年3月16日 Rob Potter 訪談


柯博拉採訪 2015年3月16日
Cobra Interview 
with Rob Potter 16 Mar 2015

Rob – 好的,女士先生們。現在開始又一次訪問我們的光之大使,抵抗運動的發言人Cobra將告訴我們最新的信息,我們今天也會談到很多話題。我們現在直奔主題。首先,Cobra歡迎你到來。再次感謝你來到Victory of the Light節目。

COBRA – 謝謝邀請。

Rob – 不客氣。我上個月忘了問一件事。沒過多久有四個還是五個記者得到911事件裏直接的飛機衛星確認信息,証明事情不是我們被告知那樣。並且他們實際上想建立自己的網絡。那個最知名的記者,據主流媒體說最資深的其中一個記者是Brian Williams。他的另外三位還是四位伙伴被殺了-我想是72小時內死於奇怪的情形,包括有一位在訪問愛德華.斯諾登後死於心臟病發。你能否確認這跟陰謀集團有沒有關?


Rob – 嗯,這不是好事。我們這裏有一些最新消息,,關於普京失蹤。我之前收到一些信息,並且在訪問前對它們進行檢查。消息說普京已經現身,如果什麼都沒發生就真是太無聊了。我不認為有什麼大事發生了。他下令.....我想芬蘭正在邊境集結軍隊演習。我想說的是普京是北面動員軍隊,他說這是快速應變。你能否評論一下這個形勢。

COBRA - 他只是命令軍隊做好準備應付陰謀集團那邊策劃的任何可能的攻勢。因此他沒有任何侵略的傾向,只是想確保俄羅斯在這些瘋狂的行為中得到保護。

Rob – 很好。這真的很奇怪。本傑明.富爾福德說Alexander Romanov出現在他家中,被人打得一塊紫一塊青,說普京是911的幕後策劃。你能不能評論一下這件事?

COBRA - 很明顯普京不在911幕後。他說的是虛假陳述,那個人有時有一些好的信息來源,有時有一些不那麼好的信息來源,我說的是Romanov。

Rob – 好的。似乎幕後在金融界有很多事情在發生,但我想談談....這裏我想跳到另一個問題。一些人想知道:阿努那奇這個組織現在什麼情況?我個人認為他們是很久很久以前一個與地球有關的小團體。但James Gilliland提到他們已回到光明勢力裏,他們正在幫助地球。你能不能談談他們?

COBRA - 是的。很多以前屬於天龍/蜥蜴人帝國的組織現在與正面聯盟一起合作,因為他們終於意識到宇宙的轉變有益於所有種族。所以銀河系這個區域的很多不同派系和種族現在跟宇宙聯盟合作幫助行星解放。


【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2015年3月15日 by Untwine訪談


【柯博拉Cobra】2015年3月15日 by Untwine訪談


Untwine : Who was Valiant Thor, where did he come from and where is he now ?

Cobra : Valiant Thor was a representative of the Galactic Confederation, he came to this solar system through a portal on planet Venus, and then on planet Earth he was having some contact in the US government, and he is now back on the motherships, he’s located at the moment inside this solar system and he’s taking part in the operations of clearing of the solar system.

Untwine : 瓦李昂德‧托爾是誰?他來自哪里,現在又在哪兒呢?

Cobra : 瓦李昂德太陽系的,然後在地球上,他與美國政府進行了一些聯繫。現在,他已返回到了母艦,並仍呆在這個太陽系裏。此刻,他也正參與太陽系的清理行動。

U : Did he have to leave because the situation got too difficult here ?

C : He left because his mission at that time was complete

U : What kind of technology is inside the millenium dome in London ?

C : I would say there is no particular special technology in that millenium dome, it is simply positioned on a vortex point and energetically it’s like an acupuncture needle which helps to maintain the energy grid for the archons.

U : 他當時離開,是否是因為那裏的情況太艱難了?

C : 他之所以離開,是因為當時他的任務已經完成了。

U : 在倫敦的千禧穹頂裏,是否用了什麼技術?

C : 我會說,沒有什麼特別技術被用在千禧穹頂裏,那個建築物僅僅是座落在一個漩渦點上,在能量上它就像一個針灸,幫助維持執政官的能量網格。

U : Do faeries exist all over the universe or do they have a specific origin ?

C : Yes they exist all over the universe

U : How about unicorns ?

C : They do not exist everywhere but they are quite universal, like you have the humanoid archetype you also have the horse-like archetype throughout the universe and it’s quite common.

U : 精靈在宇宙各處都存在嗎?或者說,他們也有特定的起源?

C : 是的,他們在宇宙的各個地方都存在。

U : 那獨角獸呢?

C : 它們並不是隨處都有,但非常普遍,就好像有人形的存有,也會有馬形存有那樣,在整個宇宙裏這是非常普通的。

【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2015年3月14日訊息【訪談資料丶影片和柯博拉門戶會議】



More Interviews, Videos and Conferences by Cobra

There are many things happening behind the scenes and an important intel update will be released through my blog during next week.


In the meantime, you might want to listen to this Cobra interview by Prepare for Change team:



Or here on Youtube:


You can read the transcript of the interview here:




Or watch the Youtube video versions of some of my past articles:


Solar system situation update:


The Red and the Blue / Weekly Liberation Meditation update / Opening of the box update:



You can also find the most important articles from my blog here:



A planetary network of Tachyon healing chambers is being slowly built. You can now experience the healing power of this advanced Pleiadian technology worldwide:




We will be having a Breakthrough conference in Naples, Italy. Naples is a very important vortex point on the planetary energy grid that needs a lot of healing and has tremendous potential. You are welcome to join us on April 25th and 26th:



We are approaching the exact point of the last Uranus-Pluto square in a few days from now and this is a very good time to practice forgiveness. It will be one of the most needed qualities in the times to come. 


The Breakthrough is near!


翻譯:Patrick Shih

