Victory of the Light
Victory of the Light will happen with mathematical certainty. There is a law in hyperdimensional physics that is called syntropic inequation. It states that total entropy of the universe decreases with time because the universe is not a closed system. Actually decrease of entropy defines the time vector as always pointing from past into future. All this means that at a certain point in time total entropy of the universe decreases to a point which ensures absolute victory of the Light over all darkness.
This goes well beyond dualistic view of the universe we are so accustomed to here on Earth. It means that darkness is not needed to define Light and consciousness does not evolve by interactions with darkness but rather from pure joy of Being. It means absolute Light without shadow and happiness without suffering. This is the future for all of us.
光 的勝利將會打破二元的宇宙觀點,進而改變人類在地球生活中老早就習以為常的二元思維。換句話說,我們將不需要黑暗來界定光;我們也無須和黑暗打交道來鍛煉 自己的心智,而是透過生活純粹的喜悅來提升自己。所有的陰影和苦難將不復存在,生活將是全然純粹的光和幸福。這是大家共同的未來。

What we are witnessing now is a certain process called phase transition. Phase transition means that matter transforms from one aggregate state into another. A good example of phase transition is ice which turns into liquid water as we heat it. What is happening now on this planet in 2012 is a phase transition on subquantum level. It means that quantum signature (quantum fluctuation) of all matter on this planet is in a process of dramatic shift during this year.
This transition happens as a direct divine intervention from the Source through all dimensions of 11-dimensional stargates of Calabi-Yau manifolds. This has drastic implications on consciousness of all living beings on this planet. It means complete societal change from duality (light-darkness) based society into oneness (absolute Light) based society.
The key point of the transition from duality into oneness is dissolution of the dark reality and this will happen at the Event.
To reach the critical mass of kinetic energy required for the Event (phase transition), we are adopting a certain strategy. This strategy for overthrowing the dark Cabal is constant non-violent critical mass resonance of truth, revealed in the face of opposition. If you are constantly and coherently revealing the truth in the face of mind matrix created via mass media, this will dissolve the last power base of the Cabal - the programmed group mind of humanity. If the truth is exposed, all lies are dissolved. Truth creates a web of light on the mental plane for divine intervention which then manifests on the physical.
為了達到啟動事件(轉變期)所 需的臨界能量,我們正在採用一種非暴力的策略。為了推翻陰謀集團,我們會不斷地釋出真相讓大眾產生共鳴,並且當著他們的面揭開他們的真面目。只要大家持續 不斷地透過大眾媒體揭發心靈控制矩陣的真相,就可以瓦解陰謀集團最後的權力堡壘─人類被負面編程的群體意識。只要真相得以昭告天下,所有的謊言都會破滅。 真相可以在心智層面創造一個神聖介入需要的光之網格,進而在現實生活中顯化介入的成果。
Cabal is well aware of this and is fighting its last war – the infowar. Disinfo agents are putting nonsense on internet such as “cloning of Fulford”. This disperses your focus and weakens your mind coherence. To increase coherence, you need to listen to your inner guidance (intuition and rational mind combined) about veracity of all information you find on the net. When enough people do this, a critical mass is achieved and coherent resonance is created. We are actually very close to this right now and this will soon result in leaks of truth into mass media and then also in final dissolution of mind programming matrix.
陰謀集團很清楚這一點,也正在背水一戰,打的是資訊戰。造謠人士會在網路上散播類似『富爾德有自己的複製人』這種毫無意義的謠言;目的是要分散大家的注意力 和混淆視聽。大家要學會傾聽自己內在的引導(結合直覺及理性思考),來分辨在網路資訊的真偽。只要願意用心判斷的人達到臨界品質,集體意識就會產生一致的 共鳴。其實我們現在已經快要抵達臨界點,之後真相就會在大眾媒體曝光,最終瓦解心靈控制矩陣。

During 2012 we are traveling through a multidimensional portal. This means that we live in two co-existing reality systems. The first one is a high vibrational reality supported by truth oriented information from some alternative media. The second one is a low vibrational reality, supported by lies and propaganda mainly from mainstream media and also fear-based alternative media. It is your decision where you will have your focus as your focus co-creates your experience of reality. Nevertheless, low vibrational reality will rapidly lose its power as we move through 2012.
在2012年 期間,我們將穿越一個多維度門戶。我們在這一年會同時生活在兩個實相裏面。其中一個是高振動頻率的實相,有願意報導真相的獨立媒體。另外一個是低振動頻率 的實相,充斥著主流媒體的謊言和散播恐懼的獨立媒體所做的聳動宣傳。大家可以選擇關注哪一個實相,而這個選擇又會影響自己的生活經驗。不論如何,隨著時間 推移,低振動頻率的實相會很快就會失去吸引力了。
The good news is that divine intervention is already happening. Last week alone, the following happened as a direct result of intervention from positive Earth based and also positive extraterrestrial forces: Sumatra earthquake with tsunami warning cancelled and almost no damage reported, North Korean missile rocket failure, cease-fire in Syria and IMF calling for mortgage debt relief.
You can assist this divine intervention. If you feel desperate or impatient, if you feel nothing ever changes, what can you do? You can share credible information (from Cobra’s blog or other sources) in your blog, website or via facebook or youtube. You can share this from heart to heart with people that are open to it, but do not try to force it upon those who are not ready. If you are a journalist or a good friend of yours is, you can perhaps channel some of this info through a media outlet. Rest assured that if you dedicate yourself to this, many amazing synchronicities will happen and many doors will open to you.
大家可以協助神聖干預。大家要是覺得世界一如往常,而且感到灰心和不耐煩的話,可以做些什麼呢? 大家可以分享柯博拉訊息和其他可信度高的訊息,將這些訊息放在自己的部落格、個人網站,也可以使用臉書或Youtube。誠心地將這些訊息分享給願意接受的人,但是不要強迫還沒有準備好的人。如果你或是你的朋友是新聞工作者,可以考慮利用媒體讓某些訊息曝光。只要你肯為真相付出努力,許多不可思議的巧合就會發生在你身上,許多機會之門將會為你敞開。
Victory of the Light is near, we will all win together!
光的勝利近了! 我們將會一起贏得勝利!
翻譯: Patrick Shih