【柯博拉Cobra】 2012年4月26日訊息【世界解放日 - 更新】
World Liberation Day - Update
This has indeed gone viral and reached about 100,000 people in one day. But to read about it is one thing and actually do the visualization on 5-5-2012 completely another. I would encourage as many people as possible to actually participate, although it may be in the early morning hours in your part of the world.
The critical mass for this visualization to have desired effect is about 118,000 people worldwide actually doing it with focus. If we consider that human concentration and meditation skills are not perfect, we need 144,000 people as the critical mass.

We can do it! It still needs to go viral! We need to reach millions of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube. If you have contact within Occupy movement or Anonymous, they might be interested in spreading this also.
我們能做到!這個消息仍舊需要瘋狂傳播!我們需要影響到數百萬人,以便實際做它的人達到臨界質量。請把這個消息張貼在你們的網站和博客上(注:還有微博)。如果你們知道可供選擇的媒體,你們可以將這個消息發送給他們。你們可以創建一個Facebook群組,讓你們本地組的人在你們的地區做這個冥想。你們可以制作一個關於這個的視頻發布到Youtube(注:中國大陸的朋友可使用優酷土豆)。如果你們與佔領運動(Occupy movement)或匿名者(Anonymous,黑客組織)有聯系,他們可能同樣會對散播這個消息感興趣。
As per many requests, time for this meditation for some places:
5:30 pm HAST May 5th (Hawaii)
7:30 pm AKDT May 5th (Alaska)
5:30 am SAST May 6th (South Africa)
6:30 am EEST May 6th (Bulgaria)
7:30 am MSK May 6th (Moscow)
9:00 am IST May 6th (India)
If your place is not listed, you can find world time zones map here: