
【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2012年4月14日訊息【事件加速】



April 13,2012 Acceleration of events

Friday April 13th was a day full of action. Resistance Movement has finally removed the main obstacle (from their perspective) that blocked the triggering of the Event. Certain key Resistance agents were placed into position. There are some minor preparations still to be made, but then everything is ready, as far as Resistance is concerned.

4月13日星期五是一個充滿行動的日子。抵抗運動(Resistance Movement)終於移除了卡在【事件】發射扳機上的主要障礙(從他們的角度看)。特定關鍵的抵抗代理人(注:間諜、特工等)已經到位。仍有一些微小的細節有待完成,但隨後一切都將就緒,至於阻力已被考慮到了。

These major developments on Friday have also initiated a process of lifting the quarantine of planet Earth and started preparations for the First Contact.


There are also some developments on the surface of the planet which must be completed before the Event can take place. First, there is a lot of pressure on banking sector of the Cabal and they are basically being cornered. Second, a legal process is put into place that will ensure a formation of a new civil authority that will finally authorize the military to back up the Event. Much is happening but mass media do not report it. The pressure upon mass media is mounting and you can expect some leaks into MSM soon.


In the next few weeks, events will accelerate.

在未來的幾個星期(few weeks),事件將加速。


cvn717 翻譯

