【柯博拉Cobra】2012年4月4日訊息 【2012年4月4日的神聖閃焰】
April 4, 2012 DIVINE FLASH 4:4
Today, April 4th, 2012, in the exact moment when Mercury turned direct, a divine flash emanated directly from the Source and descended into the physical matter of planet Earth. This has healed a significant part of quantum anomaly that had this planet in its grip since early Atlantean times. Quantum fluctuation field is now less chaotic and more harmonious.
Before this event, Calabi-Yau manifolds looked like this:

And now they look like this:

This opens up interesting possibilities. Through 11-dimensional stargates of Calabi-Yau manifolds, the Galactic Confederation has more direct access towards physical matter of planet Earth. So it will happen much more often, that the missiles won't launch and that the guns won't fire. There is a divine hand making sure that all wars will end soon and humanity is set free.
Also, the general mode of stargate / dimensional shift translation is changing from Antarion Conversion towards An Conversion. Antarion Conversion is defined as a nonlinear phasar thrust inversion / conversion dimensional translation system, whereas An Conversion is a linear phasar flow direct dimensional translation system. Put it simple, it means that our connection with the Source will be much easier and our Ascension door is open as never before.
翻譯:Patrick Shih