
【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2015年3月15日 by Untwine訪談


【柯博拉Cobra】2015年3月15日 by Untwine訪談


Untwine : Who was Valiant Thor, where did he come from and where is he now ?

Cobra : Valiant Thor was a representative of the Galactic Confederation, he came to this solar system through a portal on planet Venus, and then on planet Earth he was having some contact in the US government, and he is now back on the motherships, he’s located at the moment inside this solar system and he’s taking part in the operations of clearing of the solar system.

Untwine : 瓦李昂德‧托爾是誰?他來自哪里,現在又在哪兒呢?

Cobra : 瓦李昂德太陽系的,然後在地球上,他與美國政府進行了一些聯繫。現在,他已返回到了母艦,並仍呆在這個太陽系裏。此刻,他也正參與太陽系的清理行動。

U : Did he have to leave because the situation got too difficult here ?

C : He left because his mission at that time was complete

U : What kind of technology is inside the millenium dome in London ?

C : I would say there is no particular special technology in that millenium dome, it is simply positioned on a vortex point and energetically it’s like an acupuncture needle which helps to maintain the energy grid for the archons.

U : 他當時離開,是否是因為那裏的情況太艱難了?

C : 他之所以離開,是因為當時他的任務已經完成了。

U : 在倫敦的千禧穹頂裏,是否用了什麼技術?

C : 我會說,沒有什麼特別技術被用在千禧穹頂裏,那個建築物僅僅是座落在一個漩渦點上,在能量上它就像一個針灸,幫助維持執政官的能量網格。

U : Do faeries exist all over the universe or do they have a specific origin ?

C : Yes they exist all over the universe

U : How about unicorns ?

C : They do not exist everywhere but they are quite universal, like you have the humanoid archetype you also have the horse-like archetype throughout the universe and it’s quite common.

U : 精靈在宇宙各處都存在嗎?或者說,他們也有特定的起源?

C : 是的,他們在宇宙的各個地方都存在。

U : 那獨角獸呢?

C : 它們並不是隨處都有,但非常普遍,就好像有人形的存有,也會有馬形存有那樣,在整個宇宙裏這是非常普通的。

U : Did the asteroid belt use to be a planet that blew up ?

C : It was a potential planet which never formed, it was not a planet exploded.

U : It can be difficult to imagine how life is on higher planes above the mental plane, can you give some information about it ?

C : Life on the planes beyond the mental plane is life in pure bliss and love, it is a life of absolutely positive existence

U :小行星帶過去是不是一顆行星,後來又爆炸了的結果?

C : 那是一顆潛在的,但還未成形的行星,並不是一顆曾經爆炸了的星球。

U : 很難想像,位於精神層面以上的更高層面裏,生活是怎樣的呢,你能否告訴我們一些相關資訊呢?

C : 在精神層面之上的生活,是一種處於純粹極樂與愛的生活,這是一種絕對正面存在的生活。

U : So all the beings on Earth right now, are they existing on the planes above the mental, even archons and other dark beings ?

C : There are some human beings that do exist on the higher mental plane but there would be no archons on the higher mental plane.

U : Ok. Not even the higher aspects of the soul of the archons live there ?

C : Well their soul aspect is present there but there is very small percentage of that being on the soul level.

U : 那麼當前地球上的所有存有,他們是否有存在於精神層面之上的呢?甚至是否有執政官或其他黑暗存有存在於那種層面之上呢?

C : 有一些人類存有確實存在于更高的精神層面,但在那裏不會有執政官。

U : 明白,甚至執政官靈魂的更高面向也不存在於那裏嗎?

C : 他們的靈魂面向存在於那裏,但只有非常小的比例存在於靈魂層面上。

U : Is there any photon outside the veil or is it just all tachyons ?

C : Photons also exist outside the veil.

U : You mentioned in a previous post (click here to read it) that every human being had an amoeba on the solar plexus on the etheric plane, can you give an update on that situation ?

C : That situation is a little bit better but not completely resolved.

U : 在帷幕之外是否有光子呢,或者全部都是超光速粒子?

C : 光子也存在於帷幕之外。

U : 你在之前的一篇文章裏有提到,每個人在乙太層的太陽神經叢裏都有一條阿米巴寄生體,對於這個狀況你是否有什麼最新資訊呢?

C : 這個情況有了一些好轉,但還沒有完全被解決。

U : Do chimera and archons work together or is there a hierarchy between them ?

C : They have to cooperate in a certain way, and there is a certain hierarchy, but the chimera tends to be more technologically oriented and the archons are more, I would say, oriented towards controlling of the higher planes.

U : Are the chimera present also on the non-physical planes ?

C : Yes there are some of them on the etheric plane.

U : 奇美拉組織和執政官是一起合作的嗎?還是有層級之分?

C : 他們不得不以某種方式進行合作,並也有一定的等級。奇美拉組織更傾向於科技方面,而執政官更傾向于更高層面的控制。

U : 在非物質層面是否也會有奇美拉組織的人呢?

C : 是的,他們有一些人是在乙太層面上。

U : Are archons humanoid or do they have another form ?

C : Those who are incarnated of course are in human bodies. Those who are non-physical some of them keep that humanoid form and some of them choose to keep different shapes, some of them tend to shape themselves in a more reptilian type body. But this is purely upon their choice, it is not something they are forced to do it is something they choose to do.

U : Is it possible that one twin soul is ascended while the other half is not ?

C : Yes it’s possible

U : 執政官是人形的嗎?還是說有另外一種形態呢?

C : 那些轉世的執政官是在人類的身體裏。而對於非物質層面的執政官,有一些會保持人形,而有一些則選擇不同的形態,並且他們中的一些更多傾向于成為蜥蜴人身體。但這純粹只是他們自己的選擇,並不會被強迫去做,是自己的選擇。

U : 有沒有這樣的可能,雙生靈魂中的一個揚升了,而另一個卻沒有呢?

C : 是的,有這種可能。

U :  Can you explain why we use the blue color in the weekly meditation, for the pillar of light ?

C : Because the blue color is the color which connects us to the galactic central sun.

U : Does the underground city that Marconi built in South America still exist ?

C : That city is part of the Agarthan network and is connected with the resistance movement.

U : 你能否解釋一下,在每週解放冥想裏,為什麼觀想那柱光柱為藍色呢?

C : 因為藍色可以將我們與銀河中央太陽進行連接。

U : 由馬可尼在南美所建造的地下城市仍然存在嗎?

C : 那個城市是阿加森網路的一部分,與抵抗運動有連接。

U : Is the archon black box that you mentioned in a previous post still active ?

C : The black box is not active anymore, but there is a certain aspect of the black stone which is still active. That black stone tends to keep the anomaly in place so that the light forces don’t progress so fast. The black box was simply transmitting information from the etheric plane to the physical and the other way around.

U : What is the being shown in the movie Sirius by Steven Greer ?

C : That being is actually part of one of the many species that have visited this planet.

U : 你之前提到的執政官的黑盒子仍然在運作嗎?

C : 那個黑盒子已經不再運作,但黑石的某些方面仍然在發揮著作用。那塊黑石趨向於維持異常以便讓光明勢力的進展沒有那麼快。那個黑盒子只是用於在乙太層與物質層之間傳播資訊。

U : 在由Steven Greer所拍攝的電影《天狼星》裏,出現的那個存有是什麼呢?

C : 那個存有實際上是拜訪這顆行星的眾多種族之一。

U : Ok. Was it negative of positive ?

C : No it wasn’t negative. There were many races which visited this planet out of curiosity, because they wanted to make some scientific discoveries, and they were pretty much neutral in their approach towards human beings. But those visitations were drastically reduced after 1996.

U : Oh so it was pretty recent, like during the quarantine ?

C : It is relatively recent yes.

U : 明白,它是正面存有還是負面存有呢?

C : 它不是負面的。訪問這顆行星的許多種族都是出於好奇,因為他們想做一些科學發現,他們以非常中立地方式接近人類。但在1996年之後,那些訪問者大為減少了。

U : 喔,那麼這是最近的事情嗎?在這個隔離時期。

C : 是的,相當靠近現在。

U : How many races are directly involved in the liberation of this planet ?

C : I would say there are hundreds of thousands of different races involved in one way or the other in the liberation of this planet but their operations are not so much focused on humanity alone, they are clearing the anomaly which surrounds this planet, and they are removing the cause of the primary anomaly, the cause of suffering and darkness, they are removing that.

U : 有多少種族直接參與了這顆行星的解放呢?

C : 我會說,有成千上萬的種族以這樣或那樣的方式參與了這顆行星的解放,但他們的行動並不只是那麼關注於人類,他們正著手清理圍繞行星周圍的宇宙異常,他們正移除主要異常的源頭,還有苦難與黑暗的源頭,他們正在做這些工作。

U : Are they all from this galaxy and andromeda or from other places as well ?

C : Some of them are from other places as well but beings from this galaxy and andromeda galaxy tend to understand more what is happening here.

U : Ok. So beings from outside these galaxies, for them it’s very foreign all this drama ?

C : Also for many beings inside this galaxy this drama is very foreign, actually it’s also very foreign to me because darkness is something that should not exist, it’s something that was never meant to exist, and is alien to most ancient beings in this universe.

U : 他們都是來自於這個銀河系及仙女座星系嗎?或者也來自於其他地方呢?

C : 他們的有一些是來自其他地方,但來自銀河系及仙女座星系的存有們更能理解這裏所發生的一切。

U : 明白,那麼對於來自這些星系之外的存有們而言,這種情況是否極少碰到?

C : 對於銀河系裏的存有們來說,地球這個劇情故事也是很少有的,實際上對我來說,也是這麼覺得的,因為黑暗是不應該存在的東西,是從來就不意味著要存在的事物,即使對這個宇宙中最為古老的存有們來說,也是非常陌生的。

U : Yes. The beings who are not directly involved, do they have knowledge of this, do they have some sort of interest ?

C : Every being in this universe needs to have a certain degree of understanding and everybody has received simulations of how this feels like, so they understand to a certain degree, but many of them are not directly involved in the clearing of this.

U : 是的,對於那些不直接參與的存有們來說,他們是否瞭解與此相關的知識呢?他們對地球會有某種興趣嗎?

C : 這個宇宙中的每一位元存有,都需要一定程度的理解,每個人都接受到了關於這種狀況的模擬感知,因此他們在一定程度上都有所理解,但他們中的許多人都沒有直接地參與到地球的清理行動之中。

U : Are all the beings who are helping in our liberation ascended ?

C : Liberation from darkness does not necessarily mean ascension, liberation of darkness simply means that you are no longer subjected to the primary anomaly, but you can still keep physical body, you can still keep awareness in this dimension, but you are not subjected to negativity or duality in the same way that people are on this planet.

U : 那些正幫助我們解放的所有存有都揚升了嗎?

C : 解放並不意味著揚升,從黑暗之中解放僅僅意味著,你不再遭受主異常,但你仍然可以保持物理身體,你仍然可以在這個維度空間中保持覺知,但你不會再像這顆行星上的人們那樣,遭受負面性或二元性的影響。

U : So some Sirians and Pleiadians who are helping us for example, are not ascended ?

C : Sirians and Pleiadians as a race are not ascended, they still have a physical body, they still need to sleep and eat to a certain degree but much less than people on this planet

U : Are there two Sirius stars, or more ?

C : There are actually three of them, and two of them have planets which are capable of supporting life.

U : 那麼,比如一些幫助我們的天狼星人和昴宿星人,他們也沒有揚升?

C : 天狼星人及昴宿星人,他們作為一個種族還沒有揚升,他們仍然有一個物理身體,在某種程度上,他們仍然需要睡覺,仍然需要吃飯,但比這個行星上的人類要少得多。

U : 在天狼星系有兩個恒星,對嗎?或者更多?

C : 實際上有三個,其中的兩個擁有行星,能夠支撐生命。

U : Ok. And how many planets are there in total ?

C : It depends how you define a planet, scientists on Earth have a problem even defining what is a planet in this solar system.

U : The race of lion headed beings, like Sekhmet, are they from Sirius ?

C : Yes

U : 明白,那麼天狼星系總共有多少顆行星呢?

C : 這要取決於你該如何定義一顆行星。在地球上的科學家甚至對定義太陽系裏的行星都存在問題。

U : 像擁有獅子頭的種族存有,比如賽克美特(一個埃及女神),他們也是來自天狼星嗎?

C : 是的。

U : Since the universe expands and contracts, does that mean that it has a specific size and is not infinite ?

C : Yes materialized universe does have a specific size, anything that is manifested is always subjected to limitations of space and time to a certain degree.

U : So what happens when you get to the border ?

C : You can not get to the border because space-time curvature provides that you are always somewhere within the universe, you are within the bubble, you can not go outside because if you go to the border you would expand the creation itself.

U : 既然宇宙會膨脹和收縮,那麼這是否意味著它有具體的大小,而不是無限的?

C : 是的,物質的宇宙是有一個具體的尺寸,任何被顯化的事物,在一定程度上總會遭受到時空的限制。

U : 那麼,當你到達宇宙的邊緣,會發生什麼事情呢?

C : 你無法到達宇宙的邊界,因為時空的彎曲會使得你始終在宇宙內部的某個地方,你就在這個“氣泡”裏面,不可能出去,因為如果你到達了邊界,就會使得造物本身膨脹。

U : Is there like a universal council, a structure that would gather representatives of the whole universe, like the galactic confederation but for the whole universe ?

C : Yes there is.

U : Ok. Who are the beings called tall whites ?

C : The tall whites is a generic term which mostly describes positive races like Pleiadians or Sirians. It’s the term that some sections of the military use in their encounters with positive races.

U : 是否有一個宇宙委員會這樣的組織架構,彙聚整個宇宙的各個代表,就像銀河聯邦那樣,但是是針對整個宇宙的。

C : 是的,確實有。

U : 瞭解,那些被稱為高大白人的存有是誰呢?

C : 高大白人是一個總稱的術語,基本上是描述正面種族,比如昴宿星人或者天狼星人。這個術語會在軍隊的某些部門,在遭遇正面種族的時候使用。

U : Can you explain more about how humanity invited the dark forces at the beginning of the quarantine ? 

C : Actually there was a certain period in Atlantis when human beings were curious and wanted to experience duality, so they signed contracts in which they volunteered to be implanted, and later also volunteered to invite the dark forces in exchange for more power and material wealth.

U : Can you explain more about what the AN stargate is ?

C : The AN stargate is a very high frequency, higher dimensional stargate within the Orion constellation, which leads from this local sector of the galaxy, into higher cosmic planes.

U : 你能否再多解釋一下,在地球隔離的開始階段,人類是如何邀請黑暗勢力到來的呢?

C : 實際上,在亞特蘭蒂斯時代有一個時期,當時人類出於好奇想體驗一下二元性,所以他們簽了協議,並自願被植入,後來也自願邀請黑暗勢力進來,以交換更多的權力和物質財富。

U : 你能否解釋一下什麼是安星門?

C : 安星門是一個頻率非常高,維度非常高的星門,是位於獵戶座中,其從銀河系當地區域引領至更高的宇宙層面。

U :  Are Shiva and Shakti aspects of Osiris and Isis ?

C : Shiva and Shakti are actually names which describe male and female aspects of creation.

U : Ok. Is Ganesha an aspect of Horus, or is it different ?

C : Actually you could say that Osiris is symbolic manifestation of male principle, and Isis symbolic manifestation of female principle, and Horus or Ganesha is symbolic representation of the child.

U : Ok. But ascended beings don’t procreate do they ?

C : They don’t need to procreate but they can still hold a certain archetype of what they manifest. So there is an ascended master whose purpose is to activate the divine child in every human being, and that is Horus, or Ganesha, or any other names in different mythologies.

U : 濕婆和夏克提是奧西裏斯和伊西斯的面向嗎?

C : 實際上,濕婆與夏克提是描述造物的男性及女性面向的名字。

U : 明白,伽內什(象頭神,印度神話中的智慧財富之神)是何露斯(古代埃及的太陽神)的面向?或者也是不同的?

C : 實際聖桑,你可以說,奧西裏斯是男性本源的象徵性顯化,而伊西斯是女性本源的象徵性顯化,何露斯或者伽內什則是孩子的象徵性代表。

U : 明白,但已揚升的存有是不會生育的,對嗎?

C : 他們不需要生育,但他們仍然可以保持一定的,可以顯化的原型。所以會有一個揚升大師,他的目的是要啟動每一個人類的內在神聖小孩,他就是何露斯,或者叫伽內什,或者是不同神話裏的其他名字。

U : Can you talk a bit more about this archetype, what’s its purpose ?

C : The purpose of this archetype is to awaken the inner child, the innocence in every human being, because human beings have been programmed to suppress the inner child, because the inner child is our key to access the emotions, and when this access is not blocked, it is not possible to control and manipulate human beings. So the archons have done a lot to suppress the inner child, to control human population more easily.

U : Ok. So it’s an archetype that’s beyond the re-incarnation cycle.

C : Yes of course.

U : 你能否多說一點這個原型呢?它的目的是什麼呢?

C : 這個原型的目的就是要喚醒內在的小孩,也就是每個人的內在純真,因為人類已被編程,以便壓抑其內在的童真。這是因為內在童真是一把鑰匙,可以進入到情感領域,當這個進入的通道沒有被阻塞的時候,就不可能控制及操縱人類了。因此,執政官已做了很多事情來壓制內在的童真,以達到更容易控制人類的目的。

U : 瞭解,所以這是一個超越輪回轉世整個迴圈的原型。

C : 是的。

U : Do beings on other planets have similar languages to ours, do some languages on Earth come from other planets ?

C : Actually languages on Earth developed from Pleiadian language, which when it came to Earth developed into Atlantean, and most of the languages on this planet originated from Atlantean.

U : So the Pleiadian language has common words with other star languages ?

C : Yes

U : Is the word OM universal ?

C : Yes

U : 在其他行星上,會不會有些存有有著與我們類似的語言呢?地球上的一些語言是不是來自其他行星呢?

C : 實際上,地球上的語言都發展自昴宿星語,當昴宿星語來到地球後,其發展為亞特蘭蒂斯語言,這顆行星上的大部分語言都起源于亞特蘭蒂斯語。

U : 所以,昴宿星語有和其他星際語言的共同辭彙?

C : 是的。

U : OM這個單詞是通用的嗎?

C : 是的。

U : Do elephants have a specific star origin ?

C : Elephants were actually part of genetic experimentation in the past, and were actually bred on this planet, but do have extra-terrestrial DNA in their make-up.

U : How many people have been doing the weekly meditation recently ?

C : Not that many just a few thousand people, so this is far from the critical mass.

U : 大象是否有一個特別的星際起源呢?

C : 實際上,大象過去是基因實驗的一部分,並且在這個行星上被飼養繁殖,大象在其構造中確實有一些外星的DNA。

U : 最近有多少人一直在做每週的解放冥想呢?

C : 不是太多,只有幾千人,所以離臨界人數差很遠。

U : Ok. What is the situation in ‘international peace garden’ ?

C : That location is on a very important vortex point and is mis-used by the cabal to continue controlling the energy grid, but can also be used by the light forces to liberate the energy grid.

U : How about the haarp base in Holt, Australia ? 

C : That base was used by the chimera group in the past, that aspect of the base has been cleared but it’s still one of the most important stronghold of the negative military on this planet. [Note : That base is officially listed by google maps as a 'haarp' base, and has a very interesting shape, click here to see it]

U : 瞭解,“國際和平花園”的情況如何呢?

C : 那個地方是在一個非常重要的能量漩渦點上,被陰謀集團濫用,以便繼續控制能量網格,但也可以被光明勢力所利用,來解放能量網格。

U : 位於澳大利亞霍爾特的HAARP基地現在如何呢?

C : 這個基地過去一直都被奇美拉組織所使用,那個基地的HAARP功能已經被清理了,但它仍然是這顆行星上的負面軍事力量的一個最重要的據點。[備註:這個基地在官方上被穀歌地圖以“HAARP”所標出,有一個非常有趣的形狀]

U : Can you explain what hyperborean refers to ?

C : It was a continent and a civilization on this planet in distant past.

U : Where was it located ?

C : It was far north. Actually you need to understand that the axis tilt of the Earth was different at that time. The axis has shifted many times and the planet has shifted many times in the last few millions of years. At that time the climate was different it was more warm and more pleasant to sustain intelligent life.

U : 你能否解釋一下,極北之民指的是誰?

C : 在遙遠的過去,它是這顆行星上的一塊大陸,以及一個文明。

U : 那它在哪里呢?

C : 在遙遠的北方。實際上你需要明白,地球的傾斜軸在那個時候是不同的。在過去的幾百萬年間,地軸的偏移已發生過很多次,行星的轉變也發生了很多次。在那個時候,氣候是不同的,氣候會更加溫暖,會更適合維持智慧生命的發展。

U : So the North pole has changed location ?

C : Yes of course.

U : How about the myth of Avalon, what were they referring to ?

C : To Atlantis

U : 所以北極已經改變了?

C : 是的,當然。

U : 關於阿瓦隆神話是什麼呢?他們指的是什麼呢?

C : 亞特蘭蒂斯。

U : There has been lots of mention of Agarthan presence in North and South America and Asia, but little in Europe, can you talk about their presence there ?

C : There was also quite much of mention of Agarthan presence in Europe but it’s not that well known. Especially in local folklore tales in central Europe, in Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, France, there are many legends about giants, about subterranean caverns and beings living there. There is evidence of Agarthan contact during world war 2 in Czech Republic. There are entrances on certain locations, I could mention Italy, the island of Malta, I could mention some other places, so there is quite much of Agarthan activity in Europe but it’s a little bit more hidden because the control of the cabal, especially the control of the archons, is quite strong.

U : 有很多方面提及到了阿加森文明在北美,南美及亞洲出現,但很少提到歐洲,你能否說一下,阿加森人在歐洲出現的情況?

C : 也有很多方面提到了阿加森人在歐洲出現,但不是那麼為人所知。特別是在中歐,奧地利,德國,捷克,以及法國,都有一些民間傳說,其中有很多都提到了關於巨人,地下洞穴以及住在那裏存有的傳奇故事。在二戰時期,捷克共和國就有一些關於阿加森文明接觸的證據。在某些地方都會有入口,我會說,這些入口在義大利,馬爾他島以及其他的幾個地方。因此,在歐洲有許多阿加森文明的活動,但是以更秘密地方式進行著,因為陰謀集團的控制,尤其是執政官的控制都非常強大。

U : Ok. So there’s officially 350km of underground tunnels under Paris, is that something that happens all over the planet or is it something specific ?

C : Many major cities have vast tunnel networks, Paris, London, Rome, Naples, New York, those cities are the ones with the most extensive tunnel systems of hundreds of kilometers.

U :明白,在巴黎的下方,官方報導說有一個350公里長的地下隧道,這種事情是整個星球都存在的嗎?還是一種特例嗎?

C : 許多主要城市都有非常龐大的隧道網路,包括巴黎,倫敦,羅馬,那不勒斯,紐約,這些城市都具有幾百公里長的大型隧道系統。

U : What’s the history of those tunnels, who dug them ?

C : There were many different groups who dug them, some of them, those deeper underground, are ancient tunnels from Atlantis, some of them were created in Roman times, and from Roman times on this network was extended, some of them were built during world war 2 as air raid shelters, some of them were built for military purposes after world war 2, some of them were built by mafia, some of them were built by the cabal, so there are many interests groups that have used those tunnels for different purposes.

U : 那些隧道的歷史是怎樣的呢?誰挖的呢?

C : 來自不同的團體所挖,那些更深層的古代地下隧道,則是來自於亞特蘭蒂斯文明,其中有些隧道是在羅馬時期被建造的,從羅馬時期這個隧道網路就開始延伸,有一些是在二戰期間被建造,以作為防空洞,而有一些是二戰後被建造,被用作軍事用途,還有一些是黑手黨所挖,另外有一些是陰謀集團所挖,所以有很多不同的利益集團參與,使用這些隧道,並用於不同的目的。

U : Do Agarthans live among us everywhere on the whole planet ?

C : I would not release any intel about the Agarthan presence on the surface, but they use some of those tunnels, but not all of them.
[Click here to learn more from an Agarthan contactee]

U : 阿加森人生活在我們中間嗎?

C : 我不會透露任何關於地表阿加森人的相關資訊,但他們會使用某些隧道,不是全部都會用到。

U : Can you talk about the origin of the Order of the Star organization created by Krishnamurti ?

C : Actually he just revived an ancient Atlantean occult order, and the purpose of the Order of the Star was always to bring healing to humanity and end duality to bring oneness back again. and Krishnamurti had a teacher on the physical plane that he was following for quite some time and this is where he got his instructions to form, or shall we say revive, the Order of the Star. But later he chose his own path that led him away from that Order of the Star project into more direct experience of the truth. So that was one phase of his work which was finished to a certain point, and from then on he went into different projects on his path.

U : 你能否談一下,關於克裏希那穆提所創立的星光秩序組織,其起源是怎樣的呢?

C : 實際上,他是重新復活了一個古代亞特蘭蒂斯的神秘組織,星光秩序組織的目的總是為人類帶來療愈,結束二元性,並重新將合一帶回來。克裏希那穆提在物質層面上有一個老師,他跟隨這位老師有相當長的一段時間,從這位老師那裏他獲得了指導,或者我會說接收到了指導,並組建了星光秩序組織。但後來,他選擇了自己的道路,這讓他遠離了星光秩序計畫,並轉到對真理更直接得多的體驗上。因此,這是他工作的一個階段,在某種程度上是完成了。從那時起,他開始走上自己的道路,並進行著其他計畫。

U : Why can’t we see certain colors is it natural or because of darkness ?

C : We can see the colors which the eye is able to receive. It depends on the structure of the eye, and on the wavelength of the light itself.

U : So it’s a natural part of our body construct ?

C : Yes

U : And as you evolve you can start to see all the colors ?

C : It is possible yes at a certain point.

U : 為什麼我們不能看見某些顏色呢?這是自然的還是因為黑暗的原因呢?

C : 我們只能看到眼睛所能接收的顏色。這取決於眼睛的結構及光本身的波長。

U : 因此這是我們身體結構中的一個自然部分嗎?

C : 是的。

U : 隨著我們進化,我們能否看見所有的顏色呢?

C : 是的,在某個時間點是有可能的。

U : Do you have any advice for entity removal and healing ?

C : Entity removal can be done easily in nature, if you spend extended periods of time in nature, and drink pure water and eat healthy food for a certain period of time, many entities will be removed from the body, but some of the entities need more drastic approach and a skilled practitioner to remove them. Also there are plasma removal devices that can assist in removal of entities. The violet ray machine is one of them and i have actually mentioned it and posted a link to it in one of my articles.

U : 對於(寄生於身體)實體的移除及療愈,你有什麼建議嗎?

C : 寄生體的移除可以在大自然裏輕易地做到。如果你在自然界裏花些額外的時間,喝一些純淨水,吃一些健康食物,堅持一段時間,許多實體都將會被清除,但有一些實體則需要更激烈的手法以及更熟練的專業人士來清除。另外,也有等離子移除裝置可以幫助清理那些實體。紫光機是其中的一個,實際上我有提到過,並在一篇文章中粘貼了一個鏈結。

U : Can you talk about the effect of dolphin and whales singing on the planet ?

C : The dolphins and whales are bringing energies of joy and they are stabilizing the planetary energy grid of the planet. And they actually receive light from Sirius directly.

U : Are they on a different evolutionary path than humans or can humans incarnate as dolphin and whales ?

C : In most cases they are on different evolutionary path, but in some rare cases, humans can incarnate in dolphin bodies and the other way around, but it’s extremely rare.

U : 你能否談一下,在這個行星上的海豚和鯨魚,其唱歌有什麼效果?

C : 海豚和鯨魚會帶來喜悅的能量,它們正在穩定這個行星上的能量網格。它們實際上可以直接從天狼星那裏接收到光。

U : 它們是否在一條與人類不同的進化道路上,或者說人類是否可以轉世為海豚和鯨呢?

C : 在大部分情況下,它們是處於不同的進化道路上,但在一些罕見的情況下人類可以轉世作為海豚,或者反過來,海豚也可以轉世做人類,但這是極其罕見的情況。




