主講者: 柯博拉 & 愛希斯
March 21st-22nd, 2015, Konstanz, Germany
By Cobra and Isis
會議主題原文網站: http://portal2012.org/Germany.html

The Event is a dynamic situation, a co-creation of us all, a decision on a collective level.
~The Brotherhood of the Star/Order of the Star~
The members of the Sisterhood and Brotherhood of the Star are guardians of the light on, above and below the surface of the planet. Throughout the ages they were protecting the light and keeping it alive.
The Order of the Star are 144.000 star beings of light who let the light shine and transform darkness with it. Right now, since the IS:IS Portal Activation last December, light is flowing from the Galactic Central Sun, steered through the facets of the moldavite chalice of the Holy Grail which is serving as a lens, directed to the 144.000 to trigger their awakening. We here, in this room and those, who are reading, belong to them.
We "know" it and we have been trained all of our lifetimes for this momentous time, the "Shift of the Ages". All our past incarnations are preparations for the impact we are able to have right now, in this moment. This is the reason why the light forces have decided to release the Cintamani stone to the most awakened light workers.
To do so in a broad spectrum was impossible before, up to now the information about this stone always was under strict secrecy. It still is an issue that requires all of our abilities in being truly responsible: This stone shall ONLY be given to those, who really have made a clear decision for the light, for active assistance in the liberation of planet Earth, for First Contact and ascension.
This stone shall ONLY be given to those, who are working very consciously and very active on their own patterns, shadows and issues to be capable to liberate this planet -with their full being. If you make this choice right now, this can be your moment.
Do NOT give this stone to people who are half-hearted, not awakened and of whom only YOU might think, that they could need that stone while they are reacting out of their programming. Do not give it to people who refuse or avoid to participate actively and be self-responsible in dissolving their own-ed patterns (even if they "are" victims, this is no justification to handle this stone irresponsibly).
If you would give it to those people, it would have the effect, that the dark energies they are unwillingly and unconsciously channeling, are getting even more amplified. This would have a very negative impact on you, your soul family and on the whole Network of Light and therefore for the whole planet. So please, be very careful with this stone, it is an aspect of the Holy Grail, always take care of it and have a special place for it.
The best thing is to wear it day and night. This has a special reason: At the Event, the Event energies will flow through exactly this stone. This stone is THE transmitting element for the Event energies to reach exactly you. You are together with this stone the transmitters of the energies of the Event at the culmination point, the moment of the Event.
如意寶珠相關資訊 溫特山傳奇:
翻譯:Patrick Shih